Luke 3
S: His winnowing fork is in His hand, to clear His threshing floor and to gather the wehat into His barn, but the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire (3:17)
O: Yes, Jesus came so that all might be saved, but not all will be saved. And He will distinguish between those that are His, calling them to enter Heaven, and those that reject Him, condemning them to Hell.
A: The picture of the winnowing fork is one of throwing the grain into the air, the lighter chaff is blown away and the heavier wheat falls to the ground where it can be gathered. If the Gospel is the winnowing fork, those that accept it and carry it in their hearts are heavier for it, so they fall to the ground where the Lord can gather them to His barn.
Luke 3
3:8 Bear fruits in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham.
3:17 His winnowing fork is in his hand, to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire."
Observation: They were trusting in their religious position their special status as Israelites to justify them. Yet, there was no evidence of real holiness or love for God in their lives.
John was warning them that it was time to get right. Being religious was not enough. They needed a heart for God as evidenced in fruit.
Application: This is the same now as we near the end times. We need not be smug in how religious we are, but we need to have hearts that are sincere in being submitted to and turned to God’s glory and away from this world. We should see the evidence of this in the fruit of our lives. We should have lives characterized by focusing on how to daily glorify and honor God.
Discussion Question:
How does pondering, how awesome our triune God is, encourage you today?
It makes me realize how God is so far above our understanding and comprehension and that He is outside of time and outside of our dimension. This encourages me not to worry but to remember the Most High God is in control of all things and has power over all things.
Luke 4
Initially, nothing specific was jumping out at me. I kept coming back to verse 43, but really could figure out what it was that was on my heart or drawing me to this verse. Then it just kind of clicked and I understood what was convicting me in this verse.
4:3-4 The devil said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread." And Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone.'"
I have always had a hard time understanding this verse. I did not get why it would be wrong for Jesus to make something to eat. So, I read the Matthew Henry commentary and it had some great insight.
Probably, our Lord Jesus then began to look about among the trees, to see if he could find anything that was eatable, whence the devil took occasion to make the following proposal to him.
1. He tempted Him to distrust his Father’s care of him, and to set up for Himself, and shift for provision for Himself in such a way as his Father had not appointed for him (v. 3): "I counsel thee to do it; for God, if He be thy Father, has forgotten Thee, and it will be long enough ere He sends either ravens or angels to feed thee.’’
If we begin to think of being our own carvers, and of living by our own forecast, without depending upon divine providence, of getting wealth by our might and the power of our hands, we must look upon it as a temptation of Satan’s, and reject it accordingly; it is Satan’s counsel to think of an independence upon God.
2. Miracles were wrought for the confirming of faith, and the devil had no faith to
be confirmed, and therefore he would not do it for him.
So, not only did this show a lack of faith and trust in God, it would have been selfish use the power of God for His own use or ease or to meet His own needs. He should be using the power of God for God’s purposes.
Also, I could see that it could be a point of pride to prove yourself, your power, your position or your identity.
We do often fall into temptation when there is a legitimate need that is not being met and so we justify and use illegitimate means to get this need met. We rationalize it because maybe our needs are real needs that are appropriate and should rightly be being met. But instead of pressing into God to meet those needs or investing in our Christian communities to meet them, we get desperate and take matters into our own hands.
Also, temptations and sins start in the mind.
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ (we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ - NIV), being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete. (ESV) 2 Corinthians 10:5-6
But, we must know scripture ahead of time to do this. In the heat of the battle we can’t go searching around for a response. The response needs to be embedded in us because we know it so well and it is embedded in our minds and our hearts.
Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:13
Be alert (watchful) and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.1 Peter 5:8
Scripture 4:43
but he said to them, "I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose."
Our pastor was pointing out that many times we say Jesus came to save us from our sins or to reconcile us to God. And He did. But His primary purpose to bring the kingdom of God to rule and reign.
We so frequently want to prioritize our physical needs and desires over the spiritual. I just read a blog post about the idols we hold in our hearts. The things we hold on to try to get meaning and fulfillment from instead of getting our meaning, fulfillment, and identify from God. Oh, we say we are getting this from God, but our heart reveals otherwise.
Christ came to rule and reign in our hearts and lives! Our purpose is to learn to let go of the hold that this world and the things of this world have on us and to long for and live for only the kingdom of God. Jesus broke the hold that the world has. He has set us free from the world’s control and set me free to serve Him. We need to live in that freedom and not stay in an unlocked prison cell.
Luke 4
S: And Jesus answered him, “It is written,’ You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.’” (4:8)
O: From the moment of his rebellion, the devil has been trying to get people and angels to worship him instead of God.
A: While I don’t worship the devil, are there things in my life that I put ahead of God? Unfortunately, at times I have to say yes, there are. My heart’s desire is to always put God first, but in my flesh I often fail. And while I’m not bowing down in worship to them, or praying to them, I am giving them preeminence in my life.
