Don't forget to read Courtney's introductory post for this week's reading on Good Morning Girls.
Discussion Thread is found in Bible Study: Leviticus
An overview of chapters 16-20 is also found in the discussion thread.
Reading: Leviticus 16
Key Verse 16:2
Optional Group Thoughts and Discussion Question:
This is the veil that was torn when Christ was crucified. How does this differ from our access to God? What was the significance of the torn veil?
Key Verse 16:21-22
Optional Group Thoughts and Discussion Question:
We see here that the priest put the sins on the goat and the goat was sent away. So the sins were taken far away. What do we see in this verse and how can we apply it to us.
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
In Leviticus 16, we find Aaron spending hour to prepare himself to meet God. We can approach God anytime - what a privilege! Just because we can access God anytime does not mean we should not prepare ourselves for our time with Him. What are some ways you prepare to meet with God?
Reading: Leviticus 17
Key Verse 17:7
Optional Group Thoughts and Discussion Question:
Interesting God has to continue to go to great lengths to ensure the people don’t get into idolatry. Romans also says that the reason people now do not accept God as Lord is because they worship idols. Why types of idols do you see in our society? Why do you think idolatry is such a strong pull on people? We see the types of things God did throughout Leviticus to keep Israel from idolatry. What types of things can we do to guard ourselves from idolatry?
Reading: Leviticus 18
SOAK Verse 18:3-4:
You shall not do as they do in the land of Egypt, where you lived, and you shall not do as they do in the land of Canaan, to which I am bringing you. You shall not walk in their statutes. You shall follow my rules and keep my statutes and walk in them. I am the LORD your God.
Reading: Leviticus 19
SOAK: Any verse of your choosing. This is a chapter rich with moral concepts.:
Reading: Leviticus 20
Key Verse 20:2-5
Optional Group Thoughts and Discussion Question:
They were killing their babies to serve an idol related to licentious sexual behavior. Do you see anything in today's society that is similar to this?