Women in the Word

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5/05/2015 7:20 am  #41

Re: Leviticus

itsjenniferrose wrote:

This is so on point. I truly believe this. I see it every time I choose my own way. You then always realize why certain things are put in place....it's almost always to protect us and keep us from suffering.

Theresnoplacelike Home wrote:

I wonder how many laws today that we find in the New Testament that we might feel are oppressive? Yet, have we ever stop to ask about the why instead of the what. Sometimes being a Christian is about trusting God. Sometimes being a Christian is knowing that if God gave me a commandment it has nothing to do with oppression and everything to do with God’s love and protection.


That is what I was thinking about in chapter 12 as well. Do we find it hard to obey things we don’t understand?

I think we want to be on the throne of our lives and we will obey when it makes sense to us and when it helps us move towards our goals. But if it does not make sense to us or if we feel it is getting in the way of the direction we want to head, we push back and say "Oh, I don't really need to do that."

We are not really letting God control ourselves. We have not died to ourselves. We have not really submitted to God's authority in our lives. We forget, God has the authority; He is in charge.

This is especially true for heart attitudes. It is very easy to justify a thought. Oh, it is no big deal, it is just a thought. But we know that Christ came to fulfill the law and make it perfect and that means what truley counts is the heart and not the external actions.

We really need to daily fill ourselves with His word and throughout the day maintain an attitude of prayer and awareness of God and allow the Holy Spirit to soften our hearts towards things of God and give us a longing and desire to draw near to God. Or, as I said in the earlier post, to desire God's holiness in response to His great grace and love.


5/05/2015 10:48 pm  #42

Re: Leviticus

Leviticus 13:13
“The priest shall examine the sore on the skin of the body; and if the hair on the sore has turned white, and the sore appears to be deeper than the skin of his body, it is a leprous sore. Then the priest shall examine him, and pronounce him unclean”

This chapter has several layers of meaning.

What I took away from it –to apply to my life --is looking at the disease of leprosy as a distinction between the right and wrong attitude of the heart.

Metaphorically speaking we all need to be examined –in our hearts-- and may need to be deemed clean or unclean. You see because although we become saved, we are not made whole. It is a process or transformation. Somewhat like a caterpillar that emerges into a butterfly. (Except the butterfly in us emerges when we die and go to heaven).

The bible tells us that we are “washed in his word’ or in other words made clean by the reading of his word that transforms the heart and causes the right actions. For example, the fruit of the Spirit: Love, peace, joy, longsuffering, forgiveness, and self-control.

Because going to church and getting “saved” does not make you clean. We have to be sanctified. We need to come to God continually asking for forgiveness for our sin and for his filling of the Holy Spirit. There is a difference from someone who is saved and has fire insurance so to speak. And a Christian who is on fire making a difference for God’s kingdom.

The bible tell us that “harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.”  God needs us… And not half of us --all of us.

Because quite frankly, the church is sick.

Just like leprosy needed to be examined to determine the ones that would heal and those that would not and would be contagious. The church today needs an examination of the heart attitudes of its members and it starts with you and me.  

And perhaps, should you or I be set aside (being deemed unclean) so we do not contaminate those in the church with the right heart attitudes, we can better understand the many layers of meaning that this chapter can teach us about today.

 You see just like those that had leprosy to a degree that would contaminate others, needed to be set aside for the well-being of the whole. God needs to examine individually and collectively the heart attitudes of the members of His church for its benefit.

Because God loves his church too much to let anything contaminate it. He must separate those that are right with him and those that have unrepeated sin.

If you were to enter into the “priests” examination room, for him to look at your heart, would you be clean or unclean?

My answer is I really don’t know. I think I am a lukewarm Christian at times. Because being completely sold out to God frightens me. It frightens me because I have been there before and it’s hard to be so different, and so set apart. But then, what is so great about blending in and being the same?