The other question that I need to ask myself is am I putting religious practices in a higher place than God? Am I so focused on “doing” that they become what I am serving instead of God?
Michelle wrote:
The other question that I need to ask myself is am I putting religious practices in a higher place than God? Am I so focused on “doing” that they become what I am serving instead of God?
Excellent point and such the challenge. We want to serve God so we get so busy with religious activities that we don't spend time actually meditating on the Word, in quiet focus prayer and turning our hearts towards God.
With this Bible study I found that typing out all my thoughts made it more intellectual and so it was not sinking into my heart. So, I had to start by quietly journaling and spending that quiet time and then just typing out what I wanted to share later. But first just taking that time to sit with God and not typing everything out.
Luke 5
5:25-26 And immediately he rose up before them and picked up what he had been lying on and went home, glorifying God. And amazement seized them all, and they glorified God and were filled with awe, saying, "We have seen extraordinary things today."
O: Purpose was to bring God glory
A: Do we understand that God has healed our brokenness and granted us forgiveness for our sins? If so, do we go around glorifying God? What a way to transform my thinking. Think about it, God’s forgiveness, healing and transformation in our lives is truly an extraordinary work! I should be daily amazed at this and instead of focusing on all the things that stress or dissatisfy us, I should be so excited by this extraordinary work that I run around all day glorifying God.
Luke 5
S: And Jesus answered them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.” 5:31-32
O: The Pharisees were relying on their perceived righteousness to save them, because of this, they were blind to their salvation needs. Those that think that they can earn their way to heaven don’t realize their need for Jesus. Jesus call to Himself those that realize their true sin nature.
A: As a saved person, I still need to be watchful of the tendency to excuse my sin. I am still a sinner, and God doesn’t distinguish between sins. I need to recognize my sin, repent and confess.
Week of March 20
This Week’s Reading Assignment
Post your input below this post.
S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Reading: Luke 6
Verse of the Day: Luke 6:27-28
Good Morning Girls: Introduction to the Week
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Jesus doesn’t just tell us to love our enemies, but He tells us how to do it. He tells us to do good to them, bless them and pray for them. We may not feel a warm feeling of love towards them, but there are no loopholes here. We are to love our enemies through visible actions.
Do you have an enemy? How can you show them love this week?
Reading: Luke 7
Verse of the Day: Luke 7:47
Optional GMG Discussion Question: The woman, who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and hair, had sinned greatly in the past. But her humility and her deep emotional love for Jesus showed that she understood how great God’s forgiveness is.
Pause for a moment and think back over your past and all of the sins you have committed in your lifetime.
Now take a moment and write a personal prayer of thanksgiving to Jesus for his great love and forgiveness of your sins.
Reading: Luke 8
Verse of the Day: Luke 8:50
Optional GMG Discussion Question: When Jairus heard his daughter was dead, he may have lost hope. Perhaps he felt, God did not come through and He was too late. But God’s timing is always right. He can make what is dead – come alive!
God was stretching Jairus’ faith. All Jairus had to do was simply believe Jesus’ words to be true.
Jesus said: “Do not fear only Believe.” Is there an area in your life where fear has crept in and God is stretching your faith?
Reading: Luke 9
Verse of the Day: Luke 9:23
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Jesus told his disciples, if they were going to follow him, they were going to have to take up his cross daily. This was not easy to hear, for the disciples knew that the cross was the way to execute people.
The life of a Christian - is a life of self-denial, sacrifice and of dying to our own wants and desires…daily. In what area of your life has selfishness creeped in? How can you live a surrendered life daily?
Reading: Luke 10
Verse of the Day: Luke 10:27
Good Morning Girls: Devotional and Video
Optional GMG Discussion Question: There is a common mantra in our world that encourages us to love ourselves. Jesus knows the heart of man. We already naturally love ourselves and so we are commanded to love others LIKE we love ourselves.
Just like we care about our own concerns and interests, we should care about the concerns and interests of others. Who in your life needs more of your love and care today?
Last edited by TBG (3/26/2017 5:45 pm)
Luke 6
S: “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.” (6:36)
O: Do not seek an eye for an eye. Be imitators of God, who, while we were still sinners sent His Son to pay the penalty for our sins.
A: This is not to say that there should never be consequences for wrong doing. What is key here is the intention. Should someone who steals be punished, yes, but to have the punishment be so grievous that they can never rise above it would not be merciful.
And we can show mercy to our friends and family. We can extend compassion and forgiveness instead of insisting on our “rights.” We can choose to try and understand and to reach out a helping hand, much like the Lord did for us on the cross.
Luke 6
S: 6:24 But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort
O: 624 Those who have all their wants covered now have received your reward.
A: 6:24 Those who have all their riches now have received their comfort, Those who need the Lord will receive their riches on the other side.
K: 6:24 Lord help me to always fulfill my needs in you, Knowing that all that I need is provided by you.
Discussion: Do you have an enemy? How can you show them love this week?
I just try and be kind and to brush a bit more off instead of letting things get to me.