Reading: Exodus 16
Chapter Insight: Podcast | Written post
Key Verse: Exodus 16:8
Optional Discussion Question from Chapter Insights:
The children of Israel cried out for help, then did not like the help offered. How do we do this? How often do you seek God’s help and guidance and then become upset, because you don’t like how He is leading, or you don’t like His answers and His solutions?
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
The Israelites complained that they would die of hunger, so God provided them manna to eat. He gave them clear instructions, but some did not follow the instructions- some even went without food on the Sabbath. Has there ever been a time when despite God’s clear instructions, you did things your own way?
Reading: Exodus 17
Chapter Insight: Podcast | Written post
Key Verse: Exodus 17:15
NOTE: When you march under a person or King’s banner, it indicates marching or fighting under that person’s standard (in their name or on behalf of them). It indicates being under that person’s authority, protection, covering and ownership.
Optional Discussion Question from Chapter Insights:
Why is it hard for us to believe that God will act for us in this world? How do we live out walking under God's banner?
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
The Israelites faced an enemy, Amalek. The victory would not be won by battle alone, but by the might of the Lord as Moses’ hands were raised. Aaron and Hur came alongside him and held up his arms so the battle could be won. Whom have you come alongside and been an Aaron or Hur to, so a battle could be won?
Reading: Exodus 18
Chapter Insight: Podcast | Written post
Key Verse: Exodus 18:2-4 What does this tell us about what Moses thought while living in Midian?
Optional Discussion Question from Chapter Insights:
Are you prioritizing your relationship with God over "Christian" activities? Are you substituting intimacy for activity?
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Moses chose to listen to the wise counsel of his father-in-law on organizing a team of men who would help him lead the over 4 million Israelites through this journey in the wilderness. What wise counsel have you been given lately? How has it helped you in your personal life?
Reading: Exodus 19
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
God was preparing to come and meet with the people in a dramatic and holy meeting; but he wanted them to sanctify themselves, to prepare themselves physically and spiritually. How do you think this applies to us today? What should we do to prepare ourselves to meet with God? Do you think you do this adequately?
Reading: Exodus 20
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
We know the first 17 verses of this chapter well. But let’s look at how the Israelites responded to God’s holy encounter with them. How do you think their response shaped the future of their nation? How do you think this applies to us today? Has there been a time in your life when you chose not to hear directly from God?