Lord, examine my heart and help expose the sin you wish to make clean. And help me not to contaminate any other Christian who is totally devoted to you during those times when I am acting in my flesh…

“This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it”


Theresnoplacelike Home

Last edited by Theresnoplacelike Home (5/05/2015 10:50 pm)


5/07/2015 8:09 am  #43

Re: Leviticus

Leviticus 13
I was thinking a lot about these concepts of sin contaminating the body of Christ. The NT does says that the tares will grow with the wheat and only at the end will God separate the tares from the wheat. It also says the the Holy Spirit will seal and preserve the true believers. So, I suppose the Holy Spirit will ensure that the true believers remain faithful in their walk in spite of the infection around them. However, the NT also says that outward and rebellious sin should not be tolerated in the congregation.

So, I know I am going all around this issue. I guess, there needs to be some boundaries in the congregation. But, since we are all sinners, there will always still be some seeds of sin. And yes sin can infect others. For example, a woman who always criticizes her husband can sow seeds of discontent in other women's marriages. Or people that watch inappropriate media can make others think, well maybe it is no big deal and then that person starts to engage in that type of media also. Then the media desensitizes them to sin and it is easier to justify compromise.

So, yes, sin infects. But as we allow the Holy Spirit to grow in our lives by giving attention, time, priority and place to things of the Spirit, He will be our guarantee and seal our hearts to God. This is hard for me with so many distractions to walk mindful of the Spirit all day and to commit the time to focusing on things of the Spirit. This Bible study has helped a lot, but I would still like to take it further.

Theresnoplacelike Home wrote:

My answer is I really don’t know. I think I am a lukewarm Christian at times. Because being completely sold out to God frightens me. It frightens me because I have been there before and it’s hard to be so different, and so set apart. But then, what is so great about blending in and being the same?

I feel the same way about not being sold out. For me, it is just because I lean to my own desires and priorities too much and my feelings. It is hard to give up what you feel in the flesh to receive what is in the Spirit and may not have a physical manifestation of comfort.

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5/08/2015 7:51 pm  #44

Re: Leviticus

TBG wrote:

Leviticus 13
I was thinking a lot about these concepts of sin contaminating the body of Christ. The NT does says that the tares will grow with the wheat and only at the end will God separate the tares from the wheat. It also says the the Holy Spirit will seal and preserve the true believers. So, I suppose the Holy Spirit will ensure that the true believers remain faithful in their walk in spite of the infection around them. However, the NT also says that outward and rebellious sin should not be tolerated in the congregation.

So, I know I am going all around this issue. I guess, there needs to be some boundaries in the congregation. But, since we are all sinners, there will always still be some seeds of sin. And yes sin can infect others. For example, a woman who always criticizes her husband can sow seeds of discontent in other women's marriages. Or people that watch inappropriate media can make others think, well maybe it is no big deal and then that person starts to engage in that type of media also. Then the media desensitizes them to sin and it is easier to justify compromise.

So, yes, sin infects. But as we allow the Holy Spirit to grow in our lives by giving attention, time, priority and place to things of the Spirit, He will be our guarantee and seal our hearts to God. This is hard for me with so many distractions to walk mindful of the Spirit all day and to commit the time to focusing on things of the Spirit. This Bible study has helped a lot, but I would still like to take it further.

Theresnoplacelike Home wrote:

My answer is I really don’t know. I think I am a lukewarm Christian at times. Because being completely sold out to God frightens me. It frightens me because I have been there before and it’s hard to be so different, and so set apart. But then, what is so great about blending in and being the same?

I feel the same way about not being sold out. For me, it is just because I lean to my own desires and priorities too much and my feelings. It is hard to give up what you feel in the flesh to receive what is in the Spirit and may not have a physical manifestation of comfort.

While I was writing that post, I was also thinking about the parable of the tares and the wheat. Thank you for sharing that and shedding more light to the subject of the church and how God choices to deal with sin. This parable shows his enending mercies. Have a wondeful Friday!

Theresnoplacelike Home


5/10/2015 3:43 pm  #45

Re: Leviticus

Weekly Reading Plan: May 11 - May 15

Don't forget to read Courtney's introductory post for this week's reading on Good Morning Girls.

