Courntey on Good Morning Girls has a good post on the tabernacle from a few weeks ago. And she rightlyful pointed us to the Matthew Henry Commentaryon this that has so much to share as well. (This links to chapter 36, but just click the link at the top to move to the next chapters.) Lastly, we have a post on itas well.
Reading: Exodus 36
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Do you see how detailed God is? He cared about every minute detail of the temple, down to how many loops were on the curtains to hanging them! How then could He not care about the minor details of your life? Consider for a moment; have you seen His hand lately in a small miracle, provision, or turn of events?
Reading: Exodus 37
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Imagine for a moment what it must have been like to craft the box where God would dwell. Do you think Bezaleel comprehended the magnitude of the task he had to complete? But God no longer dwells in a box, He dwells in us –His children. Do we truly comprehend the magnitude of that truth? Do we care for His temple as we should?
Reading: Exodus 38
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Perhaps by now you are feeling bogged down and maybe a little bored with all the details of the temple. But consider for a moment how much care God took to design the place where He would dwell. Is it hitting you yet? How much more care has He taken to design the place where he now dwells-YOU? How much do you think He cares about the minor details of your life? Have you surrendered them to Him yet?
Reading: Exodus 39
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
God is now dressing His priests for service. Later in the Word we read that He has made us kings and priests unto our God. How does He dress us for this priesthood today?
Reading: Exodus 40
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Imagine what it was like that first day when the Tabernacle was raised and the glory of the Lord filled it. He led them hereon by the cloud of His glory: whether it rested or lifted from the Tabernacle. Are you aware of how He is leading you in your life? Are you able to clearly see or distinguish where He is leading you? What are some ways you sense His leadership in your life today?