KimberlyP77 wrote:
When I first read this chapter, no verses were speaking to me. It wasn't until I went back thru it a second time that verses started jumping out at me. So here is what I came up with for 1 Samuel Chapter 2S: 2:2 There is none holy like the Lord, there is none besides you: there is no Rock like our God
2:7 The Lord Makes poor and makes rich. He brings low and lifts up
2:9 He will guard the feet of his Godly ones but the wicked shall be silenced & perish in darkness; for by strength no man shall prevailO: There is no one holy like the Lord, He is our Rock there is no other. The Lord gives and takes away.
The Lord will guard us those who rely on himA: I must remember that Lord is the one and only my Rock and Strong tower, God can give and take way. I must be faithful in him and he will guard and protect me.
Discussion: When my husband and I separated and he moved out, and I moved out of my hometown, and moved again. God found me a church that I could call home and friends that would become family, as my family and I weren't close with the lose of my dad.
Thank you for sharing about that wonderful example of how God made a home for you.
And, I often find the best part of this program is the time to be able to read, and re-read a chapter. Sometimes, I read it before bed the nigh before. Not necessarily any deep analysis or any notes, just read it once through. And it kind of gives a jump start to it marinating in my mind.
1 Samuel 3 Overall Impression
When reading this chapter, I thought, is not this how things seem today? As we look around us, I it seems people are growing more corrupt by the day. And, in general, as we look at leaders everywhere around the world, we see much corruption and wickedness. Then, on top of that, it seems like we are not hearing from God. We cannot see His vision.
But we should take heart that as God was working in the background during the time of this passage, God is working in the background now. We can see how many people are saying that they want to get closer to God, they want to know His Word. God is working to call the hearts of people to Him, no matter how small the number, and no matter if those people are in the minority. God is purifying the hearts of those He is calling. But most importantly, we can wait patiently with eager anticipation of the return of our Lord to bring all things under His perfect rule.
Optional GMG Discussion Question: God called Samuel three times before Samuel recognized God’s voice. We must be listening to God, as we read His Word. Share a verse or passage of scripture that means a lot to you because God has clearly spoken to you through it.
Hebrews 10:16 "This is the covenant I will make with them after those days, says the Lord. I will put My Laws in their hearts and inscribe them on their minds."
I never questioned or doubted the truth of God, or the Word. It always made sense to me and I just could understand and grasp its truth. I wanted to serve and follow God, but I always found myself doing whatever I wanted to do even if it was disobedient and dishonoring to God. I would read my bible and ask, “God, why can I not just do what you want me to do?”
God showed me this verse and I realized that it was not about my ability to do good or to live right but it would be a work He did in me. His effort and not mine. But what was I to do? He showed me:
Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
So, I realized that while God would have to put His laws in my heart, I needed to start prioritizing Him and start seeking Him. So, I did and so He changed me and helped me to walk rightly before Him and drew me into a precious intimate relationship with Him.
1 Samuel 3 SOAKs
Scripture: 3:7 Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, and the word of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him.
Observation: God decided He would use Samuel; Samuel did not seek God or even know God.
Application: Feel like I have seen that in my life too. God called me, God opened my heart, God drew me to Him and He knew what He planned for me to do with my life and how He planned to use me. When I was not thinking about God, He was thinking about me and calling me to Him. Me! Imaging that He would care enough to want to call me, save me, and use me.
Romans 5:8, 10a but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son
Scripture: 3:10 And the LORD came and stood, calling as at other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" And Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant hears."
Observation: According to my Bible notes the word hear means to hear with interest or hear so as to obey. This shows a real willingness to submit to God’s direction even though he did not yet have an intimate relationship with God and did not know what God was going to tell him.
That is a hard thing to do to be willing to obey when one does not even really know God or His character personally. He had just heard storied of old and perhaps had some of the writings of the law.
Application: We know God intimately; He lives in us; we know His character, justice, wisdom and goodness. Yet somehow we want to bargain with God: I’ll obey if, or I might obey but, but first tell me what it is You want me to do.
I wonder why it is hard for us. Should we not freely and joyfully say, “yes, Lord, so let it be, all that You say I will do”? We know He is good, all wise, just, loving, kind, and merciful. We should put our faith in action by letting down our guard and resistance and opening our hearts to all that God desires us to do.
Scripture: 3:18 So Samuel told him everything and hid nothing from him. And he said, "It is the LORD. Let him do what seems good to him."
Observation: It is easy to be critical of Eli about not standing up to his sons and standing up for God. But, ultimately he did respect God’s sovereignty. There was no anger, no bargaining, no trying to talk God out of it, just submission. He submitted to God’s justice and sovereignty.
Application: God deals with us differently now since Christ has taken His wrath for us. However, this still shows us God’s standards and is a good lesson for us. This is a gut check for us to see if we really believe what we say we believe about God. Because if we do really believe He is good, wise, loving, gracious, and kind, then will we accept His decisions without question?
1 Samuel 3
S: And the Lord came and stood, calling as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant hears.” (3:11
O: It took four times before Samuel responded to God and when he responded, he did so with a humble heart.
