Women in the Word

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2/01/2015 11:14 pm  #21

Re: Exodus Overview

Chapter 21
Does God Endorse or Condone Slavery?

*If you did not read the Chapter 21-25 Overview on The Law, you should do so first.

These verses are dealing with a much different type of slavery than what we in North America think of.  This was an economic system.  It had nothing to do with subjugating a class of people.  And people could not be stolen or abducted and placed into slavery.  To do so would result in execution.  But if someone could not pay their debts or support themselves or their kids, they would go into servitude. 
This was a common practice in this society’s economy.  God is making a concession to this practice not recommending or approving of this practice.  So, God is regulating this practice to make restrictions to protect slaves from abuse.
This servitude was more like a servant relationship where the slave had rights and the master had to treat them with justly.  They were assured food, clothing, shelter, etc.  They had rights and the masters did not have absolute control of them as they were still considered as Israelites with rights.  The slaves could be trained even into high professions such as physicians, carpenters, etc.  And this was not lifetime servitude; the slaves were released after 6 years. 
Women, once she had been in a marriage or concubine relationship with this man, could not be sent out. They had to treat her as a wife or as a daughter-in-law. They had to take care of her and not send her away.  If she was not properly cared for her family could take her back.  God is not endorsing the practice but prescribing protections for when Israel did these things which were cultural norms at the time and he said OK if you do it you have to have some protections for people.
Good Morning Girls has an excellent post on what our attitude should be when reading these passages.
For more on this subject, read the following articles:


2/08/2015 10:56 pm  #22

Re: Exodus Overview

Exodus 26: The Tabernacle

I summarized this information from something a pastor once taught on.
We are going to look at the tabernacle as a type of Christ and how the furniture symbolizes Christ.  We are going to look at the Tabernacle and what it symbolized and how this relates to Christ, Christ’s sacrifice and redemption.
The tabernacle was comprised of the tent of meeting and the outer court.
Tent of Meeting was a portable tent. It was curtains supported by post and then covered with a weatherproof layer. This was so that it would be mobile.  It would be broken down and moved as Israel moved around.
The tent of meeting was divided into the Holy Place and the Most Holy place, or Holy of Holies, where the Ark of the Covenant was kept.
Around the tent of meeting was an outer court for the burnt offerings and other ceremonies.
Here is a picture of what it would have looked like.  The second picture shows how Israel camped around it and how God hovered over it in a cloud during the day.  The third picture is a dramatic representation of what it would have looked like as God hovered over it in the pillar of fire by night. The last is a cutaway of the tent showing the Holy of Holies separated from the rest.

Symbolic Materials
Bronze - symbol of judgment
Gold - symbol of deity
Silver - symbol of redemption
Blue - symbol of heaven
White - symbol of righteousness
Purple - symbol of royalty
Scarlet – symbol of suffering
It was a tent with fabric coverings suspended on poles to make its walls and ceiling.

1. The first layer was white linen with cherubim embroidered out of blue, purple and scarlet threads. The loops were blue and the clasp gold.
When you walk in you look up and you see the righteousness (white) and deity (gold clasp) of God represented.  While being reminded of His royalty (purple) and suffering (scarlet) simultaneously.
2.  Second layer was goat hair with clasps of bronze (judgement).
We will see later that on the Day of Atonement two goats were taken, one was sacrificed, the other was freed.  The second freed goat was the one that received atonement.  So the second curtain represents that Christ righteousness atoned for us.
3. The third layer was rams skins dyed red (suffering).
We remember in Genesis that Abraham found a ram in thicket to use as a substitutionary sacrifice for Isaac.  – So this layer represents how Christ was the substitution for us.
4. Last layer was says sea cows in King James, badger skin in other translations.
This was waterproof but also ugly.  It symbolized the humility of Christ.  The Bible says Christ was nothing special to look at yet inside he was the holiness of God.  Isaiah 53:2 He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
5. The frames were of acacia wood overlaid with gold and the rings were of gold. The bases were of silver. Gold over wood symbolizes the suffering of God.  The silver bases symbolize redemption (silver) through the suffering (wood of thorns).
6. The veil separated off the Holy of Holies were the Ark of Covenant and Mercy seat were kept and where priest went once a year to make atonement. The veil was of blue purple and scarlet linen with cherubim on wood pole overlaid with gold and gold hooks

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