Sorry I did not get this up sooner, ladies, been pretty sick.
The discussion thread can be found here: Matthew Discussion.
Reading: Matthew 6
3 Minute Devotional
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
God promises to provide all of our needs. But, we still tend to be anxious about how
it will work out. What is an area that you are trusting God to meet your needs in
right now.
Reading: Matthew 7
3 Minute Devotional
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Foundations are key. What you build your life on, will be what it is all about. How are you building your family, or your personal life, on the rock that is Jesus Christ?
Reading: Matthew 8
3 Minute Devotional
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
""Save Us Lord"- how often do we pray that prayer? What is a storm that you are going through, that you need increased faith?
Reading: Matthew 9
3 Minute Devotional
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
The harvest is plentiful - but the laborers are few. How are you sharing the good news of the gospel to those around you?
Reading: Matthew 10
3 Minute Devotional
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Jesus tells us not to fear - even the hairs on our head are numbered. What is one area where you are fearful?