A: We cannot fully hear God’s call to us if our hearts are haughty and pride-filled. He calls a heart that is humble and willing to be molded. It is when we have humbled ourselves, when we bow down before God that we will hear Him.
Michelle wrote:
1 Samuel 3
S: And the Lord came and stood, calling as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant hears.” (3:11
O: It took four times before Samuel responded to God and when he responded, he did so with a humble heart.
A: We cannot fully hear God’s call to us if our hearts are haughty and pride-filled. He calls a heart that is humble and willing to be molded. It is when we have humbled ourselves, when we bow down before God that we will hear Him.
A: We cannot fully hear God’s call to us if our hearts are haughty and pride-filled. He calls a heart that is humble and willing to be molded. It is when we have humbled ourselves, when we bow down before God that we will hear Him.
Needed this today. Getting tired with the two foster girls we have now. They were going to be just for the weekend, now, not sure when they are moving. Started to pray this morning for God to please let them move soon, then realized I need to be praying for God's will and praying for what God wants me to do, to seek God's agenda, not mine.
Then started to pray for strength and change of heart, then realized God has already given me the strength and I needed to choose to get my own heart right. So, tomorrow, I am going to jump in and just start getting organized and putting structure in place as if this is for the long haul and just embracing it full bore and choosing to enjoy the blessing of being Christ to these kids.
So, I love the idea of the fact that we need to listen where God is calling us with humility.
1 Samuel 3
S: verses 4-10 (MSG) - 4-5 Then God called out, “Samuel, Samuel!” Samuel answered, “Yes? I’m here.” Then he ran to Eli saying, “I heard you call. Here I am.” Eli said, “I didn’t call you. Go back to bed.” And so he did. 6-7 God called again, “Samuel, Samuel!” Samuel got up and went to Eli, “I heard you call. Here I am.” Again Eli said, “Son, I didn’t call you. Go back to bed.” (This all happened before Samuel knew God for himself. It was before the revelation of God had been given to him personally.) 8-9 God called again, “Samuel!”—the third time! Yet again Samuel got up and went to Eli, “Yes? I heard you call me. Here I am.” That’s when it dawned on Eli that God was calling the boy. So Eli directed Samuel, “Go back and lie down. If the voice calls again, say, ‘Speak, God. I’m your servant, ready to listen.’” Samuel returned to his bed. 10 Then God came and stood before him exactly as before, calling out, “Samuel! Samuel!” Samuel answered, “Speak. I’m your servant, ready to listen.”
O: How often do we hear God's voice and don't recognize it's him that is talking to us? How often do we hear God's voice and are either too scared to listen or to stubborn to acknowledge it is him? I believe God speaks to those that aren't saved as well. Just as Samuel heard his voice but didn't know that it was him. He hadn't been told about God... the same as most non-Christians.
A: It's hard to hear God speaking when our minds are filled with worldly fluff and disobedience. God wants us to fully seek a personal relationship with him. We have to be willing to dig in and study his word and be obedient to his word. Once we learn about God, develop our relationship with him then he will talk to you as if you are speaking to a friend.
K: Father, I thank you for bringing this scripture to the forefront for me. It's been a long time since I heard your sweet still voice. Father remove the worldly fluff from my mind, Father continue to prick my heart so that I know when I'm out of line and not in tune with you. Father, I want to be a servant that says "Speak, for your servant hears."
Discussion Question: I have one verse that speaks to me constantly and God has answered and shown me over and over. Psalms 30:5 - For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
Oh sweet Lord, Thank you! Thank you! I know trouble don't last always.
1 Samuel Chapter 4
Scripture 4:3 And when the troops came to the camp, the elders of Israel said, "Why has the LORD defeated us today before the Philistines? Let us bring the ark of the covenant of the LORD here from Shiloh, that it may come among us and save us from the power of our enemies."
Observation: They understood that it was God’s will to give them victory or to allow defeat. But, instead of inquiring of God and asking what His will was, they tried to use Him as a good luck charm and use the ark to gain victory. They were trying to control God.
They acted as if the ark had the power, that the object itself had power. But if the object has the power, then there is no sovereignty of God because an object can be used or leveraged for human will.
Application: This is religious activity, bringing some item that will unleash God’s power. And it is also wrong minded to think that we can control God and that God will act according to our plans if we just do certain things.
In society, they want a god like the ark, one they leverage for their goals. “My god would never say what I feel is right, or what brings me pleasure is a sin. In fact, my god does not say anything is sin, he is just loving and supportive of what I want. Oh, and I define what it means to be loving.”
But, we as genuine disciples can have the same attitude when we minimize things in our life that are displeasing to God including thoughts and attitudes.
But the real God is a sovereign God. He rules; He decides; He controls; we submit.
We also try to leverage God, to use God to get our goals. I am doing another study right now where we studied the concept of waking each morning asking what God’s will is, not our own.
