Women in the Word

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11/23/2015 1:01 pm  #31

Re: Numbers

Sorry guys, last week I had gotten back from another trip. I had several back to back and just got so bogged down trying to get back organized and going in life.

But, a great chapter today. Hope you are reading and letting God teach you through His word.

Numbers 21
Scripture 21:1-3
Previously in chapter 14, the people were afraid to go into the promised land and rejected Joshua and Caleb’s good report. When God got mad at them and told them that they would not ever enter the land but die in the desert, they then said they would go and fight. But God had already told them to forget it, and that He would not allow this or be with them. But they thought they could do it on their own. They went out against the Canaanites. Verse 45 says that they were roundly defeated and pursued unto Hormah.
Here in 21:1-3 we see that they this time asked for God to deliver them and sought God’s help and did not act in their own strength. And at the place of their previous defeat, they had a victory.
It is also of note that they committed all the spoils to God, complete destruction; they did not keep any of the riches or spoils for themselves.
Always need to remember to rely on God to help resolve the challenges facing me in life as well as the spiritual battles. There is victory when God delivers and defeat when we act prematurely or outside of God’s will.
And, as with Israel, it should not be for our gain, but just for our deliverance.
Scripture 21:4 ..And the people became impatient on the way
It is almost humorous how frequently we see this pattern over and over: the people seek God, God acts miraculously, then they turn around and doubt and reject.
Sadly, we too often see this still. But ultimately this is why Christ died so that we don’t have to continue to live in spiritual defeat and continue to fail because He has saved us from the power of sin. We don’t have to be slaves to sin and doubt. He gave us the Holy Spirit inside of us to empower us to believe and serve Him.
So, yes, the flesh may fail at times, but we should not accept this as status quo in our lives. But we should be sympathetic towards Israel (who did not have the Spirit dwelling in them) and to non-believers knowing that we have like struggles.
Scripture 21:5 Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and we loathe this worthless food.
Wow! Not only do they suddenly doubt God’s ability to provide for their needs, they feel that we He is providing is worthless.
The word worthless can be defined as contemptible and worthless. Contemptible: held in contempt – to despise it.
When we go after things to meet our own needs, and reject what God has placed in our life we are despising God’s provision and thinking that we need better than what God has given.
Do we value and desire things of the world more than we value and desire the things that God gives us? Sometimes I am guilty of this.
Scripture 21:9 So Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on a pole. And if a serpent bit anyone, he would look at the bronze serpent and live.
This is the foreshadowing of Christ.
John 3:14-15  Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.
My Bible notes say: As Israel was saved by looking at the bronze image of the serpent, so anyone may be saved by looking in faith to Christ. Lifted up foreshadows Jesus’ death on the Cross.
Salvation is available and offered but people must look to it and must look to Christ, not just as a good man, prophet or teacher, but look on Christ’s crucifixion as the deliverance.


11/24/2015 10:12 am  #32

Re: Numbers

Numbers 22
God had already told Balaam, no, that he could not curse Israel because God had a special blessing on them. So why did he ask again what God had already answered? It seems he was looking for an opportunity to still get to do something so he could get the money. He was pushing God to concede because of his desire for the money. He was not really desiring to please God, he just did not go at first because he knew he was going to be unable to curse them.
I think verse 32 bears this out when the angels says his way was “perverse.”
The whole donkey thing is interesting. He knows his donkey has never acted like this before, but instead of thinking that this is weird and maybe something is up with this, he just gets mad.
From the Matthew Henry:
Thus those who by willful sin are running headlong into perdition are angry at those that would prevent their ruin. It is common for those whose hearts are fully set in them to do evil to push on violently, and break through all the difficulties which Providence lays in their way to give check to them and to stop them in their career.
God trying to give him a chance opened donkey's mouth notice so bent on what he was trying to do even this did not stop and get him to think.
Sometimes people know what God wants, and yet they try to revisit the situation and justify a different action. We especially see this when the Bible clearly says not to do something and people say, I am going to pray and see if it is not alright for me to do this. Then they say, I just felt God leading me to do this. But, God had already said in the Bible not to do it.
Another danger is in being so focused on what one wants to accomplish, someone is pushing so headlong into what they have committed to that they cannot even see the warning or stop signs.