Reading: Leviticus 16
Key Verse 16:2
Optional Group Thoughts and Discussion Question:
This is the veil that was torn when Christ was crucified. How does this differ from our access to God? What was the significance of the torn veil?

Key Verse 16:21-22
Optional Group Thoughts and Discussion Question:
We see here that the priest put the sins on the goat and the goat was sent away. So the sins were taken far away. What do we see in this verse and how can we apply it to us.

Optional GMG Discussion Question:
In Leviticus 16, we find Aaron spending hour to prepare himself to meet God. We can approach God anytime - what a privilege! Just because we can access God anytime does not mean we should not prepare ourselves for our time with Him. What are some ways you prepare to meet with God?

Reading: Leviticus 17
Key Verse 17:7
Optional Group Thoughts and Discussion Question
Interesting God has to continue to go to great lengths to ensure the people don’t get into idolatry. Romans also says that the reason people now do not accept God as Lord is because they worship idols. Why types of idols do you see in our society? Why do you think idolatry is such a strong pull on people? We see the types of things God did throughout Leviticus to keep Israel from idolatry. What types of things can we do to guard ourselves from idolatry?

Reading: Leviticus 18
SOAK Verse 18:3-4:
You shall not do as they do in the land of Egypt, where you lived, and you shall not do as they do in the land of Canaan, to which I am bringing you. You shall not walk in their statutes. You shall follow my rules and keep my statutes and walk in them. I am the LORD your God.

Reading: Leviticus 19
SOAK: Any verse of your choosing. This is a chapter rich with moral concepts.:

Reading: Leviticus 20
Key Verse 20:2-5
Optional Group Thoughts and Discussion Question
They were killing their babies to serve an idol related to licentious sexual behavior. Do you see anything in today's society that is similar to this?

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5/10/2015 3:46 pm  #46

Re: Leviticus

Overview of Leviticus 16-20

Leviticus 16
16:2 and the LORD said to Moses, "Tell Aaron your brother not to come at any time into the Holy Place inside the veil, before the mercy seat that is on the ark, so that he may not die. For I will appear in the cloud over the mercy seat.
The priest could not come before God whenever they wanted. They could die if they were unworthy or had not atoned for their sins. The priest had to clean himself, change clothes, atone for his sins, and come before God clean and holy. And this was only one day a year and only the priest was allowed behind the veil to be in the presence of God. This is the veil that was torn when Christ was crucified.
16:21-22 And Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, and confess over it all the iniquities of the people of Israel, and all their transgressions, all their sins. And he shall put them on the head of the goat and send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a man who is in readiness. The goat shall bear all their iniquities on itself to a remote area, and he shall let the goat go free in the wilderness.

We see here that the priest put the sins on the goat and the goat was sent away. So the sins were taken far away.
Leviticus 17
This is referring not to killing an animal to eat, but killing a sacrifice in an unauthorized place. This is to prevent people from sacrificing to idols and ensure they sacrifice only to God.
17:7 So they shall no more sacrifice their sacrifices to goat demons, after whom they whore. This shall be a statute forever for them throughout their generations.
Leviticus 19
In verse 10, we see that God was providing a way for the poor to obtain food. In verse 15, we see God wants fairness where neither the poor nor rich were favored.
Leviticus 20
We see that God did not want Israel practicing activities that were similar to the idolatrous people groups around them. We also see a discussion of sacrificing children to Molech. Molech is thought to be an idol associated with licentious sexual behavior. They were killing their children to serve this god.

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5/11/2015 8:11 am  #47

Re: Leviticus

Leviticus 16

Some moving concepts here that really illustrate the good news that is the new covenant.
Only the high priest could enter God’s presence and even then, not whenever he wanted, but only on one day. The priest had to atone for his sins, clean himself, and put on new clothes. Well Christ atoned for our sins, cleansed our hearts and placed on us the robes of His righteousness. Praise God.
The veil separated everyone else from the Holy presence of God. But God tore the veil at the crucifixion of Christ and gave us not only direct access to Him, but placed His presence inside of us.
When the priest came into the Most Holies or the Holy of Holies he burnt incense. Since several commentators mention that incense is symbolic of prayer or worship, this makes me think of coming before the presence of God with intimate prayer and worship. And we are not allowed to do that. When we come to God, we can come to Him, and commune with Him intimately as we give Him our prayers and worship from our inner most heart.

