Week of June 19
This Week’s Reading Assignment
S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
The group discussion thread is under Bible Study » 2 Samuel.
Reading: 2 Samuel 11
Verse of the Day: 2 Samuel 11:27
Optional GMG Discussion/ Personal Reflection Question: When David was tempted, instead of fleeing temptation – he brought temptation closer. He acted on impulse and pursued the temptation and chose to fall into sin.
What temptation are you struggling with today? Naming your temptation is the first step to overcoming it. We all are tempted in many ways. You do not need to be ashamed of feeling tempted. But we do need to be on guard, because all temptations begin in the heart and mind. Repent of any sin in your life that you have pursued and get help if you are not able to overcome a temptation in your life. God will forgive you and he wants to strengthen you today.
Reading: 2 Samuel 12
Verse of the Day: 2 Samuel 12:13
Optional GMG Discussion/ Personal Reflection Question: David took responsibility for his sin. He didn’t blame-shift, rationalize, minimize or justify his actions. Though David’s sin was against Uriah and Bathsheba, he recognized that ultimately it was against God. After his confession, David received both immediate forgiveness and immediate consequences for his sin.
Do you realize that all sin is ultimately, against God? Is there a sin you need to confess today? Whether the sin seems big or small, if God is bringing it to mind, confess it. Confession does not need to be a long or drawn out. It is a purifying process and you will find immediate forgiveness from your loving Savior.
Reading: 2 Samuel 13
Verse of the Day: 2 Samuel 13:21
Optional GMG Discussion/ Personal Reflection Question: David was angry when he heard of his son’s dreadful behavior but he did nothing! He failed as a father to discipline his son and protect his daughter. David’s failure as a parent came because of his own sin and impurities.
If you are a parent, God is calling you to train your children to walk in obedience to Him. Whether you have sinned in the past and your child is repeating your sin or not – you must address the sin in your children’s lives. If you don’t, who will? Is there someone in your life who is living in sin who you need to gently correct? Write a prayer asking God to open a door for you to boldly speak truth into the life of your loved one.
Reading: 2 Samuel 14
Verse of the Day: 2 Samuel 14:25
Optional GMG Discussion/ Personal Reflection Question: Israel loved King Saul because he was attractive and once again, Israel loved Absalom because of his handsome appearance. In chapter 15, we are told that Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel. Man looks at the outside appearance, but God looks at the heart.
Is there someone in your life today, who you are drawn to simply because of his or her outward appearance? What is this person’s heart like? Remember to be on guard against appearances. Man looks at the outside but God looks at the heart.
Reading: 2 Samuel 15
Verse of the Day: 2 Samuel 15:20
Optional GMG Discussion/ Personal Reflection Question: David had shown great grace to Absalom, yet Absalom turned on David and betrayed him. David never blamed God for his difficulties. David continued to trust in God’s goodness despite, once again, being on the run in fear of his life.
Have you grown weary in doing good? Perhaps you have trusted in God’s goodness through a difficult trial, only to find yourself once again in another heavy trial. God is with you and he will carry you through. Take your trial to the Lord in prayer today, as a commitment to continue to trust in God.
Last edited by TBG (6/18/2017 2:20 pm)