Reading: Exodus 16
Chapter Insight: Podcast | Written post
Key Verse: Exodus 16:8
Optional Discussion Question from Chapter Insights:
The children of Israel cried out for help, then did not like the help offered. How do we do this? How often do you seek God’s help and guidance and then become upset, because you don’t like how He is leading, or you don’t like His answers and His solutions?
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
The Israelites complained that they would die of hunger, so God provided them manna to eat. He gave them clear instructions, but some did not follow the instructions- some even went without food on the Sabbath. Has there ever been a time when despite God’s clear instructions, you did things your own way?
Reading: Exodus 17
Chapter Insight: Podcast | Written post
Key Verse: Exodus 17:15
NOTE: When you march under a person or King’s banner, it indicates marching or fighting under that person’s standard (in their name or on behalf of them). It indicates being under that person’s authority, protection, covering and ownership.
Optional Discussion Question from Chapter Insights:
Why is it hard for us to believe that God will act for us in this world? How do we live out walking under God's banner?
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
The Israelites faced an enemy, Amalek. The victory would not be won by battle alone, but by the might of the Lord as Moses’ hands were raised. Aaron and Hur came alongside him and held up his arms so the battle could be won. Whom have you come alongside and been an Aaron or Hur to, so a battle could be won?
Reading: Exodus 18
Chapter Insight: Podcast | Written post
Key Verse: Exodus 18:2-4 What does this tell us about what Moses thought while living in Midian?
Optional Discussion Question from Chapter Insights:
Are you prioritizing your relationship with God over "Christian" activities? Are you substituting intimacy for activity?
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Moses chose to listen to the wise counsel of his father-in-law on organizing a team of men who would help him lead the over 4 million Israelites through this journey in the wilderness. What wise counsel have you been given lately? How has it helped you in your personal life?
Reading: Exodus 19
Chapter Insight: Podcast (large file) | Written post
Key Verses: Exodus 19:4-8, or 19:12
Optional Discussion Question from Chapter Insights:
What are the stipulations in this treaty? What are promises? How does this compare to the covenant that God makes with believers after the resurrection of Christ? Examine Hebrews 8:6-10, Hebrews 10:14-18, 1 Peter 2:9
God was so holy that the people of Israel could not even touch the base of the mountain. How is this different from how New Covenant believers can approach God? Why is it different. Read Hebrews 4:16.
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
God was preparing to come and meet with the people in a dramatic and holy meeting; but he wanted them to sanctify themselves, to prepare themselves physically and spiritually. How do you think this applies to us today? What should we do to prepare ourselves to meet with God? Do you think you do this adequately?
Reading: Exodus 20
Chapter Insight: Podcast (large file) | Written post
Key Verses: Exodus 20:3, 20:7
Optional Discussion Question from Chapter Insights:
How do you put yourself as an idol over God? How do you subjugate God’s will to your own will? How do you seek to serve those things you idolize while not committing to fully serving God?
How serious does God take it when people take His name in vain? How then should we feel when His name is taken in vain? How should this impact what we are willing to voluntarily listen to and watch? Should we wink at the taking of God’s name in vain?
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
We know the first 17 verses of this chapter well. But let’s look at how the Israelites responded to God’s holy encounter with them. How do you think their response shaped the future of their nation? How do you think this applies to us today? Has there been a time in your life when you chose not to hear directly from God?
Last edited by TBG (1/27/2015 4:53 pm)
Chapter 16
I think what stands out to me is that for 40 years God sustained them in the desert. But He only gave them enough sustinance for each day.
God will provide for us during our wilderness and when we walk through dry deserts. But, He will give us what we need daily. We need to trust Him for tomorrow and not insist that He shows us today exactly how everything will work out.
Chapter 16
“If only the LORD had killed us back in Egypt,” they moaned. “There we sat around pots filled with meat and ate all the bread we wanted. But now you have brought us into this wilderness to starve us all to death.” (Exodus 16:3 NLT)
God will pull you out of your comfort zone to build you into a better person and take you to the next level. And the above scripture is a prime example of wanting to be where you were (glorifying the past), instead accepting, growing and trusting where you are now (stars), even when it's better than where you came from.
That was a word for me and hopefully for someone else.
Chapter 17
Still complaining, pllar of cloud in the day, pilar of fire at night, brids for meat and mama. And still complaing to a man to fix their problem; no water. It's not like God is not with them and looking after them, so they turn to a man to fix their problems. Where is the prayer and then the trust it's not like God has not proven how reliable He is.
But when I read this I must examine myself. When I am in need who do I ask first, sadly I have to admit many times I turn to a person instead for He who has my life in His hands. Is it because I can see, hear or touch a person? But I know that it is He who has brought me out of a life of destruction, misery and hopelessness, and it is only Him I can truly expect to help me. I must change my thinking as the Israelities needed to change theirs.
Exodus 19: 3 " And Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him from the mountain,saying,"Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel: You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself. Now, therefore if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine..." I have been mediating on this verse throughout the day. I have been reading so many encouraging thoughts through this bible study. And I feel so blessed... I have a prayer request: I am struggling to balance my work life with my personal life. I just can't seem to fit in everything that I feel is required of me to do in the work day. As a result I continue to stay late and neglect time with my friends and family. And the time I need with God to refill my soul. It seems this season is just very busy for me. If you could pray, for peace of mind and the ability to balance my life in a way that would be most pleasing to God. I would so appreciate it. Theresnoplacelike Home
Chapter 18
Moses father in law gives him great advice here on how to manage the Israelites. God definitely places people of wisdom in our lives that he knows we'll listen and learn from. I think this person, for me, lately, has been my boyfriend
God, help us to be aware of the messengers you bring in our lives to push us forward to be better, and actually listen In Jesus name, amen.
This is so on point!
Loretta wrote:
Chapter 17
Still complaining, pllar of cloud in the day, pilar of fire at night, brids for meat and mama. And still complaing to a man to fix their problem; no water. It's not like God is not with them and looking after them, so they turn to a man to fix their problems. Where is the prayer and then the trust it's not like God has not proven how reliable He is.
But when I read this I must examine myself. When I am in need who do I ask first, sadly I have to admit many times I turn to a person instead for He who has my life in His hands. Is it because I can see, hear or touch a person? But I know that it is He who has brought me out of a life of destruction, misery and hopelessness, and it is only Him I can truly expect to help me. I must change my thinking as the Israelities needed to change theirs.
And Moses said to the people do not fear for God has come to test you and that fear may be before you so that you do not sin," (Exodus 20:20) A healthy fear for God is always good. Fear and respect go hand in hand. I believe that we have lost the fear for God that is wise to have by the nature of the sin that is present not just in the world-- but in the church. If we really feared/respected God as we should we would be fearful of sin, I'm not sure if I have been out of balance in my response to sin...But there are moments that I do fear my actions, decisions, that could be possible sin and realize that God could strike me died. I have said it in this past year in conversations with others more than once. Praying that I can find the balance in a fear of acknowledgement of how great and powerful God is and the grace that he has given us to live in freedom?! Have a blessed day,
Exodus 19
Now if you will obey me and keep my covenant, you will be my own special treasure from among all the peoples on earth; for all the earth belongs to me. (Exodus 19:5 NLT)
Love this passage.
Ex 20:6 But showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
He wants me to follow His law and grants, me lovingkindness. How unworthy I am. How grateful I am. The Maker of the whole universe wants me to follow His law, which is totally in my best interest. And I'm the one who receives His lovingkindness. Our God who we serve is completely amazing. I'm have been so humbled by this verse.