New Changes to Good Morning Girls
5 Day-a-Week Reading Plan
We have moved to only 5 days a week. If you want to stay in the Word every day, please do so. You can take the extra two days to dig deeper in the chapters you have read, to meditate and memorize, or to read ahead. I find that by reading and re-reading the passages I get more out of it and better understanding.
Monday Meditation and Memorization.
Every Monday on the GMG blog, Courtney will post one verse from our reading that stands out and create a printable verse. She suggests printing the verse multiple times and placing it around your car, house, purse, computer, cell phone, etc. So you will see it all week. Also, try pausing when you get up in the morning, before bed, before each meal, etc. to read it.
This will help us to hide God’s Word in our hearts and to really meditate on His word.
Discussion Questions
To help us get more out of our reading GMG will have a post each Sunday with 5 discussion questions,
one for each day of week.
Again, you are not required to answer these discussion questions, they are an aid to help those who are trying to understand the key points of the passage and how it relates to their life. It will help you interact with the material and engage with the group.
This group will always focus on allowing the participants to share what God is showing them. You should post what is on your heart. This discussion questions are simply suggestions to help start dialogue and examination.
Friday Devotional
Courtney will be posting a devotional at GMG. You can join comments to fellowship with other GMG from other groups
Changes to Women In the Word Discussion Board Group
Instead of directing what to focus on in each passage, I like us to discuss what God is showing each of us in each passage. This has resulted in lots of learning and insight for all of us.
However, as we started reading Genesis, some of the group struggled to find application and understanding. Therefore, this time around I will try to do (1) an introduction to each book. I will also provide some chapter by chapter guidance into what things to look for, or questions to ask yourself while reading each chapter.
I hope this will help you see the key issues and personal application and to better understand who God is and what His purpose is even in challenging or seemingly archaic passages.
Last edited by TBG (12/31/2014 2:05 pm)