Women in the Word

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Bible Study » Ecclesiastes » 6/14/2016 11:16 am

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Reading2 Samuel 11:1-5, 14-17; 12:15-18,24
Verse of the Day: Romans 10:13
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Do you have peace today?  Why or why not?
What is your parent’s story and how does it intertwine with your story? Did they have peace?
Jesus is the only true source of life, and He gives it to the FULL!   Have you chosen to follow Jesus?  What is the promise of Romans 10:13?  

I just copied and pasted from above, I hope that is ok.   I will start with the last q.

 The promise of Romans 10:13 is that anyone who calls on the name of The Lord will be saved. Thank you, Jesus!!

I do have peace today.  That's not to say that everything in my life or in the lives of those that I love are perfect..is there such a thing?  But, I have a peace in knowing that God is working behind the scenes. I have peace that God knows things that we don't know and that He always works things out for our good and I have peace in knowing that He will never ever leave me nor forsake me and that He walks with me each moment of the day.  I have peace in knowing that even though I didn't live the best life that I could or should have in the past and did things that I have a hard time forgiving myself for, that because I simply cried out to God one day as I was listening to a Southern Gospel song that worshiped to my soul, and I begged forgiveness of my vilest sins, and nearly an hour later and a tear soaked face and shirt later, I had the overwhelming peace that I had never known that I was forgiven and that God does lo

Bible Study » Ecclesiastes » 6/13/2016 12:22 pm

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I completely understand what you are saying.  My life is full and I am busy most all the time.  Infact, even on 'most' Sundays, I am busy doing something whether it be laundry, cleaning, or grocery shopping (a chore in itself...for me, anyway). Instead of making it a day of worship and rest, I turn it into a day of Worship and work.  By Monday morning, I am just plain tired and in need of "just one more day off". I'm sure if I had that 'just one more day off', I would find SOMETHING that needed to be done.  My point of all this is, I tend to get so busy with life and home and work and kids and everything that goes along with all of that, that I get so physically and mentally tired that I can't get up early like I would like to do to spend time with God. In the end, when the alarm goes off at 4am, I can't seem to drag myself out of bed and say to myself that I will have my time with God later in the day...only guess what? A million tasks later, that time never comes.  I have managed, somehow, to keep up with the GMG studies and catch up here and there when needed, but with this new study, I am resolving to 1. Do what I can during the week and on Saturdays to ensure that I don't have to do so much on Sundays, so that can be a day of Worship and rest and restoring of my mind, body, and spirit. 2. Do what I need to do to ensure that I get to bed at a decent and on time hour, so that I can get up at the time I need to get up and have my morning coffee with Jesus.  I know it won't be easy, but I am also going to have to learn to accept that what doesn't get done, just doesn't get done...until the next day.  
Blessings to you.

Bible Study » Acts » 10/01/2015 11:35 am

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esuzannah wrote:

Acts 18 and again 19 this morning are a struggle for me....I am just not connecting with anything. I so very much love reading your thoughts TBG, because it helps me to see things I missed.

TBG wrote:

Acts 18 

[b]Discussion Question:

I had a friend years ago who had a prayer notebook. I thought that was a good idea and have been doing that as well. I have a small notebook that I take with me to church and to my small group as we talk at church and prayer request come up I write them in the notebook. If I am out and don't have my book with me, I write the prayer request on a sheet of paper and come home and add it to my prayer notebook. If someone emails me something - same thing transfer it to my book.

Then several times a week (I try for everyday but don't make that) I sit in a quiet place with the notebook open and really pray over all of those things for maybe an hour or so. Just really take time to pray. To thank and honor God, to seek His direction, to ask Him to correct my heart and attitudes. etc.

Then I let them know I have been praying about their issue and ask how it has been going. It just makes them know that someone is thinking about them and someone is standing with them. I will also send them an occasional email just saying that I have been thinking about them and praying for them.

Lastly, a recent friend of mine sent me a nice card after I did something nice for her. I was so thrilled I realized that is such a lost art. So, I purchased a bunch of blank and all purpose cards and note cards and have been sending cards to thank people or let them know when they have done something nice or special.

