I am back in town. Sorry about not being too active last week and half. Hope everyone had a blessed Memorial Day and took a few moments to honor those who have fallen to preserve our freedoms.
Only 2 Days of reading this week. Then we take a break until June 15th where we come back with Proverbs. Check out the Good Morning Girl postfor more information.
Good Morning Girl intro to the last two chapters is up.
This Weeks Reading Assignment
Leviticus 26: Rewards for Obedience / Punishment for Disobedience
Leviticus 26 gives us the blessings for keeping God's covenant, curses for breaking that covenant, but then it ends with forgiveness. In what way has the Lord's forgiveness to you released blessing?
Leviticus 27: Redeeming What Is the Lord’s
Leviticus ends with the Lord setting strong regulations around vows made to Him and items consecrated for Holy use. He did this to prevent people from making foolish or hasty vows without first considering what they were committing to. This would also prevent them from forgetting their vow or taking it lightly. What have you vowed to the Lord? Have you kept that vow to Him?
The discussion thread is under Bible Study » Leviticus.