Week of February 15, 2016
This Week’s Reading Assignment
The discussion thread is under Bible Study » Job.
S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Don't forget to check the introduction on Mondays and the devotional on Friday at Good Morning Girls.
Reading: Job 32
Verse of the Day: Job 32:21
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Elihu waited until the elder friends of Job spoke before speaking. He chose to honor them in this way. Do you take time to listen to what your spiritual elders have to say before you speak?
Reading: Job 33
Verse of the Day: Job 33:26
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Elihu recognizes God's grace, mercy and mediation for those who have sinned. How have you experienced God's grace and mercy in your life?
Reading: Job 34-35
Verse of the Day: Job 34:12, Job 35:5
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Elihu spoke kindly and pointed to God, His character and His ways, while speaking to Job of his errors. When someone approaches you and points to God throughout their correction, how do you receive them?
Living through trials can cause us to say things we don't mean or that we regret later. How have you responded through the midst of the trials in your life? Do you have any regrets and what can you learn from them?
Reading: Job 36
Verse of the Day: Job 36:5
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Often, our trials will not conclude until we've learned the lesson God has for us. Are you in a trial right now? What lesson is God teaching you through it?
Reading: Job 37
Verse of the Day: Job 37:5
Optional GMG Discussion Question: When we consider the wonders of God, we realize how truly insignificant we are without Him in our lives. How can you keep God first in your life to help you remain humble?