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11/24/2015 10:36 pm  #33

Re: Numbers

Numbers 23
Why did Balaam not tell Balak that he could not curse them? He knows God already told him this. By the end of the chapter they try building an altar for the third time. In verse 29 Balaam again tells Balak to build the 7 altars. He knows this won’t make a difference. God told him in the last chapter when he went to him for the very first time what His plan was and that he was only going to be allowed to bless Israel.
Verse 14 and 27 we see Balak thinking if he just goes somewhere else and gives God a lot of sacrifices that God will change his mind. Balak is thinking of God like the Roman or Greeks gods who were fickle and could be bribed. He does not understand God’s sovereignty, rule, and righteousness (He always does what is right and just).
We can be tempted to think that we can do things to earn God's favor or to make up for sin. But we must remember that is not so. God does not honor sacrifices meant to manipulate Him.

Proverbs 21:27  The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination; how much more when he brings it with evil intent.
Psalm 51:16-17  You do not desire a sacrifice, or I would offer one. You do not want a burnt offering. The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.

God wants us to be submissive to His sovereignty and to have sincere hearts that are willing to turn away from our sins and towards obedience to Him.

23:21 The Lord their God is with them, and the shout of a king is among them.
What a beautiful verse. Do we believe this in our lives? Israel will see a lot of heartache, battle, and difficulties, but God is with them.


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11/28/2015 5:26 pm  #34

Re: Numbers

Numbers 24
24:3-4 Then he took up his oracle and said: "The utterance of Balaam the son of Beor, The utterance of the man whose eyes are opened, the utterance of him who hears the words of God, Who sees the vision of the Almighty, Who falls down, with eyes wide open:
God has to open the eyes of people to really understand and to see His truth, His way and His word.
Balaam had been selfish and not really fully obedient to God; but, look how he responds: he falls down in reverence before God.
God has blessed us to open our eyes to His truth, may we always respond in humble, submissive reverence
Ephesians 1:9 having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure
1:12 that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.
God has opened our eyes and made known His will to us so that we will live a life that is obedient and honoring to Him.
24:17 "I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but not near; A Star shall come out of Jacob; A Scepter shall rise out of Israel, And batter the brow of Moab, And destroy all the sons of tumult.
God speaks confidently of the ultimate rule and triumph of the Messiah from Israel. It is clear that nothing Israel does, no sin or failure, and nothing anyone else will do will prevent this. God will accomplish His plan. As we read through the Old Testament and see all the trials, peaks and valleys, we can be confident that God’s ultimate plan for deliverance will be accomplished.

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11/28/2015 5:29 pm  #35

Re: Numbers

Numbers 25
Unbridled and misdirected sexual desire led to the worship of other gods and led them away from the true God.
Verse 3 says they joined themselves, united themselves with these false gods.
When we allow ourselves to be led away from God to worship and serve other gods by serving our sin, we unite ourselves with sin and with false gods of our desire and of this world.
This passage shows how strong God’s abomination of idol worship is.
If God was angry when Israel sinned, how much more so should God be angry when we sin, we who are His own special people, who He saved that we should walk in holiness before Him to be a source of praise and glory for Him.
This should be a check to us when we want to compromise with “little” sins or ungodly attitudes and thoughts that God is deeply offended by our worshiping things other than Him.

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11/29/2015 6:25 pm  #36

Re: Numbers

Week of November 29, 2015
This Week’s Reading Assignment

S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Don't forget to check the introduction on Mondays, links on Wednesday and the devotional on Friday at Good Morning Girls.

Reading: Numbers 26
Verse of the Day: Numbers 26:2
Optional GMG Discussion Question: In Numbers 26:63-65 we are reminded that God remains faithful to His word and judgments. How does this bring you comfort?

Reading: Numbers 27
Verse of the Day: Numbers 27:18
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Today we read that Joshua is the one who has been chosen to lead the people into the Promised Land. What were the traits that made Joshua qualified for this responsibility (look back at Numbers 14:5-10)? 

Reading: Numbers 28
Verse of the Day: Numbers 28:11
Optional GMG Discussion Question: In today's reading, the people of Israel are reminded of the sacrifices and offerings they are to bring to the Lord. As Christians why is it important to be reminded of the ultimate sacrifice that was made freely for us?

Reading: Numbers 29
Verse of the Day: Numbers 29:1
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Daily the people were to offer sacrifices; however, there were times when they were to stop from all activities and focus solely on God. How does applying this same practice help you spiritually?

Reading: Numbers 30
Verse of the Day: Numbers 30:2
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Today we learned the importance of making and keeping the vows we make to God. How do you remain faithful to your word to God?

