Well, I did not know what to expect when I started reading Jude. It is an interesting and unusual book. But I spent so much time in reading and studying it, that I don't have time to write now. I just wanted to get the topic started for all of you. I will come back later and share my thoughts. God bless everyone. I pray that you ladies will have a blessed day and experience God at work in your lives. See you later.
TBG wrote:
Well, I did not know what to expect when I started reading Jude. It is an interesting and unusual book. But I spent so much time in reading and studying it, that I don't have time to write now. I just wanted to get the topic started for all of you. I will come back later and share my thoughts. God bless everyone. I pray that you ladies will have a blessed day and experience God at work in your lives. See you later.
Yes, very interesting. it's like Jude is saying this is what you already learned now I am summing it up in one chapter. hope you get it now.
Good Afternoon Ladies:
There are so many versus that spoke to me in this chapter. Jude is making me aware of the false teaching that exist and what I must do to ensure they don't succeed. There were several adjectives that stood at as the characterics of the false teachers were described, such as.... ungodly, people who pervert the grace of our God, they pollute their own bodies, reject authority, heap abuse on celestial beings, these people slander whatever they do not understand, and the very things they do understand by instinct-as irrational animals do-will destroy them, blemishes at your love feasts (eating with you without the slightest qualm-shepherds who feed only themselves), clouds without rain, autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted-twice dead, wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; wandering stars...(to list a few)
I had a wow moment after reading Jude....
I must build myself up. 20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.
I will guard and keep myself in the love of God so that false teachers will not succeed.
Father, help me to stay built up in your word and to continue to serve you, wait for you and be guided by you. Amen!
These people are the ones who are creating divisions among you. They follow their natural instincts because they do not have God's spirit in them. (Jude 19)
The audience is us. God's people. What stood out to me was the "following their natural instincts". I believe God is clearly reminding us that our natural instincts are not always what's right. So it's important to rely on the Holy Spirit.
I loved this book. And this verse in particular. Because it doesn't just apply to "they" it applies to me. I tend to be an earthy, trust your intuition kind a gal. But this verse jumped out at me as soon as I read it as a reminder once again that we are more than animals who simply follow our insticts. We are created in God's image (Gen. 1:27). We are to listen to the Holy Spirit over our instincts. I love that! It takes some of the pressure off me!
Father I pray that you train me to rely more on you than my own natural instincts. Humble me dear God. Following your word and listening to you makes my life here as a Christian more clear. I don't have to wonder if I'm doing the right thing. Because I trust you, I know I am. Thank you father for being patient with me.
Wow, Jude reminds us to be alert to not only the fakers around us but the fakers within ourselves.
The passage I find so clear to me is verse 19 telling us we can't always trust our natural instincts. It can lead us down a bad path.
He mentions grumbling, complaining, bragging and using manipulation to get what we want. It's reminder to me this is not Godly to act this way and isn't a good representation of God in our lives.
Another long post ladies. Sorry, it was just very interesting.
So, I was curious to read Jude because it is such an unusual book. I have heard messages from it and have read isolated verses, but never the whole book in context. However, it is a good book from which to launch our time in Genesis because of some of the background information it provides.
Contend for the faith
Verse 3:
Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.
So many things pass as “Christian” in our society. That label “Christian” is almost meaningless because of the corruption in Biblical principles and a Biblical understanding of discipleship and people falling away from the “faith that was delivered to the saints.”
I was just pressed with the real need for us to contend for the faith. But, how do we contend for the faith in love and truth, not with contention, but yet shining the light on false teachings, showing real truth and the real nature of the faith?
False Teachers
NLWnMD, I also noticed the character traits of false teachers.
Cain – serve the Lord according to our own desires and understanding; fashion worship to suit to ourselves, not in the way God desires; trying to come to God according to our own dictates
Balaam – greed
Korah – power, prestige, exaltation, lack of willingness to submit to authorities and external leadership
Barren of fruit – if you feed self and not the flock your ministry will be without meaningful fruit in the spiritual lives of followers; being transformed into the image of God 2 Corinthians 3:18
Cloud – empty and dry cloud that cannot bring rain
My main scripture focus
Verses 18-23
They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit. But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. And have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh.
It is so important that put to death our ungodly passions and walk in the Spirit
We are to:
- Build ourselves up in the faith: through study, meditation, and intentional mindfulness of walking with God throughout the day
- Pray in the Spirit: I am trying to be mindful throughout the day to be in an attitude of prayer and mindful of God
- Not sure what to think of “keep self in the love of God.” (just asked my husband so I will share his insight - to maintain the close intimacy of your relationship with God, to stay close to God)
- Have mercy on those who doubt: kind and understanding gentle and patient and not being critical to those who doubt
- mercy with fear: be cautious and don’t get too enmeshed with situations where people are in participating in grave sin
But the point that spoke to me the most was
Waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life -
Romans 2:6-7
[God will render] eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality.
I like that, patient endurance, waiting on God’s mercy, hoping in His redemption and His future. It comforts me and calms me when I feel anxious about things here.
The ending was so comforting. I just had to put it here again.
Verse 24-25
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.
itsjenniferrose and Mitzi
I love how you pointed out "fakers within ourselves" and " "they" it applies to me"
That is so true sometimes. We can be so focused on external compliance with the faith and not really focused on developing internal purity, and internal transformation. And it is so easy to act out of the selfishness of our instinctive reactions instead of yielding to the Holy Spirit.