Women in the Word

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6/09/2016 5:47 pm  #1


Week of June 13
This Week’s Reading Assignment
Good Morning Girls has the Ecclesiastes introductory post with all the resources.
S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Reading: Ecclesiastes 1:1,16; 2:4-10; 12:9
Good Morning Girls: Introduction to the Study
Verse of the Day: John 10:10
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Is your life full?  Do you struggle with feeling too full yet empty?  In what ways?
Reading: 2 Samuel 11:1-5, 14-17; 12:15-18,24
Verse of the Day: Romans 10:13
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Do you have peace today?  Why or why not?
What is your parent’s story and how does it intertwine with your story? Did they have peace?
Jesus is the only true source of life, and He gives it to the FULL!   Have you chosen to follow Jesus?  What is the promise of Romans 10:13?
Reading: 1 Kings 3:5-15
Verse of the Day: Matthew 6:33
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Do you remember the day or season of life when you encountered God for the first time?   Share about that time.
Is there something you are anxious about today? Share about it then. Write a private prayer handing over your worries to God.
Reading: 1 Kings 11:3, 9-14
Verse of the Day: Psalm 127:1
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
What do we learn about God’s character, His heart, and His ways regarding His relationship with Solomon? How does this transfer in your own life? 
What have you learned about the character of God, his heart and his ways regarding your relationship with Him?

Reading: Ecclesiastes 1:1-3
Verse of the Day: 2 Timothy 2:15
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Read John 3:16.  What does this passage mean to you?


6/12/2016 8:15 pm  #2

Re: Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes Introduction

GMG Discussion Question:
Is your life full?  Do you struggle with feeling too full yet empty?  In what ways?
I am dealing with priorities right now. We purchased an older home, so there is a lot of work that needs to be done, not functionally or structurally or repair items, just cosmetic things. Everything is in good order; I just want to make some changes and some organizational things.
I do all the work myself, so it has been 2 years and my project list is still very long. I am anxious to get it all together, but, things keep coming up. I am struggling with wanting to spend all of my time knocking out all the projects. But, I know there are other more important priorities I need to be spending time on like reaching out to others. I keep thinking, “just 2-3 weeks of only doing projects and then I will do the more important, spiritual things.”
Well, I have been feeling convicted that I need to shift my priorities. Maybe just pick one day or a few hours a week towards the house. But, I need to also make more time and do what really matters overall.
A part of it is vanity I suppose, wanting the house to look a certain way.
The other issue is what Courtney said at the beginning of the lesson. If you are reading the free journal or the purchased one, she writes about how much time we spend on entertainment. Yikes!
I need to exercise better discipline, but the heart of it is dealing with stress and embracing God’s peace by adjusting my mind to God’s perspective. Then I would not need as much “veg” time because my mind would be calm and peaceful. If I spent more time in prayer and meditating on the Word, I would have more mental and emotional energy and more satisfying fullness.
John 4:14
But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."
I want to live so that the fountain of living water spontaneously springs from me at all times without though or effort – even during difficult or frustrating times.

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6/13/2016 12:22 pm  #3

Re: Ecclesiastes

I completely understand what you are saying.  My life is full and I am busy most all the time.  Infact, even on 'most' Sundays, I am busy doing something whether it be laundry, cleaning, or grocery shopping (a chore in itself...for me, anyway). Instead of making it a day of worship and rest, I turn it into a day of Worship and work.  By Monday morning, I am just plain tired and in need of "just one more day off". I'm sure if I had that 'just one more day off', I would find SOMETHING that needed to be done.  My point of all this is, I tend to get so busy with life and home and work and kids and everything that goes along with all of that, that I get so physically and mentally tired that I can't get up early like I would like to do to spend time with God. In the end, when the alarm goes off at 4am, I can't seem to drag myself out of bed and say to myself that I will have my time with God later in the day...only guess what? A million tasks later, that time never comes.  I have managed, somehow, to keep up with the GMG studies and catch up here and there when needed, but with this new study, I am resolving to 1. Do what I can during the week and on Saturdays to ensure that I don't have to do so much on Sundays, so that can be a day of Worship and rest and restoring of my mind, body, and spirit. 2. Do what I need to do to ensure that I get to bed at a decent and on time hour, so that I can get up at the time I need to get up and have my morning coffee with Jesus.  I know it won't be easy, but I am also going to have to learn to accept that what doesn't get done, just doesn't get done...until the next day.  
Blessings to you.


