Women in the Word

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6/22/2016 8:19 am  #21

Re: Ecclesiastes

This is a tough one for me. I tend to find myself turning to material things for satisfaction and happiness. The more time I spend reading Gods word the more I realize that that time is when I am happiest. The things of this world only bring me temporary happiness but the happiness I feel from God stays with me and when I feel like I am becoming dissatisfied I just open my bible and read. It really does amaze me how talking to God can bring a sense of peace, a peace that I have never known. I still have my moments of weakness and turn to those material things but I am just reminded how meaningless those things are and then I turn to God. God is SO good!


6/23/2016 8:25 am  #22

Re: Ecclesiastes

TBG wrote:

Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

The study guide highlights that in these verses, Solomon begins with himself as he searches for meaning. Over and over in this passage he says “I”, “my”, “me” or “myself.” He didn’t look to God for the answers.
He searches for meaning on his own without seeking God.
Even when we want what appears to be normal wholesome things, marriage, children, home, that is still seeking for meaning apart from God.
Solomon attempted to build heaven on earth. (Study Guide)
This cannot be the place we are banking on finding all joy and happiness. This is not our heaven; this is a fallen and sinful world.
2 Timothy 3:4 …. lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God

Do I love my desires more than I love God?

I was still chewing on the discussion question from yesterday that went with this reading and wanted to share it.

GMG Discussion Question:
For personal and private reflection (unless you choose to share): What gifts has God given you that you need to stop using for your own purposes and begin using for His glory? (It may be a dream, a possession, a position, or something else God is laying on your heart right now.)
Foster parenting. We have gone through several years of up and down around this. I would get excited thinking that I was going to do it, and then it would be a closed door. So, I kept “deferring” the dream, but I kept thinking, OK it will happen at some other time. Then it looked like it was a definite “no” and I was crushed. Then unexpectedly it was a green light.
So, we did finally do some foster parenting and it was the worse experience of my life, not the kid, but the entire system which is completely broken and is destroying kids. So, I was reeling and uncertain as to what I wanted to do. (Note, I said what I wanted to do.) After 6-8 months of emotional healing I decided I wanted to do it again with some changes (change agencies and approaches, etc.) But, I was confronted again with a big closed door, and this looked to be very final. So, I was hurt and disappointed.
I eventually accepted the finality of this and created a new dream and vision for my life that I was excited about.  And the things I wanted to do where for the kingdom of God and God’s work around some other youth programs and women’s outreach, etc.
Well, now fostering is back on the table. My initial reaction was that I did not want to do it anymore. I already decided I wanted to do other things. I was really dragging my feet and really unhappy about fostering again.
Then, I realized the problem, I was making decisions based on what would make me happy. I realized that I needed to be thinking about what God had called me to and gifted me to. I should be obedient to go God’s specific calling on me and not focus on what I want to do for my pleasure.
Now the other things I wanted to do where for God’s kingdom and were in areas of my gifting, but that did not mean that was God’s will for me right now. Nor did that mean that I could ignore his call on me to care for the orphans and least because I thought I would like serving in another way.
Now, don’t get me wrong, if you are really doing what God has called and gifted you to, you won’t be miserable, because that is where you belong. So, you will find pleasure when you are in God’s will. But I was purely thinking of what I most thought would be fun and what I desired right now.
So bottom line, I need to use my gifts in the area that God is calling me to and not just decide on working in the areas that I want to do to support my desired lifestyle.

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6/23/2016 8:29 am  #23

Re: Ecclesiastes

Stephanie wrote:

This is a tough one for me. I tend to find myself turning to material things for satisfaction and happiness. The more time I spend reading Gods word the more I realize that that time is when I am happiest. The things of this world only bring me temporary happiness but the happiness I feel from God stays with me and when I feel like I am becoming dissatisfied I just open my bible and read. It really does amaze me how talking to God can bring a sense of peace, a peace that I have never known. I still have my moments of weakness and turn to those material things but I am just reminded how meaningless those things are and then I turn to God. God is SO good!

That is a challenge for many at least in North America. But that has really hit home for me the past several years as I have lost a few older people who were close to me and saw all the things they treasured and all the awards swept away in the trash and discarded. I saw the things people were holding onto with their hearts and that defined their value and how useless and pointless it was.

