This Weeks Reading Plan
This is the thread in which to share your insights.
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Book of Exodus Introduction
[url= !125&ithint=file,mp3&authkey=!AFs6I0oLxRHb5Gc]Podcast[/url] | Written post
Reading: Exodus 1
Chapter Insight: Podcast | Written post
Key Verse: Exodus 1:17
Optional Discussion Question from Chapter Insights:
Listen to or read the Chapter Insight about Israel remaining in Egypt 350 years after Joseph’s death. Have you seen yourself in any of the circumstances listed?
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Though the midwives should have feared Pharaoh, the midwives feared God more. Because of their obedience to God, they were blessed with children of their own. Name a time when you had to choose between God's law and man's law?
Reading: Exodus 2
Chapter Insight: Podcast | Written post
Key Verse: Exodus 2:24-25
Optional Discussion Question from Chapter Insights:
How have we been apathetic to wrong doing or not spoken up for what is right?
What emotions do you see Moses display in verse 12 and what issues do you see with his response?
Why do you think the Hebrew in verses 13-14 responded in this way to Moses?
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Moses was able to grown up in two worlds. He was raised by his real mother and then placed in Pharaoh's home because Pharaoh's daughter adopted him. God allowed him to see a unique view.
Name a time when God allowed events in your life to show you a unique view?
Reading: Exodus 3
Chapter Insight: Podcast | Written post
Key Verses: Exodus 3:7-8, or Exodus 3:9-10, or Exodus 11-12
Optional Discussion Question from Chapter Insights:
Moses felt unqualified, but God promised to be with Him. Do we feel unequipped to fulfill or realize God’s plan for our life?
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
God already knew that Pharaoh was going to be unwilling to give into His wishes. Yet, God planned to use this to provide for His people. Have you experienced having your needs supplied from an unlikely source?
Reading: Exodus 4
Chapter Insight: Podcast | Written post
Key Verse: Exodus 4:30-31
Optional Discussion Question from Chapter Insights:
What can we do to increase our trust in God and rely on Him and not place our confidence in things of this world? How can we let go of our sense of control and our goals to allow God to use our abilities to fulfill His plans?
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Moses did not feel worthy of the task that God asked of him. He felt he was not good enough.
Has there been a time in your life when you felt as though God wanted something out of you that you just felt unfitted for? Did you try to refuse to do it?
Reading: Exodus 5
Chapter Insight: Podcast | Written post
Key Verse: Exodus 5:20-23
Optional Discussion Question from Chapter Insights:
Pharaoh not only rejects God’s Word, but then goes on the active attack against God’s plans. He shows hostility to God and His Word. How do we see this in our society? Have there been times in our lives when we have also reacted like this?
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Moses could not understand why things actually got harder for His people after he did as God requested. Have you ever questioned why things sometimes go wrong when you feel that you are doing everything the way that you are suppose to do? How do you normally handle it?
Last edited by TBG (1/04/2015 7:34 pm)
Chapter 1
S - "When you help the Hebrew women as they give birth, watch as they deliver. If the baby is a boy, kill him; if it is a girl, let her live." But becuase the midwives feared God, they refused to opbey the king's orders. They allowed the boys to live. - Vs. 16-17
O -These ladies showed emense faith and resolve for God. That took a lot of courage and they risked their lives. I also notice they fib, so they can do what's right. And in return of following Him, God favors them with wonderful families.
A - Most of us won't face life or death situations for what is right, but it's a reminder to be aware of my choices in response to leaders around me and wether what they're commanding me to do is in line of what is right. And also taking action into my own hands when I feel it is not--offering to risk it all, knowing God will provide the desires of my heart (reward) in due time.
S= Ex:11-12 Therefore they did set over them task masters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raames. But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grived because of the children of Lsrael.
O= The children of Israel were becoming great in number. The Egyptians feared they would take over, so they gave them hardwork hoping to stop the reproduction. It didn't work.
A= I suffer yes form hardships in this world. Will I let it break me or will I let God use it to grow my faith and trust in Him? The world will not understand it may even get peved that God uses all things for His good. Santification is not of the world.
K= Lord I don't like hardships, but I know that You know best. Your will is what is important. I surrender to You. In Jesus Name Amen.
“And the midwives said to Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women; for they are lively and give birth before the midwives come to them” (Exodus 1:19).
The Lord commands us to follow the laws of the land. But what if the laws are wrong and harmful to others do we follow them anyway?
Throughout history there has been so many who have been faced with this decision and have risen to the occasion to protect others when the “laws of the land” are wicked. Instead, they chose to follow God’s law. In this instance, God’s law says thou shall not murder. Thus, it was a good lie that the midwives told Pharaoh because they were protecting the babies-- that had no voice or way to defend themselves.
God willing in our lives we will not always be faced with decisions that are life and death. But are there times when it’s not life are death when a lie could be good?
I do not know the answer to this question myself. I suppose it would depend on each situation. But a recent movie I watched with Reese Witherspoon, called “The Good Lie,” gave me a deeper insight to these predicament. I don’t want to spoil the movie for anyone, but I will say that I believe there are “good lies.”
In sum, life is not always black and white or in other words so clear in the decisions and choices we face. In my own life being raised in the church I felt as though I was presented an ideology of life being this way. But though my experience, thus far, I realize life is not so black and white, right or wrong is not always clear, even when interpreting it scripturally.