6/13/2016 3:51 pm  #4

Re: Ecclesiastes

I am in the same boat when it comes to making time. I tell myself every night that I am going to get up a few minutes early to have my time with God and do my study.....BUT, it never happens. I end up at the end of the day doing it, and I feel like I don't get as much from it then because I am already tired and exhausted. This is where I feel empty....I need to make myself make the time and do it when I am refreshed and ready to take it all in. I think I would find myself feeling less empty and getting more from my time with God. This is going to be my new goal!


6/13/2016 4:07 pm  #5

Re: Ecclesiastes

i feel exactly the same as yous
i have never done my bible study when i first wake up in the morning, i would love to but then something always gets in the way. and then the guilt sets in that i should be doing my housework and not sitting reading my bible. this is my first bible study with gmg and my first bible study ever. tomorrow i plan on starting as soon as i wake x


6/14/2016 7:23 am  #6

Re: Ecclesiastes

lablover wrote:

i feel exactly the same as yous
i have never done my bible study when i first wake up in the morning, i would love to but then something always gets in the way. and then the guilt sets in that i should be doing my housework and not sitting reading my bible. this is my first bible study with gmg and my first bible study ever. tomorrow i plan on starting as soon as i wake x

I have that same issue, thinking that I need to get stuff done instead of Bible study, or that I am spending too much time on it and have other obligations. Kind of crazy, right? I guess the things we see around us seem so much more tangible and urgent and we feel God will be there later. But really, how much do we need God, more than we need sleep and food and air.

Well, I am praying for all of us in this area.

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6/14/2016 7:25 am  #7

Re: Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastics Your Story - Day 2

GMG Discussion Question:
Do you have peace today? Why or why not?
When I keep my focus on God, I have peace. It is only when I focus on myself and my desires that my peace fades. Or when I focus on my disappointments or desires instead of my blessings does my peace fade.

I have such joy and peace when I think that God pursued, called and saved me. It is hard to believe that He would love me so much that He would want to pursue me. He delivered me from my old life and put in me His heart and His Spirit.
I love how, when David’s child died, David worshiped. Even in our disappointments, hurts, and unfulfilled longings may we focus on God’s goodness and sovereignty and entrust ourselves to Him with faith, joy, and all submission. May we not just accept our circumstances, but worship God in the midst of them.

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6/14/2016 11:16 am  #8

Re: Ecclesiastes

Reading2 Samuel 11:1-5, 14-17; 12:15-18,24
Verse of the Day: Romans 10:13
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Do you have peace today?  Why or why not?
What is your parent’s story and how does it intertwine with your story? Did they have peace?
Jesus is the only true source of life, and He gives it to the FULL!   Have you chosen to follow Jesus?  What is the promise of Romans 10:13?  

I just copied and pasted from above, I hope that is ok.   I will start with the last q.

 The promise of Romans 10:13 is that anyone who calls on the name of The Lord will be saved. Thank you, Jesus!!

I do have peace today.  That's not to say that everything in my life or in the lives of those that I love are perfect..is there such a thing?  But, I have a peace in knowing that God is working behind the scenes. I have peace that God knows things that we don't know and that He always works things out for our good and I have peace in knowing that He will never ever leave me nor forsake me and that He walks with me each moment of the day.  I have peace in knowing that even though I didn't live the best life that I could or should have in the past and did things that I have a hard time forgiving myself for, that because I simply cried out to God one day as I was listening to a Southern Gospel song that worshiped to my soul, and I begged forgiveness of my vilest sins, and nearly an hour later and a tear soaked face and shirt later, I had the overwhelming peace that I had never known that I was forgiven and that God does love even ME.  That was 19 years ago.  Have I been a perfect saint or Christian since that day? No.  But I still have that peace that God loves me and He saved me from the pit of hell and I have grown so much in my faith and christianity through the years. I'm still learning every day.  There are days when things just don't go right or I have days when I am down and out and feel that noone cares. But even on those dark days, at some point, God reminds me that even if NO ONE on this earth cares, HE CARES.  Yes, indeed I have that peace and I wouldn't trade it for anything on this earth. 

