Introduction to Luke
I recorded a brief overview of Luke.
Last edited by TBG (3/09/2017 10:23 pm)
Week of March 13
This Week’s Reading Assignment
Post your input below this post.
S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Reading: Luke 1
Verse of the Day: Luke 1:37
Good Morning Girls: Introduction to the Week
Optional GMG Discussion Question: The world says believe and you will receive. If you can dream it, you can achieve it. But that is not what Luke 1:37 says. It says nothing is impossible “with God.” It is God who is the source of all power and possibilities.
Tell of a time when you saw God do something impossible in your own life or the life of someone you know.
Reading: Luke 2
Verse of the Day: Luke 2:11
Optional GMG Discussion Question: The King of Kings, the Messiah, Emmanuel- God with us, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, our glorious Savior was born! Oh what good news this is!!!
Have you placed your faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins? If you haven’t – do it today! If you have, share your testimony. When did Jesus become your personal savior?
Reading: Luke 3
Verse of the Day: Luke 3:21-22
Optional GMG Discussion Question: At Jesus’ baptism, we see the trinity --God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – 3 in 1. It boggles my mind to try to grasp the awe of the trinity. I am so thankful that we will have trillions of years in heaven, to explore this mystery.
How does pondering, how awesome our triune God is, encourage you today?
Reading: Luke 4
Verse of the Day: Luke 4:8
Optional GMG Discussion Question: When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, He used scripture to fight temptation. He did not use his supernatural power but rather He fought by simply wielding the sword of God’s Word.
When we are tempted, we have the same resource available to us that Jesus used – God’s Word. In what areas of your life, do you need to be better armed with God’s Word to help you fight your temptations?
Reading: Luke 5
Verse of the Day: Luke 5:31-32
Good Morning Girls: Devotional and Video
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Jesus came for those who were not just sick WITH sin but also sick OF their sin. He did not come for the self-righteous but for those who are humble enough to admit they are a sinner, in need of a savior.
Physicians fix broken bones and give healing to wounds. Jesus is the great Physician. What is one area where you need spiritual healing in your life or you have experienced his spiritual healing?
Last edited by TBG (3/16/2017 9:40 pm)
S Luke 1:45 Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!
Luke 1:50 His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation
O Luke 1:45 Whatever God promises we should believe, he can't lie.
Luke 1:50 Mercy is a nobel and just characteristic of God, he delights in our salvation and our happiness
A Luke 1:45 We should believe in what God has spoken and promised, she who believes will be blessed
Luke 1:50 Gods mercy is bestowed upon those who are in fear of him.
K Lord I thank you for your word tonight. Help me to fully believe the promises you have made and help me to cast out my fears and to fear only you as you are my Lord and Deliverer.
Discussion: When my husband walked out on me and we are still currently separated, I honestly did not beleive I could make it living on my own again, During that time God brought me closer to him, connected me to a church after I had been gone for years and now I find myself praying for my estranged husband to find the Lord.
Last edited by KimberlyP77 (3/12/2017 10:00 pm)
Luke 1
S: “For nothing will be impossible with God.” (1:37)
O: It was not impossible for Elizabeth to conceive in her old age. Nor was it impossible for Mary to conceive in her virginity. The Lord, the creator of the universe, is able to do anything and everything.
A: Yet, let me now confuse ability with His perfect will. Yes, my cancer is gone, but even if it had spread, that wouldn’t mean that God couldn’t heal me. I may pray and cry out to God to change a situation and He may not change it. That doesn’t mean that He can’t, but that it is His will for me to deal with that situation.
Last edited by Michelle (3/13/2017 11:18 am)
Luke 1
Scripture: 1:5-25 (The Narrative of Zechariah and Elizabeth)
They were obedient and upright people, yet they were denied something so important to them and it brought them dishonor in the eyes of people around them. They had so given up hope, that Zechariah did not even believe Gabriel’s message.