So, in the suffering and pain I saw, I decided that I wanted something good to come of it and asked what lesson can I learn to make this bad situation to have been worth it. And that was what I decided, that I needed to hold things lightly, to not place my value on things and status and other people's opinions.

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6/23/2016 8:47 am  #24

Re: Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 2:12-17

2:13-14 Then I saw that there is more gain in wisdom than in folly, as there is more gain in light than in darkness. The wise person has his eyes in his head, but the fool walks in darkness. And yet I perceived that the same event happens to all of them.
2:16-17 For of the wise as of the fool there is no enduring remembrance, seeing that in the days to come all will have been long forgotten. How the wise dies just like the fool! So I hated life, because what is done under the sun was grievous to me, for all is vanity and a striving after wind.
There is more gain in wisdom and we will have better, clearer understanding and perception. But, there is no ultimate, lasting gain because the end result is the same. We die and our life did not make any ultimate difference. This will happen unless we live for God and use our wisdom for God.
Everything we do for this earth or ourselves is pointless. The only eternal value and gain is in our work for God.
GMG Discussion Question:
How does Galatians 6:9 encourage you in the midst of the season of life you are in today?
That if I just have a good attitude and try to focus on serving God and others that I will have fruit and God will work through me. That is so much more important than any goals I have that will be of no eternal value.
As believers, how should we view death and/or labor according to 1 Corinthians 15:55-58, Philippians 2:12-16? Is it easy for you to view death and labor in this way? Why or why not?
It is not easy for me to view labor in this way. I am Goal oriented so I get focused on trying to accomplish whatever thing I am focused on. So, it is hard for me to shift gears and focus on working for God’s glory and for eternity.
It is easy for me to view death as a gain. I have had a pretty good life and I realize that nothing in this life has ever really been satisfying, so I know that I value being in the presence of God and being actualized in Christ more than I value being here on earth in my sinful, fleshly body.

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6/24/2016 8:14 am  #25

Re: Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 2:18-26
2:18-19 I hated all my toil in which I toil under the sun, seeing that I must leave it to the man who will come after me, and who knows whether he will be wise or a fool? Yet he will be master of all for which I toiled and used my wisdom under the sun. This also is vanity.
He put so much of himself into his work and valued his work greatly. Yet, he will have to let it go and cannot ensure that it will continue in the way he would want. He cannot maintain his vision for what he built. And for all his work, someone else, who may not be deserving, will get it for no effort. So, he worked that hard for nothing.
We can’t put our heart into things we are building and invest in ourselves and into our goals more than we invest in the kingdom of God. We cannot build in our name or for our identity and value or lay our affections or sense of value on what we build.
We put our heart into things that don’t matter. (What has a man from all the toil and striving of heart with which he toils beneath the sun?, 2:22)
2:24-26 There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, for apart from him who can eat or who can have enjoyment?
For to the one who pleases him God has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, but to the sinner he has given the business of gathering and collecting, only to give to one who pleases God. This also is vanity and a striving after wind.
There is not purpose, joy, or satisfaction apart from God. One can have satisfaction and pleasure with the right perspective that it is a gift from God that God has given this to us because we have worked to please Him.
God desires that we should get satisfaction and joy from our work, just not our ultimate meaning and purpose. But this joy is a gift from God when we work for His pleasure and His glory.
When we work to please God and not for our own glory, value or goals, God will give us joy and understanding because our hearts and affection is rightly focused. But to those who work without a desire to serve God will find their work meaningless with no real or lasting value, satisfaction and joy.
GMG Discussion Question:
Have you committed to something that looked enjoyable but later you find it steals your sleep and your peace and you regret ever saying yes? Tell about this time and what you learned.
Gosh, that happens all the time. I commit to something and then find I just don’t really have the time. Or, even if I have the time I let it consume me because I am so worried about it being perfect because that reflects on my value and ability.
I did find that when I stopped allowing myself to think that how I perform reflects on my value and stopped caring about what other people assessed my value to be, that I was able to have less stress and anxiety. I would do my best given the time I have and that would have to be good enough and I would not stress about trying to have things perfect.
Have you confronted your own mortality? Have you thought about if you will be remembered as one who gathered and collected or as one who was content with the simple pleasure of life that come from God? What will be your legacy? What do you want your legacy to be?
I guess I don’t care about leaving a legacy. I don’t know that I care what people think of me when I am gone. That is interesting since I do care what they think of me while I am here.
I guess, I would like to leave a legacy of being known as someone who cared about and loved people. That is especially ironic since I tend to get wrapped up and overly focused on goals and tasks that make me not always properly prioritize people and being there for them. I always think I will do that when I am finished with whatever I am trying to finish working on at the time.

