Chapter 2
Scripture: 2:12-14
He looked this way and that, and seeing no one, he struck down the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. When he went out the next day, behold, two Hebrews were struggling together. And he said to the man in the wrong, "Why do you strike your companion?" He answered, "Who made you a prince and a judge over us? Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?"
Moses is right to be angry here. This is a just anger against injustice and a desire to defend the weak. However, he acts in anger and not in wisdom. He does not seek God's plan for responding and just responds in the flesh. Although his intentions were good, the results are not because he did not go about it God's way and in God's timing.
At least Moses's anger is directed against injustice, an injustice against someone else who cannot defend themselves. And yes, I get angry when I see other people being treated wrong. Here is the catch however, it is also easy for me to get angry when someone is doing wrong by me. However, Jesus did not get angry when He was attacked, He only got angry when God's standards were attacked. He did not respond when He was personally attacked, only when God was attacked.
This reminds me to not think of myself more highly than I should. This is a fallen world and what makes us think that we will get treated better than Jesus Himself. James 1:20 reads "the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God." So our anger, like Moses' anger does not produce God's results. Our anger impeaches our testimony and removes opportunities for us to influence others for Christ. We need to think more about other people than ourselves. In humility count others more significant than yourselves (Philippians 2:3).
Additional Area of Application
The Hebrew man got angry at Moses for trying to share wisdom with him, and so verbally attacks Moses and tries to tear Moses down. Moses was trying to help, yet he could not accept that help. His attitude was "who are you to tell me what to do." He almost seems resentful perhaps of Moses' privileged life, or feels how can Moses weigh in because he does not know what it is like to live as a slave. But Proverbs 12:1 states, "Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, But he who hates correction is stupid."
Last edited by TBG (1/06/2015 11:43 am)
=20pxChapter 2, Part 2
Exodus 2:24-25: And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. 25 God saw the people of Israel--and God knew.
God did care and He was going to act to redeem and restore. However, it would be His plan, not necessarily the plan and approach and solution that the Hebrews were looking for. It would be according to His plan not ours.
Similar to the coming of the Messiah. Israel was expecting a different kind of Messiah with a different kind of result and plan. They could not accept God's plan.
This is always such an area of struggle for many believers. We wonder does God really hear, see, know our pain, doe he remember His promises? It is so hard for us to accept that perhaps God is working to redeem, restore and return, but His plan is not going to be what we necessarily wanted or expected. At some point we need to challenge ourselves to either live for self, or live for God.
The midwives in chapter 1 were very clear in who they needed to fear, even though they were under the king of Egypt. This reminded me that we can always find ways to stand up for God no matter who rules. Sometimes it's easy to go with the flow of society. I remember I had gotten home from Target and discovered that they hadn't charged me for an item. I drove back down to the store and went to the customer service counter to pay for it. The store clerk said something like, "Wow, you're nice." I replied, "It's a fear of the Lord." I believe that standing up for what is right and giving credit to God, can help support others in their walk, and the unsaved who may not ordinarily see christianity in practice.
God allows me a unique view, as in chapter 2 on a regular basis. As a high school counselor of a public high school, I see family lifestyles I had no idea existed. I pray and meditate that I continue to allow God to use me with these precious kids, and that I won't become "used to it" and insensitive to the needs of the kids and their families.
“But I am sure that the king of Egypt will not let you go, no, not even by a mighty hand. So I will stretch out my hand and strike Egypt with all my wonders which I will do in its mist; and after that he will let you go” (Exodud 3:19-20).
Knowing the future God still gave Pharaoh a chance to let his people go without any harm being brought to him or his people. But he was stubborn. He was caught up in this title prestige, power, and had no regard for the God of Moses, Abraham, and Jacob. The afflictions of plagues were only brought because Pharaoh would not listen time and time again.
As I am walking with God do I listen the first time before he has to bring a more drastic means to get my attention? Do I say yes? When God says no. Do I seek my way instead of Yahweh? I imagine it happens much more times than I would admit.
I don’t think too many of us are that different than Pharaoh. He was deceived by his title, heritage, and background. He was made to believe by his forefathers that he was the mightiest of all. Pharaoh story is seen much more often than we think. How often do those of us in positions of authority abuse it? We think we are God’s in our small domains that we are given guardianship of. As I read the story, I empathies with Pharaoh and I am glad that God loved him enough to give him not just a second chance but a third, a fourth, etc.
God humble me. Help me to realize that I am not better than any other person on this earth. And to be careful not to judge. Even Pharaoh in all his mistakes deserves mercy and your love. We are all sinners who need a savior and although our flaws are different they are all the same because they are sins against you. Isaiah whom God chose to be a prophet was given a vision into heaven and his response was,
” Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King the Lord of host.” (Isaiah 6:5).
If a man as holy as Isaiah that God chose to be a prophet could see how sinful he really was and God’s people. We must see that we are sinful and may be blinded because we are not able to see our sin as clearly as Isaiah was-- in this instance. Lord, help me to stay low, humble, and kind. And forgive me for my sin those even that are unseen to me but are clear to you. And reveal my sin to me more and more by making my conscience grow strong and Holy Spirit’s voice more clear so that I can reflect your Son more each and every day. In Jesus Name, Amen
Theresnoplacelike Home
Last edited by Theresnoplacelike Home (1/06/2015 12:17 pm)
Re: Exodus Overview
Exodus 2:24-25. This passage reminds me of the Parable of the Persistent Widow who never gave up when she wanted something from the Judge. She remained Persistent. The Isrealites continued to pray and God remembered them. This passage in the scriptures is meant to encourage us to pray for whatever it is we want without ceasing. Being persistent does not mean unending repetition or painfully long prayer sessions. It simply means keeping our requests constantly before God and always remember that delay is never denial. God will always have his eyes on us!
