Week of January 18, 2016
This Week’s Reading Assignment
The discussion thread is under Bible Study » Job.
S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Don't forget to check the introduction on Mondays and the devotional on Friday at Good Morning Girls.
Reading: Job 11
Verse of the Day: Job 11:7
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Even in our darkest moments there is always hope. Name a time when you have found hope in the midst of a dark moment.
Reading: Job 12
Verse of the Day: Job 12:13
Optional GMG Discussion Question: We have been reminded just how powerful God truly is. How does this bring encouragement to you?
Reading: Job 13
Verse of the Day: Job 13:15
Optional GMG Discussion Question: There will always be those who question your Christian walk. How do you handle those types of situations?
Reading: Job 14
Verse of the Day: Job 14:15
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Everything in this world has an end. Yet we have the assurance that through our salvation even our earthly death is not the end. How do these words of truth bring you comfort?
Reading: Job 15
Verse of the Day: Job 15:34
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Everyone's Christian walk looks different. Because of this, there will always be those who question your actions. How can you break this trend by being an encouragement to a fellow
Christian who may be going through the same kind of judgment?