This miracle was not just going to be a joy for them, but it will bless many people by bringing them into a right relationship with God and being a forerunner of the Messiah. Jesus called John the greatest prophet in Mathew 11.
Scripture: 1:26-38 (Announcement to Mary)
The angel tells Mary to rejoice and that she is blessed and has found favor. But if you look at what is happening from an earthly view, this was far from good news. Mary was going to be shamed in the eyes of her community, family and friends, she could be executed, she could lose her fiancé, or at best lose the respect, trust, and love of her husband.
We also know that ultimately she was going to watch her son be tortured and killed. There was a lot of heartbreak, suffering, and trials ahead for her.
Yet God told her to rejoice and that He was going to give her a special honor!?!
I love how Mary does not bargain, argue or fear, she just humbly submits.
Scripture 1:47-48
My spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed;
Mary had eternal eyes. She rejoiced in the fact that God was doing a mighty work in her life and did not consider the mortal suffering.
For Zechariah and Elizabeth, a long trial ended in joy. With Mary, a joyous announcement ushered in trial and heartache.
Now, these were specific instances; this is a historic narrative, not a prescriptive teaching. But, this does give us an indication of how God chose to work in this instance. So, I don’t presume to say this is an explanation for suffering in everyone's life. And to say that is insensitive and ignorant. We don’t know and can’t always understand how God works.
But for me, this hit home about what I have seen in my life. That sometimes a long period of trials ushers in great joy. The scary thing to consider is that great eternal joy may come about through temporal pain.
I do not always submit as humbly and graciously to God’s plans as Mary did.
I need to have eternal eyes. It is all too easy to want the goodies and ease of this life and not be willing to suffer heartache for the purpose of eternal good or for the purpose of God’s kingdom. We devalue eternal blessings in favor or earthly pleasures.
May I learn to submit graciously and joyously to all God’s plans, endure trials patiently, and value eternal treasure more than earthy desires. When it is hard to do and my heart breaks, may I hold fast and patiently endure because of my love and trust for my Father. May I understand that you are doing this for me, because of Your love for me for my eternal joy and for Your kingdom.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
So, we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
Last edited by TBG (3/13/2017 11:48 am)
KimberlyP77 wrote:
Discussion: When my husband walked out on me and we are still currently separated, I honestly did not beleive I could make it living on my own again, During that time God brought me closer to him, connected me to a church after I had been gone for years and now I find myself praying for my estranged husband to find the Lord.
Michelle wrote:
A: Yet, let me now confuse ability with His perfect will. Yes, my cancer is gone, but even if it had spread, that wouldn’t mean that God couldn’t heal me. I may pray and cry out to God to change a situation and He may not change it. That doesn’t mean that He can’t, but that it is His will for me to deal with that situation.
Beautiful comments ladies.
S Luke 2:19-20 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all they things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told
O Mary treasured up all the things that were said, seen to ponder or recall them later. The shepherds returned to their flock after sharing what they had seen with others still praising and glorifying God.
A I need to treasure up the things that I have experienced through God not just in my mind but in my heart and like the Shepherds even as I return to my "life" I should always praise and glorify him.
K Dear Lord again I thank you for your Word to night, I love the stories of how our Savior was born. Please help be to treasure all that I have experienced through you and to always give you praise and always glorify you.
Discussion: My Testimony, which I shared at my Believers Baptism last August, My baptism was held on what is my 12 year wedding anniversary however not celebrated as such as my husband and I are separated and have been for many years now.I was raised Catholic and have always believed in God however I never knew what a real relationship with Jesus Christ was, after being confirmed in the Catholic Church I felt lost and alone, I was empty and longing for something but never finding what it was I wanted and in turn the further from Christ I became, thought I had found it once again when I married my husband 12 years ago today. I was wrong, my husband later walked out and again I felt lost, and confused. Turns out that is one of God’s Blessings. On January 8=7.3pxth 2012 God spoke to me and said it was time to come back to church and to him. I came to CrossWay and immediately got connected with Women’s Ministry and other woman in the Church, a year later I attended a Joyce Meyer Conference and gave my life back to Christ. It wasn’t until I started volunteering in Kids Ministry that I really learned what an authentic relationship with Jesus was and I yearned for it. Since then I’ve refocused my life, openly seeking him, I’ve forgiven my husband and pray that he will someday find a relationship with God. I’ve distanced myself from those who brought me down and led me astray, I now strive for a deeper and fuller relationship with God and my family including my 5 beautiful nieces hoping that they will one day find a true relationship with Christ. I was lost but now I am found.
