Reading: Exodus 26
Chapter Insights: The Tent of Meeting
Optional Women in the Word Discussion Questions:
What is the significance of such skillfulness, detail and nice materials.
Should we take same approach today? Does God dwell in the church building as He did in the tabernacle? How is it similar or different?
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
The veil separated the holy place from the most holy place. This is the veil that Christ ripped after His death on the cross- meaning that we can go to the most holy place-because of Christ’s blood. We can enter the throne room of God. Share a praise today that you can have an open relationship with God.
Reading: Exodus 27
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
The pure oil brought light. Christ came to bring light as well-and not only to the Jews, but to the Gentiles. We are to take that light and share it. How can you share the light of Christ with those around you?
Reading: Exodus 28
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Just like Aaron, we have been set apart, to be priest. How do you keep your life set apart and different so that you might be a sacrifice to the Lord?
Reading: Exodus 29
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
A lamb was to be offered, twice a day. Christ came as the sacrificial lamb, and now we don’t have to practice this ordinance. However, we should keep our sin accounts short- to keep the fellowship open. Be sure to spend some time today thanking God that HE was the sacrificial lamb. Share a prayer of thanksgiving. Also, in private, spend some time confessing your sin before God.
Reading: Exodus 30
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
The large vessel of brass, holding water, needed to be attended to each day. The same is true with our relationship with God. We need to spend time in God’s word each day, to keep us pure. Where do you spend your quiet time-and how do you keep it a priority?