Women in the Word

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3/23/2015 11:54 am  #1

Week of March 23

Reading: Matthew 16
3 Minute Devotional
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
We are presented with what could seem like an oxymoron: if we try to save our lives, we'll lose them. But if we lose our life for Christ's sake, we'll find it. Sounds like a riddle.

In what way have you tried to hang on to your life? What is Christ asking you today to sacrifice for His sake?

Reading: Matthew 17
3 Minute Devotional
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Jesus tells us, if we have faith even as small as a mustard seed we can accomplish great things for Him.
Has there been a time in your life that you can point to, when you know that your faith - perhaps even a little shaky - gave you the strength to believe for the impossible...and it became reality?

Reading: Matthew 18
3 Minute Devotional
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Jesus illustrated for us the importance of forgiveness. We are the servant - He has forgiven us of an immeasurable amount of offense, so how can we not find grace enough to forgive our offender of a much lesser matter?

Is there someone in your life that you know you need to forgive? Have you experienced the freedom of forgiving?

Reading: Matthew 19
3 Minute Devotional
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
The rich young ruler found out, money can't buy everything. Jesus has to occupy your heart. He touched on the one thing that occupied this man's heart - but the cost was too great for him.

What occupies your heart? Is it Jesus, or is it something else. Do you need to dethrone something in your life so Jesus can occupy first place?

Reading: Matthew 20
3 Minute Devotional
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Imagine what it was like for those blind men that day: their eyes were opened and the first thing they ever saw in their life was Jesus' face!

How long has it been since you truly "saw" Jesus? How long has it been since you really looked at the Word and "saw" Him? Is your prayer today, "Lord, that my eyes be opened"?


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