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11/29/2015 6:53 pm  #37

Re: Numbers

Numbers 26

Well, I read it. It brings back many stories from earlier in Genesis and Exodus. It does also show you through all the ups and downs God was slowly getting everything in order for the entry into the promised land.
26:64-65 But among these there was not one of those listed by Moses and Aaron the priest, who had listed the people of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai. For the LORD had said of them, "They shall die in the wilderness." Not one of them was left, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun.
Wow, my Bible notes pointed out how sad this is, “not one of them was left.” How tragic. They were totally disqualified for use by God because of their disobedience and unbelief. God had no use for them in this life. I would never want this said of me.
GMG Discussion Question: In Numbers 26:63-65 we are reminded that God remains faithful to His word and judgments. How does this bring you comfort?
It just helps me remember that no matter where life takes me, to always trust in God’s plan and His direction for my life.

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11/30/2015 10:47 pm  #38

Re: Numbers

Numbers 27

27:15-17 Moses spoke to the LORD, saying, "Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, appoint a man over the congregation who shall go out before them and come in before them, who shall lead them out and bring them in, that the congregation of the LORD may not be as sheep that have no shepherd."
Even in the face of his disappointment, Moses was thinking about the people. He was always a shepherd and had a shepherd’s heart, to protect and guide and care for the people.
This is an admirable quality that we should all seek to develop and heart to care for and serve others.
27:18 So the LORD said to Moses, "Take Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the Spirit, and lay your hand on him.
Joshua had the Spirit in him and walked faithfully before the Lord. So God ordained him and used him.
We should allow the Spirit to control and lead us and fill us so that God can ordain us for His use.
GMG Discussion Question: Today we read that Joshua is the one who has been chosen to lead the people into the Promised Land. What were the traits that made Joshua qualified for this responsibility (look back at Numbers 14:5-10)?
- Brave and boldness: he was bold to stand up before the congregation and speak; and he was brave to do so as the people threatened to stone them in verse 10
- Humble: he tore his clothes to show mourning so he was willing to be humble and repentant before God
- Trust and faith: he trusted in God and had faith that God would do what He said He would
- Understood the importance of obedience and honoring God: he said in verse 7, “if the Lord delights in us.” So he understood that God would deliver them if they lived lives of obedience and honor towards God.
- Submissive: he tell them not to rebel against God, so Joshua was submissive to God and obedient
- Spiritual understanding, focused on spiritual things: understood that it was not a battle of the flesh, but a battle of the spirit world, he said not to fear the people because God was working against them
- Understood his strength was in the Lord: he says that they will prevail because the Lord is with them

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12/02/2015 10:34 am  #39

Re: Numbers

Numbers 28

28:2 "Command the people of Israel and say to them, 'My offering, my food for my food offerings, my pleasing aroma, you shall be careful to offer to me at its appointed time.'
The verse says to be “careful to offer them.” God is due allegiance and worship. This is His right to claim and what we minimally owe to Him.
Day by day, twice a day, a continuing sacrifice to God. Some days that overlapped like a Sabbath that fell on the first of the month there were so many sacrifices, it may have almost been continuous. The New Testament says Christ is always before God interceding on our behalf.
GMG Discussion Question: In today's reading, the people of Israel are reminded of the sacrifices and offerings they are to bring to the Lord. As Christians why is it important to be reminded of the ultimate sacrifice that was made freely for us?
I think it is all too easy to think God’s mercy is cheap. We just keep sinning because we don’t really care that we are because it is no big deal, we can always ask for forgiveness. Or, we don’t take our sin seriously enough; we don’t think we are really sinning because there is nothing outward in our life that is sinful, but we may have bad attitudes, hearts for ourselves (instead of for God and others), and a poor thought life. So it is important to remember the cost of our forgiveness.

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12/03/2015 12:13 am  #40

Re: Numbers

Numbers 29

We see Mourning on Day of Atonement, and joy on Feast of Tabernacles.
From Matthew Henry:
Soon after the Day of Atonement, that day in which men were to afflict their souls, followed the feast of tabernacles, in which they were to rejoice before the Lord;
We see faith in the Feast of Tabernacles and repentance in the Day of Atonement. These are also two important aspects of the gospel: faith and repentance. In these two things entail and understanding of the glory and honor of God.
Our burnt-offerings of praise cannot be accepted of God unless we have an interest in the great sacrifice of propitiation which Christ offered when for us he made himself a sin-offering.
These sacrifices were required to be presented by the body of the congregation, besides these, individual persons were to glorify God with their vows and their free-will offerings in verse 39.
We see obligatory religious obligations and then also individual relational offerings from one’s own love and desire to give. Corporate worship does not replace individual worship from the heart.

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