From Chapter 1 |Monday|
Scripture: "Meanwhile, the people were waiting for Zechariah to come out of the sanctuary, wondering why he was taking so long (1:21, NLT)."
Observation: This seems to be what we do, isn't it? We sit, look at others, wait for them to do the expected thing, and wonder why when they delay or do the unexpected thing.
Application: I am guilty of this also, where my focus can be on someone other than God. While in my place of serving, like they were seen doing in verse 10 as they prayed, I can shift from God to others. "Why is this taking so long?" My focus needs to be on my King Jesus and serving Him in this moment. I need to just be present!
Kneel: Lord Jesus, help me to not wait and wonder in a way that causes me to miss You and what You are doing! I need to wait and wonder by standing in awe of what You are doing and not on what someone else is doing. Thank You Lord, because You are doing something!! Amen.
Last edited by gracefullyovercoming (3/14/2017 12:39 am)
Luke 2
2:19 But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.
2:51 And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them. And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart.
O: She did not fully understand everything, but knew there was great significance to it. She pondered them and thought on what they meant.
A: I know I treasure things up in my heart and ponder them. I think on things because I don’t understand what God is doing, just like Mary did not understand what God was doing. We see here that God was doing a great miraculous work beyond what man could grasp. I need to trust that even when I can’t understand what God is doing that I can trust in His ultimate plan.
The other way to think about this is that Mary was pondering it and trying to figure it out because she wanted to know and understand God and God’s plan. That is another great lesson for me. I should be aware of what God is doing in my life and pay attention to what God is doing in my life so that I can understand His direction and will.
2:49 And he said to them, "Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?"
O: Jesus’ priority and single-minded focus was on doing the work of God’s kingdom.
A: great reminder to focus my priorities on being about God’s work and not my own list of priorities. As I read in another study I am doing “Behold Your God,” we need to even in the daily things think about how it is contributing to God’s purpose and will and have an overall life focus on how we can go through our day to bring God glory.
Discussion Question: Have you placed your faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins? If you haven’t – do it today! If you have, share your testimony. When did Jesus become your personal savior?
I accepted Christ as Savior when I was 6. I always believed and never doubted the truth. Even as I studied Physics and Philosophy in college, to me, it just made the Bible make even more sense. It just always seemed obviously true. It was easy for me to believe. The Holy Spirit allowed me to clearly see the truth and arguments against it seem illogical and the Word seems so logical and correct.
But, I was focused on my own goals and not really investing in my walk with Christ and was not attending church and so was not living a life consistent with Biblical principles although I still believed and would feel convicted. Eventually I just got tired of this and was ready to live for Jesus completely and fully. I explained in an earlier post in 1 Samuel what scriptures led me back and how I responded to that. But I started seeking and serving God and He changed all my heart attitudes and gave me a heart to only want to live for and please Him.
Luke 2
S: And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His mother, “Behold this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed.” (2:34)
O: So many people only want the Jesus that is the cute, little baby. But that baby became a man, and that man became our Savior. Yet instead of embracing Him, people oppose Him. The Jewish leaders opposed Him, and, after His resurrection, those that followed Him. And that pattern continues to this day.
A: As I read this portion of Scripture, I want to keep my mind on the complete picture of Jesus. I need to remember that Jesus the baby, and Jesus the teacher, and Jesus the Savior and Ruler over all of creation are one and the same.