That has been on my heart all week to get up and think, “how can I accomplish God’s will today? How can I cooperate with what God is wanting to do?” Yes, I have to have some earthly goals, finish laundry, get to appointment, complete a task, etc. But, when I adjust my overall attitude to be concentrating on doing God’s will, I am much less uptight, impatient, and annoyed when my plans get derailed or interrupted or people make me upset because I try to remind myself that it is not about my agenda, but how I can do God’s will in this circumstance or how God can use me in this person’s life. These two foster kids are a lot harder and I seem to have more endurance instead of just being at the end of myself.
Kneel in Prayer: Lord, when I am exhausted, or stressed, help me to find joy in humility and strength in doing Your will and unifying myself with Your eternal purpose. Continue to strip out those parts of my flesh and leave me a vessel emptied of self that is so full of Your Spirit that I radiate out Your character, nature, purity, humility, and holiness.
Scripture 4:10 So the Philistines fought, and Israel was defeated, and they fled, every man to his home. And there was a very great slaughter, for there fell of Israel thirty thousand foot soldiers.
Observation: As we see in verse 8, they knew God’s reputation. But Israel misrepresented God to the Philistines. This acting without seeking God brought dishonor to His reputation.
Application: When others know we are disciples of Christ and we act in immoral ways as a life pattern, or when we fail, which we will always do, we don’t acknowledge our mistakes in humility and do our best to make things right, this brings dishonor on God’s name, this defames God before humanity and it misrepresents who He is.
Optional GMG Discussion/Personal Reflection Question: Israel expected a victory because the ark was with them but their disobedience led to defeat. God is always with you and wants to give you victory but sin holds us back. Confess here below, any sin that is holding you back today.
Insisting on my own way and holding on so tightly to what I want to do and what I want my life to look like.
1 Samuel 4
S: As soon as the ark of the covenant of the Lord came into the camp, all Israel gave a mighty shout, so that the earth resounded. (4:5)
O: Israel was defeated because they weren’t following the Lord. God had promised to deliver their enemies into their hands, but only if they obeyed Him; and we know from Judges that they did not obey. Now, instead of repenting and seeking God, they grasp onto a symbol of God’s promise, the Ark of the Covenant.
A: When we stray from God, we too are inclined to turn to an object that symbolizes our faith for comfort and solace, instead of turning to God. We go to church, or read Christian books, or wear our cross jewelry, but don’t’ bow before God seeking Him. Let us not seek a substitute. Let us not make an idol of something that is a tool to draw us to Him. Let us instead seek God and cry to Him.
1 Samuel 4
S: (MSG) 17- The messenger answered, “Israel scattered before the Philistines. The defeat was catastrophic, with enormous losses. Your sons Hophni and Phinehas died, and the Chest of God was taken.” 18 At the words, “Chest of God,” Eli fell backward off his stool where he sat next to the gate. Eli was an old man, and very fat. When he fell, he broke his neck and died. He had led Israel forty years.19-20 His daughter-in-law, the wife of Phinehas, was pregnant and ready to deliver. When she heard that the Chest of God had been taken and that both her father-in-law and her husband were dead, she went to her knees to give birth, going into hard labor. As she was about to die, her midwife said, “Don’t be afraid. You’ve given birth to a son!” But she gave no sign that she had heard. 21-22 The Chest of God gone, father-in-law dead, husband dead, she named the boy Ichabod (Glory’s-Gone), saying, “Glory is exiled from Israel since the Chest of God was taken.”
O: The things that God told Samuel he was going to do to Eli and his family along with Israel came to past. When God says he's going to do something he means it. God ALWAYS stands on his word.
A: When we are disobedient God will discipline us. It may not be immediately, but he WILL do it. It can happen directly to us, through our children, our love ones, our job and trying times. There will be times we say "Why me Lord." When things are consistently going wrong, we need to examine ourselves and ask God for forgiveness when we know we've sin and haven't been obedient to his word
K: Father forgive me when I ask for forgiveness and turn around and do the same thing over and over. Lord, help me to be obedient to your word. Help me to seek you first in ALL decisions so that I may walk in the direction you have set forth. Father, help me to not entertain things that I know that are not of you. Father I don't want to be lukewarm for you said you will spew me out of your mouth. I want to have a heart and mind that seeks you fully.
Discussion Question: I have several sins that have weighed on me for many years. I have put them at his feet, then go back and pick it right up again. I'm now praying that GOD removes that spirit and give me strength to not pick them back up again. It's not easy but I have to learn to keep GOD in the forefront of ALL of my thoughts.
Last edited by cochrans (1/12/2017 10:08 pm)
1 Samuel 5
S: Then the Philistines took the ark of God and brought it into the house of Dagon and set it up beside Dagon. And when the people of Ashdod rose early the next day, behold, Dagon had fallen face downward on the ground before the ark of the Lord (5:2-3).
O: I find it interesting that the Philistines treated the ark with respect, putting it next to their idol. I also like how we see God teaching them that only He is to be worshipped by them finding Dagon prostate before the ark.
A: Our God is a jealous God who will be first in our lives. When we put anything before Him it is an idol, just like Dagon. And just like with Dagon, God will cause our idols to be brought low before Him.