Week of November 16, 2015
This Week’s Reading Assignment
The discussion thread is under Bible Study » Numbers.
S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Don't forget to check the introduction on Mondays, links on Wednesday and the devotional on Friday at Good Morning Girls.
Reading: Numbers 16
Verse of the Day: Numbers 16:41,44-45
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Humility is an important part of a Christian's life. We must remember that it is God who works through us. We are nothing without Him. What has God done in or through you that was clearly the work of His holy hands?
Reading: Numbers 17
Verse of the Day: Numbers 17:5
Optional GMG Discussion Question:God showed that he did not tolerate the grumbling of the people through the sign of the budding staff. In what area of your life do you struggle with grumbling?
Reading: Numbers 18
Verse of the Day: Numbers 18:20
Optional GMG Discussion Question:God provides for every need to those who serve Him. If He is calling you to do something, it is important that you not let doubt of His provision keep you from obeying Him. When you've obeyed God, how have you seen Him provide for you?
Reading: Numbers 19
Verse of the Day: Numbers 19:20
Optional GMG Discussion Question:The people were told to cleanse themselves from anything unclean.Jesus cleanses us from all of our impurities and sins. How does remembering that we’ve been cleansed by the blood of the lamb change how you will live today?
Reading: Numbers 20
Verse of the Day: Numbers 20:13
Optional GMG Discussion Question:Instead of focusing on all the great things God had done for them, the people continued to complain. What are some things you can praise God for today?