As for my parents, they were in their early to mid 40's when I was born. I was "the baby", an unexpected surprise...or as my mother always said, a blessing. My siblings were all grown and most married when I came along and all of my nieces and nephews were only months to a couple years younger than me. My father became ill when I was 8 and died when I was 14. I didn't grow up in  a particularly religious house. I won't say that they 'didn't' believe in or have faith in God, but it wasn't something that was taught to me as I feel parents should teach their children about Jesus.  I remember my mother and I attending church occasionally but I don't remember my father attending with us, though I do remember her talking about a country church that he attended once a month (they only had service once a month).  I just remember church being boring and I got nothing from it. Perhaps if the church that we occasionally attended had of had a children's ministry, that would have helped, but to be honest, it was mostly older folks at the church. I was probably only one of two or three children there.  At some point, we stopped going, probably when my mom was taking care of my dad.  She did resume going to church on a regular basis later on in her life and was baptized.  They weren't bad parents, I guess they took the path of letting their children choose faith or not. I don't think either of them came from particularly religious families either, so I guess they did the best that they could.  I made a lot of bad choices in my early teen/late teen/ and early adult life that I often wonder that if I had of had more of a Christian foundation as a child, if I would have made such choices. I've also always struggled with wondering what is my purpose here on this earth. Why God chose to give me to parents who were so much older and He knew that I would go through things and deal with things at such early ages that no child should have to go through or deal with, and He knew that I would make bad choices, He knew that I would fail at so many things that I had so longed to be good at, yet He chose to put me here for a purpose.  I'm not sure that I still know why I'm here, maybe I won't know that answer until I see Jesus face to face and I do have that peace in knowing that on that sweet day, I will understand EVERYTHING and all that I have ever questioned will be answered and everything will all make perfect sense.  I do know one thing that God has shown me in recent years. I am an over comer. I am a survivor.  I am strong.  I am His.  

Whew that was long.  If you are lacking peace today, I pray that you would seek God and ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit and give you that peace that you desperately need.  Oh and for all of us who sometimes miss our early morning times with God, don't feel bad...I overslept AGAIN today, after saying that I was going to make that a goal.  BUT, I still managed to get in my study and prayer time.  I just find that when I start my day with the one who blesses us with each day, then most times the rest of my day goes well and when I skip it for whatever reason, everything just seems off.  You know, those house chores, those baskets of dirty laundry, whatever it is...it will be there when you are done with your Bible study. Even though I am so guilty of doing and saying this, "I'll get to it later or tomorrow"....later or tomorrow is not promised. Let's get in our time with Jesus first thing every morning, before anyone else in the house is up. Now, THAT will give you an awesome feeling of peace that lasts.  

Blessings and Hugs to all. 



6/14/2016 5:44 pm  #9

Re: Ecclesiastes

SandraW wrote:

I do have peace today.  That's not to say that everything in my life or in the lives of those that I love are perfect..is there such a thing?  But, I have a peace in knowing that God is working behind the scenes. I have peace that God knows things that we don't know and that He always works things out for our good and I have peace in knowing that He will never ever leave me nor forsake me and that He walks with me each moment of the day.

SandraW wrote:

I'm not sure that I still know why I'm here, maybe I won't know that answer until I see Jesus face to face and I do have that peace in knowing that on that sweet day, I will understand EVERYTHING and all that I have ever questioned will be answered and everything will all make perfect sense.  I do know one thing that God has shown me in recent years. I am an over comer. I am a survivor.  I am strong.  I am His.  

Oh, SandraW, that was beautiful. That shows your confidence and trust in God. 

