1 Samuel 30
1 Samuel 30:6 And David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because all the people were bitter in soul, each for his sons and daughters. But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God.
O: Finally, David turns to God and stops acting in his own strength and making his own decisions. Was it because he was out of options and at the end of himself and so turned to God out of desperation? Or, did he just finally remember that he could trust in God's deliverance?
A: Either way, it is never too late to turn back to God. Sometimes when we fail, we feel guilty like we cannot turn to God. This is a lie of the enemy to keep us from God. We can always repent and turn back to God, because Jesus paid the penalty and we don’t have to earn our right to come back to God.
1 Samuel 30:8 And David inquired of the LORD, "Shall I pursue after this band? Shall I overtake them?" He answered him, "Pursue, for you shall surely overtake and shall surely rescue."
O: After he had lost faith in God and acted wrongly and unwisely, he then turns back and asks for God's guidance, and God graciously answers and delivers.
A: This just shows us the depths of God’s goodness, patience and forgiveness. He offers the same to us. The depths of God’s love, patience and goodness is beyond what we can imagine or comprehend.
cochrans wrote:
I’ve been MIA the last few weeks. Please pray for me as I struggle in this spiritual warfare. My heart wants to follow but my mind is struggling…
I do pray for you and will double down on praying for you Cochrans.
Also, maybe don't feel pressure to type out answers, but just read and sit with God and maybe just pop in here and simply say you read that day, and that is all. Or you can simply paste the verse you meditated on. It is more important to spend time with God than typing a dissertation here.
cochrans wrote:
DQ: What are you afraid today and how can you trust God more?
I’m afraid that I will not measure up to what God expects of me. I still struggle with my faith and Christianity at 52. I truly believe if I can cross this barrier (whatever it is) I can fully understand God’s plan for me and wholeheartedly trust him.
I felt so long like God was trying to get me to a deeper level in my walk. It felt like I was going through birth pangs and that God wanted to birth something new in my life. And it has been a long process of many years. I just now feel like I may be nearing the end of labor.
I was in that place in college, where I wanted to follow God, but didn't know why I was always so unfaithful. I wrote about the verses that really transformed me and my relationship with God in the "Discussion Question" of this post:
But, remember, none of us will ever measure up. It will not be by your strength, but by God's work in you. You just need to cooperate by changing your priorities to seek Him. I know you have a lot on your plate but this post may help about trying to find time to give more, instead of maybe just resting and meditating instead of studying and effort.
I hope some of this can give you encouragement.
Praying for you dear sister.
1 Samuel 31
O: Saul never repented or tried to get right with God even though he knew he would die the next day. How very sad. In chapter 28 verse 20 we see that he was filled with fear and had no strength left. But why did not he repent?
I thought of several possibilities, but the possibility that saddened me the most was the idea that he may have had no hope left. Was he hopeless? Did he not fear he could turn to God? Did he not know God? Did he not know that God was loving, patient, and just? Had he no faith in the goodness of God?
Looking at Courtney’s video on 30:6 about David strengthening himself in the Lord, I see the difference between Saul and David. David had failed as well, and strayed from God. The difference is David turned back to God and strengthened himself in the Lord, whereas Saul despaired.
A: Do we really know God? Do we know His character? Do we live like we have confidence in the character and person of God or do we live fearful, defeated, anxious, or angry? If we really had complete confidence that God really was all powerful, unlimited in love and mercy, and held all wisdom, would this change how we lived and thought? If we had an expectation that He cares and will and does act, would this give us confidence and peace?
The reason that can be hard is because we want God to act when and how we think He should act. We try to direct the script of our life the way we think it should be written. But God is sovereign and His ways are higher than our ways, and what is of the greatest value and treasure are the things of His kingdom.
Look at Jonathan. Our faithful, loving, Jonathan. He lost his life. That was God’s will to not have any ambiguity about the kingdom and for David to be the undisputed king. Even if Jonathan yielded to David, having him around would always lead to whispers and questions of legitimacy. But God was faithful to Jonathan. Who are we to think it would have been better for him to remain here than to get his rewards in all of eternity? Who are we to say how his life would have been lived out of how everything would fall into place. It is like in Job, when Job as for God to justify why he allowed Job to suffer. But God gave only the answer that He was God and He was so high above us that how can we understand His ways or question His justice and wisdom. We must submit to the sovereignty of God.
TBG wrote:
cochrans wrote:
I’ve been MIA the last few weeks. Please pray for me as I struggle in this spiritual warfare. My heart wants to follow but my mind is struggling…
I do pray for you and will double down on praying for you Cochrans.
Also, maybe don't feel pressure to type out answers, but just read and sit with God and maybe just pop in here and simply say you read that day, and that is all. Or you can simply paste the verse you meditated on. It is more important to spend time with God than typing a dissertation here.
cochrans wrote:
DQ: What are you afraid today and how can you trust God more?
I’m afraid that I will not measure up to what God expects of me. I still struggle with my faith and Christianity at 52. I truly believe if I can cross this barrier (whatever it is) I can fully understand God’s plan for me and wholeheartedly trust him.
I felt so long like God was trying to get me to a deeper level in my walk. It felt like I was going through birth pangs and that God wanted to birth something new in my life. And it has been a long process of many years. I just now feel like I may be nearing the end of labor.
I was in that place in college, where I wanted to follow God, but didn't know why I was always so unfaithful. I wrote about the verses that really transformed me and my relationship with God in the "Discussion Question" of this post:
But, remember, none of us will ever measure up. It will not be by your strength, but by God's work in you. You just need to cooperate by changing your priorities to seek Him. I know you have a lot on your plate but this post may help about trying to find time to give more, instead of maybe just resting and meditating instead of studying and effort.
I hope some of this can give you encouragement.
Praying for you dear sister.
Thank yearning and desires are slowly being met. God has shown me many signs...