Don't forget to read Courtney's introductory post for this week's reading on Good Morning Girls.
Discussion Thread is found in Bible Study: Leviticus
An overview of chapters 11-15 is also found in the discussion thread.
Reading: Leviticus 11
Key Verse: 11:44 For I am the Lord your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy.
Optional Group Thoughts and Discussion Question:
Consecrate means to be sacred, or set apart. How do we consecrate ourselves in this culture?
Optional Good Morning Girls Discussion Question:
God had a set of laws for the types of food that the Israelites were allowed to eat. He wanted them to be cautious about what they were putting into their bodies. This means God cares about us not only being healthy spiritually, but physically as well. Are there some ways that you need to work on your physical health that we can pray together over?
Reading: Leviticus 12
Optional Group Thoughts and Discussion Question:
Looking at the laws we have been reading, Israel may not have understood why God was requiring this of them, yet they obeyed. Do we find it hard to obey things we don’t understand? Why? What is the root of this attitude? What can we do to change it?
Reading: Leviticus 13
Optional Group Thoughts and Discussion Question:
Like an infectious disease, sin will infect your life and the church as a whole if it is not rooted out. Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.
Privately reflect on what sin you need to root out of your life. Share with the group how this idea of sin being an infectious disease plays out in our culture, in the church, and how we should respond.
Reading: Leviticus 14
Optional Group Thoughts and Discussion Question:
Israel needed to separate itself from the defiling idolatry worship of the people around it. We in some ways need to separate ourselves from a godless world. We are not to live like the world and take part in godless things. We are to cleans ourselves of every defilement. Read 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1.
How can we separate ourselves from the defilement of the world while still being salt and light and doing God’s work in the world?
Reading: Leviticus 15
Optional Good Morning Girls Discussion Question:
We have seen over and over again that God is commanding the Israelites to separate themselves from those who are unclean. This was a precautionary measure to keep them healthy physically and mentally. Do you have some relationships that are causing you spiritual harm?
Last edited by TBG (5/03/2015 8:33 pm)