My prayer is that I be patient with God when I want something from him and always remember he has my best interest at heart
Love this!!
Theresnoplacelike Home wrote:
“And the midwives said to Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women; for they are lively and give birth before the midwives come to them” (Exodus 1:19).
The Lord commands us to follow the laws of the land. But what if the laws are wrong and harmful to others do we follow them anyway?
Throughout history there has been so many who have been faced with this decision and have risen to the occasion to protect others when the “laws of the land” are wicked. Instead, they chose to follow God’s law. In this instance, God’s law says thou shall not murder. Thus, it was a good lie that the midwives told Pharaoh because they were protecting the babies-- that had no voice or way to defend themselves.
God willing in our lives we will not always be faced with decisions that are life and death. But are there times when it’s not life are death when a lie could be good?
I do not know the answer to this question myself. I suppose it would depend on each situation. But a recent movie I watched with Reese Witherspoon, called “The Good Lie,” gave me a deeper insight to these predicament. I don’t want to spoil the movie for anyone, but I will say that I believe there are “good lies.”
In sum, life is not always black and white or in other words so clear in the decisions and choices we face. In my own life being raised in the church I felt as though I was presented an ideology of life being this way. But though my experience, thus far, I realize life is not so black and white, right or wrong is not always clear, even when interpreting it scripturally.
God I know your thoughts are higher than my thoughts, your ways are higher than my ways.Through broken edges, experiences, and worldly wisdom even from church members. I have often found myself with answers unmet and disappointment. Please help to soften those edges so that I can fit into the puzzle of your masterpiece of art.
Theresnoplacelike Home
Exodus 2
S - "Why are you beating up your friend?" v.3
O - Moses is calling out injustice everywhere he sees it and he's frustrated.
A - How can I be more mindful not to attack the people I care about and how have proven to care about me due to a difference of opinion, or whatever? Moses' question is a question I need to ask myself time and time again as I struggle with being combative.
K - God, I first thank you for your grace. Help me to be aware and mindful to not be combative with friends and family as once things are said and done, can rarely be taken back. In Jesus name, amen.
Thanks, Itsjenniferrose, for the encouragement! It means so much.
And, I love the reminder you have given us that we need to be "impeccable with our word" because like you said, once we say something it "can rarely be taken back."
I need to work on what you touched upon so much that I have made it one of my four New Year's Resolutions this year. I thought I would share really quickly:
1. Be Impeccable with your word
2. Don't take anything personally
3. Don't make assumptions
4. Always do your best
( I didn't make this up, I just read a book called The Four Agreements, by Don Ruiz, and felt like I could use improvement in each of these areas). The book basically goes into more detail about each of these four topics. Did anyone else make any New Year's Resolutions this year? Or perhaps picked one word to focus on...or one scripture? I would love to ar if you have time. If not, I will not take it personally... lol
Theresnoplacelike Home
Theresnoplacelike Home wrote:
Thanks, Itsjenniferrose, for the encouragement! It means so much.
And, I love the reminder you have given us that we need to be "impeccable with our word" because like you said, once we say something it "can rarely be taken back."
I need to work on what you touched upon so much that I have made it one of my four New Year's Resolutions this year. I thought I would share really quickly:
1. Be Impeccable with your word
2. Don't take anything personally
3. Don't make assumptions
4. Always do your best
( I didn't make this up, I just read a book called The Four Agreements, by Don Ruiz, and felt like I could use improvement in each of these areas). The book basically goes into more detail about each of these four topics. Did anyone else make any New Year's Resolutions this year? Or perhaps picked one word to focus on...or one scripture? I would love to ar if you have time. If not, I will not take it personally... lol
Theresnoplacelike Home
This book sounds really interesting, so I think I'm going to add it to my reading list!
I would be interested in everyone else's resolutions, too. I decided to make a topic where we could all post them in the Off Topic section if you want to check mine out there!
S=Ex 3:7 And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;
O=God is watching and knows the heartache of His people.
A=How grateful I am that God hears my distress (right now my 12 year old is having a major flesh out (confused)), so happy God is with me (whew).
K=Heavenly Lord thank you for being everywhere with me at all times, I know with you I am never alone. In Jesus Name Amen.
Amanda wrote:
Theresnoplacelike Home wrote:
Thanks, Itsjenniferrose, for the encouragement! It means so much.
And, I love the reminder you have given us that we need to be "impeccable with our word" because like you said, once we say something it "can rarely be taken back."
I need to work on what you touched upon so much that I have made it one of my four New Year's Resolutions this year. I thought I would share really quickly:
1. Be Impeccable with your word
2. Don't take anything personally
3. Don't make assumptions
4. Always do your best
( I didn't make this up, I just read a book called The Four Agreements, by Don Ruiz, and felt like I could use improvement in each of these areas). The book basically goes into more detail about each of these four topics. Did anyone else make any New Year's Resolutions this year? Or perhaps picked one word to focus on...or one scripture? I would love to ar if you have time. If not, I will not take it personally... lol
Theresnoplacelike HomeThis book sounds really interesting, so I think I'm going to add it to my reading list!
I would be interested in everyone else's resolutions, too. I decided to make a topic where we could all post them in the Off Topic section if you want to check mine out there!
That's great, thanks! I can't wait to read what other goals, words, and scriptures people are chosing to focus on this year.