Chapter 36
Lays the groundwork for us to understand the origin of the people groups we will see in later parts of the Bible. Also, it is interesting how much intermarriage Esau's family had with Canaanites. Perhaps this is why knowledge and/or worship of God was completely forgotten among his descendants.
Chapter 37
It seems that Jacob’s older sons may have had bitterness and hurt because they did not sense their father’s love or acceptance. When we have deep hurts we can either let it fester and become bitterness, or we can turn to God. Our hurts or disappointments harden into bitterness when we don’t find our acceptance and love in God. People and the world will always let us down, but God must be whom we look to for our identity, approval, purpose, and joy.
It also seems to be issue of pride. I wonder if Joseph knew how offensive those dreams were, or was he simply being unthinking? The brothers, however, are prideful in feeling offended that Joseph could end up being exalted above them. We tend to always be concerned about our own rights, privileges and status. Instead, we should just follow Christ. When Jesus told Peter that he would suffer, Peter asked “well what about John?” But Jesus replies what is that to you what my plans are for John, you just worry about following me. So, what is it to us if someone else will be exalted, even if it seems unfair, or unjust, you just follow Christ.
Lastly, when looking back on Jacob’s life, it does not seem that he really had a faithful and intimate relationship with God when his older sons were younger and he was living with Laban. So they don’t seem to have his faith. We see this with the slaughter of the men after Dinah’s rape, Reuben sleeping with his father’s concubine, in the developments with Joseph, and in future passages such as when Judah sleeps with Tamar. Yet, Joseph, in spite of the fact that he may have been wrong in dealings with his brothers, had grown up after his father’s spiritual commitment and growth [33:20, 35:2] and seems to have more commitment to God as we will also see in future passages.
Chapter 36
1 This is the account of the family line of Esau (that is, Edom). 2 Esau took his wives from the women of Canaan: Adah daughter of Elon the Hittite, and Oholibamah daughter of Anah and granddaughter of Zibeon the Hivite— 3 also Basemath daughter of Ishmael and sister of Nebaioth.
What stood out to me was the number of children that Esau had. There is no mention of a barren wife. Interesting that Abraham’s, Isaac’s and Jacob’s wives were barren, while Esau’s wives were all able to conceive children.
Be blessed
Chapter 37
Jealousy consumed the brothers of Joseph. Jealously and envy are extremely destructive and can tear a family apart. What I found interesting was that Jacob sent his beloved favorite son to check on his brothers. Didn’t he realize the possible impact of sending him out there alone or was checking on the welfare of the flock more important?
In reference to Joseph informing others about his dreams, I learned that everything is not to be shared. Depending on your audience, you may need to keep something’s to yourself.
NLWnMD wrote:
Chapter 36
What stood out to me was the number of children that Esau had. There is no mention of a barren wife. Interesting that Abraham’s, Isaac’s and Jacob’s wives were barren, while Esau’s wives were all able to conceive children.
That is an interesting point that I had not noticed. I wonder if it was to make sure that they knew it was God who had control and it was God who would fulfill his promise to multiply Abraham's seed and not of themselves.
Chapter 38
Much to see here.
First, Judah goes to dwell with and marry a Canaanite. His first son was wicked and his second son at minimum did not have respect for his obligations and was not honorable. Again, it seems that since Jacob did not really have a relationship with God while Judah was young, that the notion of serving the true God was lost to Judah. In fact, my Bible notes that it appears when he went in to Tamar that he was participating in a temple ritual. So he was engaging in idolatry.
He was not, however, being a hypocrite in wanting to burn Tamar. You see, he was participating in a temple ritual, but she was legally betrothed to this son and committed adultery.
What I like the most, is that in the end, Tamar and her son are in the line of Christ and she is one of the few women mentioned in Christ’s genealogy in Matthew 1:3. I like that because it shows that no matter how bad things get, that God is gracious and just to forgive us and that He indeed can redeem any situation. He took this terrible situation and redeemed it for His purpose. It also shows us again, that in using Perez and in naming Tamar, that he can use the broken and lowly things of this world.
Chapter 39
In the midst of Joseph’s trials, God was with him working in his life for God’s own purposes. In verse 9, when he rebukes Potiphar’s wife (How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?) he shows his faithfulness to and reverent fear of God. He had not stopped trying to serve God in spite of his circumstances. We see other’s who are in difficult circumstances get angry with God or bitter and start to turn away from God. The circumstances negatively impacts their relationship with God. Joseph did not do that and is an example for us all.
James 1:12 - Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
I love verse 21, in the ESV it says God showed Joseph “steadfast love.” Another translation reads “faithful love.”
Lamentations 3:22-23
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end (His compassions fail not); they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Chapter 40
We see in verse 8 where Joseph says, “do not interpretations belong to God?” that Joseph truly understands God’s sovereignty.
In verse 15 it shows that Joseph is fully aware of the injustices against him and is still hopeful for escape, yet even when deliverance does not come, yet he still trusts in God and serves God.
May we be faithful to God, and be about His work even when we are not delivered from the pain and despair of our circumstances. May we be faithful to God regardless of the pain in this life and look to Him as our source, and our hope for eternity. May be set our minds on things above and not on things on this earth (Col 3) for God has given us every spiritual blessing in heavenly places (Ephesians 1). Praise God.
I just think that as we look at the rest of Joseph's story through the end of Gensis these next two weeks, that it would be good for us to focus on God's sovereign will and plan in our lives. To that end I thought this would be a good memory verse.
And I think I may have linked this video before, but it is worth linking again and it really reminds us to trust and lean-in to God.
This song was actual written by Aaron Keyes, it is being performed by Michael W. Smith.
Genesis 40
Joseph was not remembered by the butler. You may show love and the world show you hatred, you may show kindness and the world show you things that are not so kind. We must remember not to put our hope or trust in man as man will continue to let you down. We must put our trust in God.
Psalm 62:8
Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us