Obviously, I can't do all of these things all of the time, but they are some of the things I try to find time for to encourage others.


Great ideas! I have a notecard holder on our dining table that has the names of people to regularly pray for.

Bible Study » Acts » 10/01/2015 11:32 am

Replies: 92

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esuzannah wrote:

SandraW wrote:

TBG wrote:


I know that is what I worry about because I get annoyed when I feel people keep pushing their opinions.

I heard a quote once that a fanatic is someone who can't change their mind and won't change the subject. That is what I think about with some people on Facebook and I guess I don't want to be like that. However, the times are short and the harvest is ripe.

So I think I am going to take SandraW up on her challenge.

OK, I am going to take you up on this. Maybe not everyday. But at minimum once a week I am going to post something that is not controversial but that shares a Biblical truth about God or salvation. I will try to make the tone encouraging and not accusatory.

I will keep you ladies posted.

So excited that you ladies are doing this!! Do let me know how it goes. 

I am in on this challenge!...at least once a week. Let's share what we post and how it goes. I will be praying!

I think the GMG verse of the day from yesterday (I'm a day behind, trying to catch up) fits this thread soooo well.  Funny how God works like that, right?  
Acts 18:9  Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent. 

It just jumped out at me after we were talking about posting things on social media and the possibility of it coming across to some as lecturing or preaching or not wanting to offend anyone. Let us not be afraid to talk about God and His love and saving grace on social media for fear of offending someone.  Let me tell you, the majority of folks who post nonsense and use profanity and post dirty jokes and pictures, they sure aren't worried about offending you. satan loves it when we are silent about our faith on social media, he delights in the junk that others post because it can cause strife and trouble and sinful thoughts.  I don't think that posting inspirational quotes or even the GMG verses of the day would be in any way lecturing to folks a

Bible Study » Acts » 9/30/2015 8:52 am

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TBG wrote:


I know that is what I worry about because I get annoyed when I feel people keep pushing their opinions.

I heard a quote once that a fanatic is someone who can't change their mind and won't change the subject. That is what I think about with some people on Facebook and I guess I don't want to be like that. However, the times are short and the harvest is ripe.

So I think I am going to take SandraW up on her challenge.

SandraW wrote:

However, several months before I did decide to leave FB, I just made the decision that I was going to post spiritual, religious, and inspirational posts every day whether folks liked it or not. 

OK, I am going to take you up on this. Maybe not everyday. But at minimum once a week I am going to post something that is not controversial but that shares a Biblical truth about God or salvation. I will try to make the tone encouraging and not accusatory.

I will keep you ladies posted.

So excited that you ladies are doing this!! Do let me know how it goes. 

Bible Study » Acts » 9/29/2015 11:42 am

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I can totally understand where you are coming from.  I'm not on Facebook anymore and part of the reason was because it just seemed to be a place of such negativity and nastiness...and largely from a family member, who later found out that I had "unfollowed" him because of it (didn't even unfriend him, just unfollowed him. It just got really really old.  However, several months before I did decide to leave FB, I just made the decision that I was going to post spiritual, religious, and inspirational posts every day whether folks liked it or not.  If I have to look at their junk, then I should not feel bad about posting good things. Plus, if just ONE person reads what I have posted and is somehow saved and comes to Jesus, then I am happy.  Like I said, I'm not on FB anymore, but I am on Instagram and Twitter and for the most part, that is all that I do post on both sites is mainly about GMG, the GMG verses of the day, ect.  I never really had anyone on FB say anything negative about my posts, I just assumed if they didn't like it, they could scroll past it.  Likewise, I don't have any negative comments on Instagram or Twitter and if I did, it would only make me want to post that much more lol.  I don't like contraversy and I won't generally participate in such, but I will post about my Jesus and about His love for us and His saving grace, whether folks like it or don't. I think we definitley should use social media as a positive way to spread the Gospel. To some, that may be the ONLY way they will ever hear about Jesus.  Of course, social media isn't the only way to tell others of Jesus, but in today's times, it is a huge way. 