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5/12/2015 1:26 am  #48

Re: Leviticus

Leviticus 16

Optional GMG Discussion Question:
In Leviticus 16, we find Aaron spending hour to prepare himself to meet God. We can approach God anytime - what a privilege! Just because we can access God anytime does not mean we should not prepare ourselves for our time with Him. What are some ways you prepare to meet with God?

We can prepare ourselves to meet God through prayer before getting into the word, as well as meditation,  and kneeling to create an atmosphere of peace and reverence.


5/12/2015 7:41 pm  #49

Re: Leviticus

Leviticus 17:7
“They shall no more offer their sacrifices to demons, after whom they have played the harlot. This shall be a statute forever for them throughout their generations.”’

I think we don’t always realize when we stray from God that we are going towards a path of destruction that is ruled by Satan.

 In Revelations 3: 15 God says:
“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.  So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, will I vomit you out of my mouth”

This verse sounds so brash when you first read it. But when you take a closer look and see the overarching themes in the bible of people being easily ensnared in sin. You read this verse differently as a loving father trying to protect his family. You see when we are on the fence it is easy to slowly engage in demonic activity because so much of the world is that. Whether its gossip, pride, inhospitality, bitterness, anger, we are engaging in behaviors that are not pleasing to God. And can eventually led to our demise. Pride is one of the sins in the bible that is often revered as the worst as them all. In fact, it was this very sin of pride that caused Satan to stumble and be forced out of heaven.  

Sacrificing to demons has many layers. It is not just an activity. It is an attitude of the heart that says yes to sin and no to God. Because you see you can’t have it both ways.

Matthew 6:24
No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other.

Today, I am remembering yesterday to learn from my mistakes. While also hoping for a better tomorrow. And making the best out of this day. Amen.

Theresnoplacelike Home

Last edited by Theresnoplacelike Home (5/12/2015 11:59 pm)


5/12/2015 11:56 pm  #50

Re: Leviticus

   Leviticus 18:20
 “‘Do not have sexual relations with your neighbor’s wife and defile yourself with her.”

I think the laws that were set in place were so explicit because these acts were so prevalent. And unfortunately today, our society is no different. There are so many obscene acts that are perverse in the area of sexual relationships that this chapter is very relevant today. However, this scripture stood out to me the most.

In this particular verse, I am reminded of the story of David and Bathsheba. He lusted after his neighbor’s wife. He lay with her, and then tried to cover up his sin by sending her husband to the front of the battle field where he was killed.

Then, he took her as his wife. When Bathsheba became pregnant the child was born, but then was killed. Sin leads to death. It was through the death of his son that God showed David just how serious this was to him.

1 John 5:16
“There is a sin that leads to death. I am not saying that you should pray about that.  All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death.”

Through this scripture and story I am reminded of the holiness of sexual relations between a husband and wife. God was not pleased with David and God is not pleased when we sin by any inappropriate sexual relations. Nor, is He pleased in any area of our lives where there is unrepentant sin.  

Often when I sin with my words, like I just did tonight—Jesus forgive me! I take (1 John 5:16) to heart. I believe that if my sin is severe enough and displeasing to God I can be struck by death.

I think this past year, I have started to take my walk with God more seriously than I have in years past. And I often pray things like…God please do not strike me dead by saying this…when I am uncertain if what I am saying may be slander or harmful. Knowing that He can and still does punish sin with death. (Maybe, I am extreme in feeling like this…)?

 May I learn from those who walked with God before me, and may God help guide my path and enable my Spirit to lead and my flesh to reside.

Micah 6:8
“What does the Lord require of you? But to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God.”


Theresnoplacelike Home

Last edited by Theresnoplacelike Home (5/13/2015 12:00 am)


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