Week of November 23, 2015
This Week’s Reading Assignment
The discussion thread is under Bible Study » Numbers.
S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Don't forget to check the introduction on Mondays, links on Wednesday and the devotional on Friday at Good Morning Girls.
Reading: Numbers 21
Verse of the Day: Numbers 21:7
Optional GMG Discussion Question:As punishment for their discontentment, God sent serpents. Those who were bitten could be saved by fixing their eyes on a bronze serpent.How does this remind you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?
Reading: Numbers 22
Verse of the Day: Numbers 22:34
Optional GMG Discussion Question:Balaam became displeased with his donkey because it would not move, only to find out that it wasn't moving because of God's angel. Name a time that you became angry because things were not working out the way you wanted them to, only to discover that it was God's plan for things to not work out.
Reading: Numbers 23
Verse of the Day: Numbers 23:19
Optional GMG Discussion Question:Balak sought to have God curse His people which caused him to be cursed instead.How can this bring you comfort today?
Reading: Numbers 24
Verse of the Day: Numbers 24:16
Optional GMG Discussion Question:Balaam was able to foresee the future of God's people even though he was wicked. Many see the works of God but only a few truly believe. Is there someone in your life who this holds true for? Let's pray for them today.
Reading: Numbers 25
Verse of the Day: Numbers 25:2-3
Optional GMG Discussion Question:Today we see the importance of those we surround ourselves with.How do you ensure you have great quality friendships in your life? What qualities do you look for in that person?