Bible Study » Acts » 9/29/2015 9:44 am

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I haven't had much of a chance to post here since starting with the group.   I am trying to change that.  I have also gotten behind on my study of ACTS each week, but I have been catching up on the weekends.  I am hoping, trying, praying to NOT get behind this week and to start participating more with the group. 

So, today we are in Acts 17.  Sometimes, I use the GMG verse of the day as my personal SOAK verse. Other times, there are verses that stand out or speak to me.  Today, I am using  the votd as my personal SOAK verse.

   S -  In Him, we live and move and have our being. Acts 17:28
   O - If it were not for God, we would not be here. Plain and simple.  He chose to bring us here and place us on this earth and it will be He that chooses how/when/where we leave this earth and where we spend enternity. We live, breathe, move, and talk not by our means, but only by the will of God.
   A - Wake up each day, thanking God for choosing to give me life and for choosing to give me another day and thank Him for His forgiveness and salvation.
  K - Dear Heavenly Father, I fail you on a daily basis in so many areas. One of them being failing to thank you for my life. Thank you for choosing to give me life. Thank you for being right there beside me even at times carrying me especially through the hard times, even when I didn't know you or know that you were right there.  Thank you for your forgiveness of my many sins, Thank you for saving me. Thank you for not giving up on me, even when I have given up on myself at times. Thank you Lord for being my Lord and Saviour. I love you. I am yours and you are mine. In Jesus name, Amen.  

As for the disussion question for today.  I can be more like Paul, sharing the Gospel with others in one way through social media.  I don't think we even realize how far and wide our words can travel through social media. Some don't like social media and it can be a bad thing if used for the wrong reasons, but if we use our w

Bible Study » Acts » 9/08/2015 10:32 am

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=13pxToday, my SOAK verse just happened to be the same as the votd.  I usually read the chapter first and see what scripture The Lord will have me meditate on. Sometimes it is the same as what is posted or what others are posting and sometimes it is an entirely different scripture verse. Yesterday, it was different than what most were posting.  Today, it was the same as the verse of the day, but not necessarily what others are posting. At first, yesterday, I felt like the odd ball. Like why are so many posting about one scripture and I felt led to this one?  But then, I remembered seeing on GMG that everyone's SOAKS and Bible Colorings will look different and that's perfectly ok. 
So my SOAK for today is:

S-  And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21

O- ANYONE, who invites The Lord into their lives and into their hearts, and asks Him to forgive their sins and repents of those sins and believes in Him and has faith that He does and will forgive thier sins, will be saved and will have eternal life with Him. 

A- How can I apply this scripture to my life?  First, I can remember that when I fail God, all I need to do is go to him in prayer and ask His forgiveness and know that He will forgive me. I can also help to spread the good news of this scripture to those around me.  

K-  Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for revealing this scripture to me. I pray that you would help me to be a blessing to others today and help me to spread the joy of your love and forgiveness through this scripture. In Jesus precious and holy name, Amen.

Optional GMG Discussion Question=13px:
=13pxOutsiders looking in thought Jesus’ followers were drunk because they were so filled with the Holy Spirit. When others look at you, can they tell you are filled with the Holy Spirit as well?

I would love to say YES, YES, ALWAYS.  But the truth of the matter is, I am but a human being and sadly, no, not always can people t

Introductions » Introduction » 8/31/2015 9:30 am

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I am Sandra.  I am (almost) 46, I am married and have 4 children, two daughters who are 24 and 22 and a daughter who is 18. She is in her first year of college and then I have a son, who is 11.  I work part time as an office administrator and I homeschool my son.  

I have been involved in the Good Morning Girls Bible Study since last September, but when I joined in, I had just missed the enrollment for groups, so I am just now able to join in on a group. I was really happy to find a non FB group to join in with.  My husband and I have made the decision to leave Facebook, provided that I could find a group online and didn't have to join one on FB. I will be returning to my first love of blogging, soon.

 I am so excited to begin the new study on Acts next Monday.  

Looking forward to getting to know everyone. 

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