Week of March 14, 2016
This Week’s Reading Assignment
The discussion thread is under Bible Study » Mark.
S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Don't forget to check the introduction on Mondays and the devotional on Friday at Good Morning Girls.
GMG shares how we see Jesus in Mark as (1) the Son of God, (2) a Servant, (3) a Miracle Worker, (4) Spreading the Gospel. In each chapter, look to see if you can identify how Jesus is fulfilling these things.
To help you get started, let's define Gospel. According to Strongs: good tidings; the glad tidings of the kingdom of God soon to be set up; the proclamation of the grace of God manifest and pledged in Christ; the glad tidings of salvation through Christ
Reading: Mark 6
Verse of the Day: Mark 6:31
Optional GMG Discussion Question: When the apostles returned to Jesus from sharing the gospel, He told them to find a desolate place and rest awhile. Where do you go to be alone, to seek God and replenish your soul?
Optional Discussion: Identify ways that you can see Jesus as (1) the Son of God, (2) a Servant, (3) a Miracle Worker, (4) Spreading the Gospel.
Reading: Mark 7
Verse of the Day: Mark 7:6-7
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Today we are reminded to do things for the simple love of God and not because they are simply tradition. Is there something that you have always done because you thought it was right, only to discoverthat is was a tradition and not God's law?
Optional Discussion: Identify ways that you can see Jesus as (1) the Son of God, (2) a Servant, (3) a Miracle Worker, (4) Spreading the Gospel.
Reading: Mark 8
Verse of the Day: Mark 8:34
Optional GMG Discussion Question: We are commanded to take up our cross daily and follow Christ. What does taking up your cross and denying yourself look like in your life?
Optional Discussion: Identify ways that you can see Jesus as (1) the Son of God, (2) a Servant, (3) a Miracle Worker, (4) Spreading the Gospel.
Reading: Mark 9
Verse of the Day: Mark 9:23
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Jesus said, all things are possible for the one that believes. Do you believe the impossible for your life? How have you seen God work through your belief?
Optional Discussion: Identify ways that you can see Jesus as (1) the Son of God, (2) a Servant, (3) a Miracle Worker, (4) Spreading the Gospel.
Reading: Mark 10
Verse of the Day: Mark 10:31
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Jesus tells us that we must be willing to leave behind everything for His sake. What are you holding onto that is preventing you from following God in your life?
Optional Discussion: Identify ways that you can see Jesus as (1) the Son of God, (2) a Servant, (3) a Miracle Worker, (4) Spreading the Gospel.