Women in the Word

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9/28/2014 7:30 pm  #1


Going to go two week per thread because of the small volume of participation
I have been reading, and trying my hand at some journaling after seeing Shar's post. But I just have not had a chance to retype my input here.

Also important video onGMG yesterday.  About changing to 5 days a week instead of 7.  She does not know when the change will occur, but perhaps sometime in November.
Ladies, I am thinking one thread for the whole book might be too long. 

Please let me know if you would like one thread per week (so one thread for every 7 chapters) or if you think it is fine to just have the entire book in one thread.

Last edited by TBG (10/06/2014 12:59 pm)

How many threads should we have for Genesis?


9/28/2014 7:39 pm  #2

Re: Genesis

Genesis 1
vs 26-27
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our own image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
So God created mankind in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
(NLT) God patterned people after Himself
vs. 28 God blessed them
vs. It was very good
God made mankind as a special creation in His image, blessed him to flourish, gave him stewardship of all of His creation and everything was good.
God’s character – desired relationship, was kind and gave good gifts, made them to flourish, created beauty  and perfection so He must appreciate beauty and perfection, since He gave us dominion over the earth He must have expected us to act with justice, fairness, and respect towards creation, to act responsibly. Since we are in God’s image, He also must act with justice, fairness and respect.

     Thread Starter

9/29/2014 11:19 am  #3

Re: Genesis

Genesis Chapter 2
God created for His pleasure and to bring us pleasure
God formed man and animals
  - formed – fashion as a potter
  - God’s creative energy to make something pleasing to Himself
  - Individual attention to fashion, not just mass produce like from a mold
God gave Adam every tree that is pleasant to sight and good for food
  - every tree – abundance, plenty
  - pleasant – bring enjoyment to sight and taste, to bring delight and pleasure to senses
Productive Work is Integral to Personal Fulfillment
Verse 15 – Adam was to tend and keep it; even in a place of perfection, Adam needed to work
God I thank you that you have given us all this beauty for our pleasure. Thank you that you want to bless us. It is our sin that keeps us from enjoying and experiencing Your blessings.  Help me to find joy in Your gifts and in Your presence

     Thread Starter

9/29/2014 6:37 pm  #4

Re: Genesis

TBG wrote:

Genesis 1
vs 26-27
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our own image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
So God created mankind in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
(NLT) God patterned people after Himself
vs. 28 God blessed them
vs. It was very good
God made mankind as a special creation in His image, blessed him to flourish, gave him stewardship of all of His creation and everything was good.
God’s character – desired relationship, was kind and gave good gifts, made them to flourish, created beauty  and perfection so He must appreciate beauty and perfection, since He gave us dominion over the earth He must have expected us to act with justice, fairness, and respect towards creation, to act responsibly. Since we are in God’s image, He also must act with justice, fairness and respect.

 Great application. Love how you picked out Gods character.


9/29/2014 6:43 pm  #5

Re: Genesis

Hello Ladies:

Chapter 2

Verse: 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Observation| words that stood out to me, leave, cleave and flesh


As a married women, my husband and I are to be one flesh.  We are to be one whole that can not be broken. Emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, financially, and in all ways that couples become one, we are to be one flesh. We will have individual needs, but we should also have the desire to benefit each other. In relation to leaving his father and mother, married couples must be a team of three God, husband and wife. Not a team of 4 or more to include the mothers and fathers. When you include them, you can not cleave.

in addition, the verse that reads,.....He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.....stayed on my mind this morning.....I stopped and pondered, then visualized Adam's body being formed but lifeless and I visualized him just laying there until ..God breathed into his nostrils and he became a living being. Can you image seeing that occur, so AMAZING! For some reason this had a different affect on me than when I have read the same verse in the past.

Last edited by NLWnMD (9/29/2014 6:44 pm)


9/30/2014 1:55 am  #6

Re: Genesis

Genesis 1-2

I just love the creation of everything. And how we have so much creativity in us as we are made In his image. So much power and creativity to create the life we want for ourselves.

And it reminds me to be Mindful, observant and reverent of nature all around me as it is "good."


10/01/2014 6:55 am  #7

Re: Genesis

Chapter 3
Ok, so I have had some late nights working on an emergency project.  But, I have been reading and pondering.  I just did not have time to fully explore and type out my thoughts.
When they saw they were naked, why was this suddenly something with which they were ashamed? 
I am thinking that it turned the natural and beautiful expression of oneness into a focus on the pleasure derived from the act and therefore into lust.  So now nudity generated feelings of physical lust (desire to use the other person for your pleasure) rather than the pure oneness.  Just a thought.
sin broke fellowship because they were ashamed
It seems like Eve ate because she felt that is was desirable to have this knowledge Satan spoke of.  He also mentioned being like God and told her not to trust that God. 
Often we take things into our own hands to get what we want because we don't trust what God is giving us and don't trust God when He withholds something.  We feel that God is really keeping us from something good.  That we are more likely to give ourselves good things than God is.
It also seems, at least for me, usually when we want something it ultimately comes downs to elevating ourselves and pride.  We want to be smarter, or more respected, or elevated.  Very convicting passage.
So, I was having a hard time getting my mind around this snake thing.  So, I went to John MacArthur to get some insight. The Curse on the Serpent, Part 2 was meat of it, but part 1 is available here.
Satan thought he had destroyed the human race, God's special creation.  He thought, just as he had taken a third of the angles, that he had also taken all of humanity to serve him and to serve sin. 
But God immediately lays out the plan of redemption.  We already see God's love for us and His willingness to go to the cross.  The cross, the redemption of mankind, and God's love to and desire to bring us to Himself and to redeem us as a people is seen right from the beginning and is central to all of scripture.

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10/01/2014 12:43 pm  #8

Re: Genesis

This is so good and so on point!

TBG wrote:

It seems like Eve ate because she felt that is was desirable to have this knowledge Satan spoke of.  He also mentioned being like God and told her not to trust that God. 
Often we take things into our own hands to get what we want because we don't trust what God is giving us and don't trust God when He withholds something.  We feel that God is really keeping us from something good.  That we are more likely to give ourselves good things than God is.
It also seems, at least for me, usually when we want something it ultimately comes downs to elevating ourselves and pride.  We want to be smarter, or more respected, or elevated.  Very convicting passage.

My two cents: Here is what came to me off the top. I always thought to myself when reading this, 'why didn't Adam try to stop Eve??' He was just as gullible to listen to a snake. Then Adam proceeds to sell Eve down the river when reprimanded by God!  It's just crazy. It's a very trippy chapter to me for various reasons. 

God, I pray you uncover the snakes in our lives and help us to be aware of it. 

Last edited by itsjenniferrose (10/01/2014 1:27 pm)


10/01/2014 1:23 pm  #9

Re: Genesis

itsjenniferrose wrote:

I thought to myself when reading this, 'why didn't Adam try to stop Eve??' He was just as gullible to listen to a snake. Then Adam proceeds to sell Eve down the river when reprimanded by God!

Ha-ha. too funny.  Yes, he says it wans't me is was this woman, then he goes on to blame God, that you gave me.  LOL

     Thread Starter

10/01/2014 3:26 pm  #10

Re: Genesis

TBG wrote:

itsjenniferrose wrote:

I thought to myself when reading this, 'why didn't Adam try to stop Eve??' He was just as gullible to listen to a snake. Then Adam proceeds to sell Eve down the river when reprimanded by God!

Ha-ha. too funny.  Yes, he says it wans't me is was this woman, then he goes on to blame God, that you gave me.  LOL

Yes ..funny...... The blame game started back with Adam and Eve


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