Week of January 4, 2016
This Week’s Reading Assignment
Welcome back Ladies!! So excited for this new year and to get back into the Word.
S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Don't forget to check the introduction on Mondays and the devotional on Friday at Good Morning Girls.
Reading: Job 1
Verse of the Day: Job 1:21
Optional GMG Discussion Question: It is easy to praise and follow God in the good times. How can you remember to remain faithful in the bad times as well?
Reading: Job 2
Verse of the Day: Job 2:10
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Have you ever had a time in your life when someone has encourage you to walk away from God? How did you respond?
Reading: Job 3
Verse of the Day: Job 3:26
Optional GMG Discussion Question: We have all had a time when we've questioned why it is we must deal with certain things. How has God shown you comfort in those times?
Reading: Job 4
Verse of the Day: Job 4:4
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Sometimes when we are faced with trials, it is hard to remember that God will not desert us. How do you remain focused on God during difficult seasons of life?
Reading: Job 5
Verse of the Day: Job 5:17
Optional GMG Discussion Question: We are reminded today that when God disciplines us, we are in fact blessed. How can we find the silver lining in difficult moments? Name a time when you have actually had to do so.
I was studying my Bible notes on the background and purpose of Job and saw some good things.
The purpose of Job is to show that “an upright person can bear undeserved affliction by holding steadfastly to the fear of God” and trust in His character and sovereignty.
“If suffering of righteous and prosperity of wicked seem to contradict (a just God) that contradiction exist solely in human logic. Humans lack the perspective to assess correctly God’s way of managing the world. He affirms that though God allows the righteous to suffer, He is not unjust.
The writer knows that those who trust the Lord can draw on inner resources and rise above the agony of affliction. Thus, God, the Creator, brings good out of evil. God’s presence draws us out of self-love to affection for Him.” [from bible notes]
The notes laid out 4 possible reasons why God allowed Satan to test Job
1) To show God’s glory
2) for the honor of Job
3) to show God’s providence
4) to encourage afflicted people of all ages
My thoughts were to remember that we are created to bring God glory and that our purpose in life is to be conformed to the image of God, to be a witness to God, and to be about His works to make an eternal difference.
Job 1
Scripture 1:1 ..and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil.
Fears God – reverence for Him not lightly disrespecting Him
Shunned evil – turned away from evil
Do we turn away from evil or do we entertain it and dabble with it? We need to stop justifying and consuming evil, even as entertainment.
Scripture 1:8
And the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil?"
Job’s life brought glory to God. This illustrates the principle that we were created to bring glory to God and to do so by serving Him in holiness. Isaiah 43:7, Revelation 4:11
Can God say this about me? Am I His servant, or do I serve myself and my goals and my desires? I want to focus on truly living each day as a servant, slave to God, going about His pleasure, always thinking on what will please Him and serve His goals.
Scripture: 1:9 Does Job fear God for no reason?
Satan implies that it is not real love or faithfulness, just expediency; it gets Job what he wants.
What is our relationship with God like? It is one of sincere love and faithfulness, or is it just expediency, so we don’t go to hell or so we can have peace, or so God won’t be mad at us, or will bless us, or help us.
Why do we serve God? It is because it is profitable, or to get a blessing?
My Bible notes point out that it is important to understand this principle that God’s blessings are not dependent on our works and righteousness. This is vital to fully understand God’s grace and our inability to do good works of our own.
When we can really comprehend the magnitude and nature of God’s grace it “enables us to love God sincerely with all our heart and to live blamelessly because of our love for Him.”
Scripture: 1:20 Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshiped.
Job mourned, but he expressed God’s control and God’s authority over worldly blessings.
Wow, is that my response to suffering? Not just to trust God or pray for God to give you peace, but to worship God in the midst of it?
Scripture 1:21
Observation: He acknowledged that everything he had was God’s anyway and it would ultimately have no real or eternal value and it is not relevant whether we have these things in our lives.
Application: Things of this world are ultimately if no lasting consequence.
Last edited by TBG (1/04/2016 11:42 am)
Job 1
"How can I remember to remain faithful in bad times as well?
V. 1 tells us that before he was tested Job was blameless and upright, he feared God, he turned from evil.Personally I find it easy to follow God in bad times, to call out to Him, to spend time with Him, to seek Him because my need for Him is so great. Job shows (or reminds me) how important it is to do all those things just as faithfully (along with the praise that comes so easy in those times) in the good times....because that is when He can build me up, teach me, make me stronger and prepare me to get through the hard times.
Last edited by esuzannah (1/05/2016 6:51 am)
esuzannah wrote:
Job 1
Personally I find it easy to follow God in bad times, to call out to Him, to spend time with Him, to seek Him because my need for Him is so great. Job shows (or reminds me) how important it is to do all those things just as faithfully (along with the praise that comes so easy in those times) in the good times....because that is when He can build me up, teach me, make me stronger and prepare me to get through the hard times.
This is true of me as well. During bad times I am so desperate that I call out to God, but it easy to get "busy" during the good times and place my walk with God as a secondary priority.
But you are right, when we do that we have not built up the resources and spiritual reserves to survive during the battles when struggles suddenly hit.
Job 2
Scripture 2:10
Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?
We can tend to think of God as a genie who is there to give us good things. It is true, all good and perfect gifts come from above. But note, good and perfect. The things we may want or think are good may not truly be good and perfect. But, also, God causes the sun to shine and rain to fall on the righteous and unrighteous. So good and bad happened to good and bad people.
We think that God is not giving us what we deserve. But, a lady in my Sunday school class once said, “if God gave us what we deserve we would be hanging on a cross.”