SandraW wrote:

But I still have that peace that God loves me and He saved me from the pit of hell and I have grown so much in my faith and christianity through the years. I'm still learning every day.  There are days when things just don't go right or I have days when I am down and out and feel that noone cares. But even on those dark days, at some point, God reminds me that even if NO ONE on this earth cares, HE CARES.  Yes, indeed I have that peace and I wouldn't trade it for anything on this earth. 

Again, I love this. It is so beautiful. Yes, we need to remember that it is God we love and cling to and not our own goodness. Thanks for the encouragement today!

SandraW wrote:

I just find that when I start my day with the one who blesses us with each day, then most times the rest of my day goes well and when I skip it for whatever reason, everything just seems off.

I just find that I am really not the person God wants me to be if I don't spend time in the Word. If I go too long without being in the Word, it is really my flesh that comes out instead of the Holy Spirit. If I miss the morning, I can do it at night as long as I don't wait until late. I don't have kids, so around 9 AM dinner is well finished and kitchen cleaned and hubby is watching TV, so I can go to a quiet room and study and pray. I work from home, so sometimes, midday I take a break and refresh myself. But those times only work if I am not stressed. If I am stressed by noon or night I am too wound up to rest and focus.

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6/15/2016 6:23 am  #10

Re: Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes – A God Encounter Day 3
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Do you remember the day or season of life when you encountered God for the first time?   Share about that time.
I was 6 when I accepted Christ and was baptized. I always believed. I was taught and knew the Word. College did not make me doubt. If anything, the more I studied physical sciences and philosophy, it backed up the truth of the Word. The Word always made sense to me and I always believed in the truth of it.
The problem was that walking with God just was not on my radar. I was so focused on other things and goals. But if one is not focused on making a conscious decision to seek and serve God one gets slowly drawn further and further away.
So, I was not living a life of obedience to God, not because I did not believe or know. So, I would feel guilty and think that I should straighten up. I would read Hebrews 8:10 and 10:16 where God said that He, not me, would put His laws in my heart. Then I would wonder why it was not getting into my heart. I would get frustrated when I kept failing spiritually. It seemed I was unable to be obedient, I could not, because my own heart drew me away.
Finally, I had just had it. And things were not going poorly for me, things were going well, but I just so was over the world, I just wanted God. So, I read Jeremiah 29:13 (And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.), and even though this is a specific statement to Israel, I felt the principle still applied. So, I just decided to seriously seek God with all of my heart.
I completely surrendered and decided to put my time and effort into pursuing God. I spent my time attending church, serving and volunteering at church, reading the Bible, going to Bible studies, listening to Christian teaching on the radio, listening less to even wholesome secular music so I could focus more on God. When I did this, God did put His Word in my heart and my desires and behaviors changed from the inside out, not because of effort or external restraint.
We cannot keep dabbling in the world. We need to get all that stuff out of our life and stop putting that stuff into our minds and fill ourselves with the fellowship of other believers in a Bible-teaching church, in service and work for God, and in Bible study.
Prayer is the thing I have added since this time that has also been rocking my world. Not prayers for petition, asking for specific things, but prayers for changing my heart, revealing His will, sharing my heart, just talking to God to resolve my heart issues and to seek Him and focus on Him.
Be strong, and show yourself a man, and keep the charge of the LORD your God, walking in his ways and keeping his statutes, his commandments, his rules, and his testimonies, as it is written in the Law of Moses, that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn, 1 Kings 2:2-3
This reminds me of what God kept saying in Deuteronomy to Israel, to be very courageous to do all that He commanded. It is very interesting to say that it takes courage to obey God. It takes courage to buck the world and our own flesh and desires to go God’s way even if it doesn’t make sense to us. It takes courage to trust that what God has is ultimately better even when another way seems so desirable. It takes courage to trust that ultimate joy is in God and not the things we think will give us pleasure and satisfaction.
Is there something you are anxious about today? Share about it then.
This ties into my Monday post about the house and all the other things I want to get done. It seems so silly to be anxious about this. I know I need to seek to honor and serve God and serve my husband while being responsible and disciplined (while still giving myself grace) about the rest of my schedule and to stop worrying about timelines. If God wants something to happen, it will. But, I need to seek what God wants, not what I want.

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