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6/27/2016 12:05 pm  #26

Re: Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 3 1-8

There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:
    a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,
    a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
     a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,…"

Clearly many things are permissible yet our implementation in timing is essential. Those that are slow to speak and quick to listen may be the best at understanding this concept. 

These verses are away for me to grow. Waiting to react will be something to put into practice. The phrase, “timing is everything” takes on a different meaning when you see it in light of these verses. Ultimately when the Holy Spirit guides me “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I will try more to allow his guidance in my life. 

Theresnoplacelike Home 


Last edited by Theresnoplacelike Home (6/27/2016 12:06 pm)


6/27/2016 12:28 pm  #27

Re: Ecclesiastes

Ladies, I was out of town for the weekend and returned home late last night then had a meeting first things this morning. I will get this week's assignment posted ASAP. Meanwhile, you can find the assignment at Good Morning Girls.

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6/28/2016 2:50 pm  #28

Re: Ecclesiastes

Week of June 26
This Week’s Reading Assignment

S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.

Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Good Morning Girls: Introduction to the Week
Verse of the Day: Ecclesiastes 3:11
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Psalm 90:12 says, “So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” How do we gain wisdom? How does this apply to your season of life today?

Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:9-15
Verse of the Day: Ephesians 2:10
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Share something in your life that God has made beautiful through time.
How are you practicing the pleasure of food, drink and work in your life? What do you need to change?
Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:16-22
Verse of the Day: Philippians 3:20
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
What work has God called you to, in this season of life? How can you experience more joy in the present?

Reading: Ecclesiastes 4:1-8
Verse of the Day: Ecclesiastes 4:6
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Ecclesiastes 4:6 says, “Better is a handful of quietness than two hands full of toil and a striving after wind.” As you examine your own life, how are you doing with balancing work and rest? Are you living a one handful or two-handful style of life?

Reading: Ecclesiastes 4:9-16
Verse of the Day: Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Good Morning Girls: Devotional Video
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Who are some of the friends that God has placed in your life that you support, love and protect, and who does this for you?

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6/28/2016 3:37 pm  #29

Re: Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

3:1 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
Sometimes we try to fight against the course of life.
I think about when Jesus told Saul that it is difficult to kick against to goads. (Acts 26:14)
Chuck Swindoll explains this: Goads were typically made from slender pieces of timber, blunt on one end and pointed on the other. Farmers used the pointed end to urge a stubborn ox into motion. Occasionally, the beast would kick at the goad. The more the ox kicked, the more likely the goad would stab into the flesh of its leg, causing greater pain.
The more we resist the natural course of life, the more we experience pain. We need to accept the different times and seasons of life. I have said this before, but I have been focusing lately on graciously accepting what God brings into my life and being thankful to Him, not for all things, but in the midst of all things. “We need to learn to embrace change.”
GMG Discussion Question
Read Ephesians 5:15-16 and Psalm 90:12. What are we to use to guide how we use our time? How do these apply to your season of life today?

Ephesians 5:15-16 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
Every moment counts and I need to be very careful and wise to use each minute to the glory of God.
Therefore, I need to take more seriously the time wasters such as Internet and even reading because God needs to use me to serve and help others.
Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
From Matthew Henry: We then number our days to good purpose when thereby our hearts are inclined and engaged to true wisdom, that is, to the practice of serious godliness.
When I realize how short time is I will spend more time pursuing wisdom.

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6/28/2016 3:39 pm  #30

Re: Ecclesiastes

Theresnoplacelike Home wrote:

These verses are away for me to grow. Waiting to react will be something to put into practice. The phrase, “timing is everything” takes on a different meaning when you see it in light of these verses.

This is something I have shared also. I need to learn sometimes that there are times just to be quiet or let things go.

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