We deserve damnation for our sinful, wicked and faithless hearts. Anything good at all that we have is by God’s grace – His unmerited favor – favor we did not earn or deserve given to us solely by God’s love, kindness, forgiveness, and favor.
Scripture 2:13
As Job’s friends sat with him and comforted him, so God is with us to comfort us in our time of sorrow.
It is me TBG. My computer crashed, I can't remember my password because it was saved. I can't even remember the password to my email to access it because it was saved.
So I think it is just my battery so I don't want to reset everything until I get it looked at tomorrow.
Job 3
He was in such great pain that he wished he was dead. That really touched me. He is just looking for anything that will give him rest and peace and alleviate his emotional and physical pain.
Job 3:25 For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me,And what I dreaded has happened to me.
My Dad died after several years of illness. It was not so hard on him as on my Mom. And I was terrified for my Dad's safety, daily worrying if he was going to seriously hurt himself. And I was heartbroken over my Mom's pain and anguish. The strain ended up contributing to serious health problems.
I don't know why God allowed his death to be drawn out like that. But I know I can be bitter or get better.
So, I decided that I have to learn from this and to redeem this situation by allowing it to transform me and change who I am and to go to another level if maturity and priority and commitment. I want to learn the lessons from this experience.
Hi I'm Ranee, I thought I would prefer to try this on a forum verses facebook. Trying to get away from FB but I still need the interaction of people to do a bible study as a new beginner. I was in a good group through the book of Numbers but I felt they were very advanced college level and I'm just in K. LOL So I primarily read my lessons in Numbers. I'm going to try and get back on track soaking as well as reading.
My main observations have been primarily on why God let Satan goad him. God didn't have to prove anything to Satan. I'm not sure why he didn't just tell Satan to buzz off. And I know there is a lesson in all of this of course but I felt sadness that God took away Job's children/family to prove this point to Satan.
TBG1 wrote:
It is me TBG. My computer crashed, I can't remember my password because it was saved. I can't even remember the password to my email to access it because it was saved.
So I think it is just my battery so I don't want to reset everything until I get it looked at tomorrow.
Job 3
He was in such great pain that he wished he was dead. That really touched me. He is just looking for anything that will give him rest and peace and alleviate his emotional and physical pain.
Job 3:25 For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me,And what I dreaded has happened to me.
My Dad died after several years of illness. It was not so hard on him as on my Mom. And I was terrified for my Dad's safety, daily worrying if he was going to seriously hurt himself. And I was heartbroken over my Mom's pain and anguish. The strain ended up contributing to serious health problems.
I don't know why God allowed his death to be drawn out like that. But I know I can be bitter or get better.
So, I decided that I have to learn from this and to redeem this situation by allowing it to transform me and change who I am and to go to another level if maturity and priority and commitment. I want to learn the lessons from this experience.
Something I had never thought about before... Your mention that is was harder on your mom than your dad (and what it was like for you), made me think of what Job's wife must have been going through. She lost her children, her servants, her livestock, her source of income. Everything Job lost, she lost. She was grieving. And now she's watching her husband suffer greatly, wanting to die. When she is in need of comfort, he is with his friends. To the best of our knowledge, she is all alone, quite possibly wallowing in bitterness. Unlike Job, she did sin by wanting only the good things in life and wanting her husband to curse God because things weren't the way she wanted or expected. What a difference the heart attitude makes!
So in all of that.... Good for you for wanting to be transformed through the difficulties of your father's death! Love the heart attitude! Thank you for sharing..
RaneeS wrote:
Hi I'm Ranee, I thought I would prefer to try this on a forum verses facebook. Trying to get away from FB but I still need the interaction of people to do a bible study as a new beginner. I was in a good group through the book of Numbers but I felt they were very advanced college level and I'm just in K. LOL So I primarily read my lessons in Numbers. I'm going to try and get back on track soaking as well as reading.
My main observations have been primarily on why God let Satan goad him. God didn't have to prove anything to Satan. I'm not sure why he didn't just tell Satan to buzz off. And I know there is a lesson in all of this of course but I felt sadness that God took away Job's children/family to prove this point to Satan.
'Welcome Ranee, glad you are joining us.
I do have some thoughts on your statement about God and Satan, but I am just temporarily jumping on my hubby's computer. I will try to post some thoughts on this later tonight or tomorrow.
RaneeS wrote:
Hi I'm Ranee, I thought I would prefer to try this on a forum verses facebook. Trying to get away from FB but I still need the interaction of people to do a bible study as a new beginner. I was in a good group through the book of Numbers but I felt they were very advanced college level and I'm just in K. LOL So I primarily read my lessons in Numbers. I'm going to try and get back on track soaking as well as reading.
My main observations have been primarily on why God let Satan goad him. God didn't have to prove anything to Satan. I'm not sure why he didn't just tell Satan to buzz off. And I know there is a lesson in all of this of course but I felt sadness that God took away Job's children/family to prove this point to Satan.
Welcome Ranee, so happy to have you here! I came here for the same reason-need to try not to spend too much time on Facebook!
I have been sitting thinking about your comments. I also find it very sad. True, God had nothing to prove to Satan and He certainly could have told him to buzz of.....but God does have something to prove to us, doesn't He? When I read the stories of the Bible I often think wow- what a gift that we can learn from these people that lived before us. It is very sad that Job was tempted but God knew that he would stay strong and Job's reward was so much greater then what he had before. So I may be wrong but I can of see this as an expression of God's love for us. He wants us to learn too and he wants to bless us through our sufferings. He also wants to be glorified.
Another thought I had was Wow, Satan really has no power- He is chained. Imagine what he would do to us if he could? God is protecting us from him, in this very moment He is protecting us. I can see in this story His great love for us.
Last edited by esuzannah (1/07/2016 6:39 am)