God I know your thoughts are higher than my thoughts, your ways are higher than my ways.Through broken edges, experiences, and worldly wisdom even from church members. I have often found myself with answers unmet and disappointment. Please help to soften those edges so that I can fit into the puzzle of your masterpiece of art.
Theresnoplacelike Home
I can't help but to imagine what the midwives were thinking after Pharaoh commaned them to kill the baby boys. The courage the women had to fear God more than a king is amazing. I know there have been times I have feared man over God in small things. This is so encouraging to always trust and fear God over man. God blessed the midwives for fearing him.
Exodus 1.17: the midwives however, FEARED God and did not do what the king ofEgypt had told them to do.They let the boys live.
Proverbs 9:10- THe fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom. Fear can mean so may things, terror one feels in frightening situations, Respect or an Awe someone feels in the presence of Greatness. The Fear of God is a mixture of all of these things. In order to develop fear for God, we must have a great awareness of who he is, reverence him deeply and Sincerly commit to Obey him. That is what the midwives did. They did not obey their king, instead they obeyed the King of Kings and the Lord of LOrds. In return,God rewarded them. (God rewards those who diligently serves him).
My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will help me always remember and see how great and big Our God is. That no matter what situation we find ourselves,let us always do what is right. God will always take care of us.
"So God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. And God looked upon the children of God and God acknowledged them” (Exodus2:24-25).
I think sometimes we forget how powerful our relationship with God is. I know this to be true in my own life. I will seek help from everyone--friends, family, pastors, and the internet (lol) -- before looking up recognizing that my Redeemer lives, and asking Him for the help and strength I need to get out of an unjust situation. I think God wants to intervene more than we allow Him to. The bible says,” “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). How often do we not ask or not knock…metaphorically speaking.
I love this verse, “So God heard their groaning and God remembered his covenant.” God hears, sees, and knows our cries especially when they are directed to Him. He remembers his promises to us, and He will devise a divine plan for us to escape. Just as God used Moses to help the Israelites to leave Egypt, often God will use people to help us too. So the next time you feel helpless, always look up because your Redeemer draws near.
Lord, help me to look to your more and more before others. Life can be hard to navigate and I need your guidance and direction each and every day. Thank you for your promises that you are faithful to those that love you— even when we stray. Help me to apply the obvious every day in my life that you are more powerful than my bosses, friends, family-members, co-workers, and to know and understand” that no weapon formed against me will prosper” (Isaiah 54:17) .In Jesus Name Amen,
Theresnoplacelike Home
Chapter 1
The Israelites were facing such tremendous fears. Fears that their son's would be killed. And the midwives faced fears that they might even be killed for disobeying Pharaoh. Sadly, around the world today, some people are still facing those fears.
Sometimes it seems that we do tend to fear people more than God. Not just fear people in positions of power and authority, but fear people's opinions of us, fear for our finances or job security if we don't compromise, or fear for our future well being.
It is like we are confident that there will be consequences if we don't respond to threats around us, even if that response requires compromising God's standards. However, we don't seem confident that there will be a consequence for disobedience to God. We don't fear God.
It seems as if in the contemporary Church there is this "cheap grace." Since Jesus paid for our sins, it does not really matter if we sin a little bit here and there. We don't really fear God and fear thumbing our nose at Him.
Kneel in Prayer
Father, help me to be more faithful. Help me not to compromise in my life; help me always trust in You and not to fear the world around me. Regardless of the circumstanced around me, help me to find Your peace and to hope and trust in You even if I go through the storm. Help me to be Your servant and focused on being about Your business.
Loretta wrote:
A= I suffer yes form hardships in this world. Will I let it break me or will I let God use it to grow my faith and trust in Him? The world will not understand it may even get peved that God uses all things for His good. Santification is not of the world.
Loretta, some people dear to me are going to difficult hardships and it breaks my heart. Things can be very difficult sometimes, but you are so right in your statement.
Onyii wrote:
In order to develop fear for God, we must have a great awareness of who he is, reverence him deeply and Sincerly commit to Obey him
So true Onyii. That is one of the things I am most excited about in the GMG read through the Bible. To know God more. I agree I think really knowing God's character can so change how we respond and think and act.
Theresnoplacelike Home wrote:
I think sometimes we forget how powerful our relationship with God is. I know this to be true in my own life. I will seek help from everyone--friends, family, pastors, and the internet (lol) -- before looking up recognizing that my Redeemer lives, and asking Him for the help and strength I need to get out of an unjust situation. I think God wants to intervene more than we allow Him to.
Amen, such a struggle for me to act in my own strength instead of waiting for and seeking God on issues.
S= Ex2:16-17 Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters: and they came and drew water, and filled the troughs to water their father's flock. And the shepherds came and drove them away: But Moses stood up and helped them, and watered their flock.
O= The Midianites were descendents of Abraham and Keturah.
No sons to protect the vulnerable sisters.
Moses steps in as protector and defender of the weak.
A= There are so many around me who are in peril. I once was one of these. They do not have the saving grace of the Saviour Jesus. Am I willing to step in and tell them the truth of the one who offers living water?
K= Sweet Lord you have saved me, giving me eternal hope. Please grant me the wisdom and confidence to step in and tell people of your saving grace. In Jesus name Amen.