Women in the Word

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9/06/2015 9:01 pm  #1


Week of September 6, 2015
This Week’s Reading Assignment

This is the discussion thread for the book of Acts.

S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Don't forget to check the introduction on Mondays, links on Wednesday and the devotional on Friday at Good Morning Girls.

Reading: Acts 1
Verse of the Day: Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
The Apostles knew they needed to replace Judas. Therefore, they trusted God to place the right person in that spot. How can we apply this principle to the relationship in our own lives?
Good Morning Girls: Introduction to weekly reading
Reading: Acts 2
Verse of the Day: Acts 2:21
And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Outsiders looking in thought Jesus’ followers were drunk because they were so filled with the Holy Spirit. When others look at you, can they tell you are filled with the Holy Spirit as well?
Reading: Acts 3
Verse of the Day: Acts 3:6
But Peter said, "I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!"
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
While the people were in awe over the lame man’s healing, Peter took that chance to direct the peoples attention to God. In what ways can we apply this to those we come in contact with?
Good Morning Girls: Links and thoughts to go deeper

Reading: Acts 4
Verse of the Day: Acts 4:12
And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Peter and John, despite knowing what happened to Jesus when He spoke against the scribes, remained firm in their faith. Do you allow fear to consume your choices to speak out about God or do you allow faith to continue to show through?

Reading: Acts 5
Verse of the Day: Acts 5:29
But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men.
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Peter and the Apostles were ordered not to teach about Jesus. Yet, they refused claiming that they would follow God’s instructions. Name a time when you have been asked to not speak about God. How did you respond?
Good Morning Girls: Devotional


9/07/2015 8:42 am  #2

Re: Acts

Acts 1
Jesus’ Work
Verse 1: states that the book of Luke records all that Jesus began to do. It is easy for us to think that Jesus’ ministry finished with His resurrection. But, He is still working and still acting to fulfill all that God wills until the end of time. His earthly ministry was just the beginning.

Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit is a promise to believers (vs. 4). The word baptized in verse 5 is Baptizo in Greek meaning to immerse, submerge or overwhelm. This is an interesting imagery that we will be overwhelmed, drenched, immersed, and saturated by the Holy Spirit. Even the great Old Testament saints only had the Holy Spirit fall on them temporarily, not reside in them.

Ours and the Holy Spirit’s Purpose
Verse 8 says that the purpose of the Holy Spirit is to give us power to be witnesses to Christ.
As Acts kicks off, we see that our purpose is to be a witness to Christ through all the world, and that God has given a special gift, the Holy Spirit, that will empower us to fulfill our mission and give us power beyond our own ability.

Verse 14: All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer.
One accord: with one mind, one passion
It seems sometimes in Church, even at prayer meetings that people have so many different agendas. We need to put aside our own agendas and have one passion, and that is for whatever God’s will is to be done and not to presume we know God’s will more than others or we know what God should do, but just seek His will and His purpose.

Optional Discussion Question
The Apostles knew they needed to replace Judas. Therefore, they trusted God to place the right person in that spot. How can we apply this principle to the relationship in our own lives?
I have never been convinced that this is what the apostles were supposed to do here. Note, they have not received the Holy Spirit yet. As far as the lot, maybe it just fell randomly and God really did not direct that. Because it seems that Paul was likely the one God had planned to be the twelfth disciple. Jesus did appear to Paul personally. I don’t know, just a thought.
As far as trusting God to place the right person in the right place, I think God’s will can be intricate and sometime we do not immediately see His purpose in something or sometimes we may not understand His purpose until eternity. I think this because sometimes we do pray earnestly and trust God and yet the results may not be what we expect.
However, I have also seen this work, where there we unexpected outcomes but even in those I could see God working. Where a godly Christian woman was hired for a job and ended up getting fired. But God totally used her to work in my life in a tremendous way and then later used me to minister to and support her. So, there was a purpose in her being there. My husband also had a situation where God worked to place him in just the right place when it did not look like it at first.

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9/07/2015 9:51 am  #3

Re: Acts

Are we supposed to post and respond our discussions about our weekly reading here or on another post thread? Thank you!


9/07/2015 11:32 am  #4

Re: Acts

SLPRH7 wrote:

Are we supposed to post and respond our discussions about our weekly reading here or on another post thread? Thank you!

This is the thread to post and respond to your discussion.

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9/07/2015 1:14 pm  #5

Re: Acts

I don't really have an answer to the question provided, but I am so drawn to verse 5 and the power there. Do I realize this power? Do I trust it? Do I seek it, rely on it? So often I trust in my own perceived power when I would get so much further if I trust in the power that He has put in me.


9/08/2015 5:48 am  #6

Re: Acts

Acts 2
Prayerfully, when someone looks at me, hears me speak, or watches how I treat others, they see the Lord in me. However, I must confess that I struggle more than I'd like to admit being the love of Christ to even my own family at times, so this question is very convicting. 


9/08/2015 7:29 am  #7

Re: Acts

esuzannah wrote:

I don't really have an answer to the question provided, but I am so drawn to verse 5 and the power there. Do I realize this power? Do I trust it? Do I seek it, rely on it? So often I trust in my own perceived power when I would get so much further if I trust in the power that He has put in me.

This is so very true. It is so easy for my first response to everything to be my effort, my intellect, my will. I find it interesting that Ephesians 5: says that we have to continually allow ourselves to be filled with the Spirit.

This speaks to what you were saying about us allowing the power of the Spirit to move through us by seeking Him and relying on His power.

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9/08/2015 8:01 am  #8

Re: Acts

Acts 2 

Verse 11: we hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God.
Observation: The Holy Spirit filled them so that they would be witnesses and as witnesses they declared the might works of God.
Application: This reminds me that I need to be a witness to others of the mighty works of God in my life. It does not matter how many things in the physical realm are going poorly, because I can always testify to the spiritual blessings in heavenly places that God has given me (Ephesians 1). And, of the fact that I can have peace in the midst of trials because of the hope God has placed in my heart (1 Peter 1).
We need to be witnesses to the world of God’s love, holiness, and greatness.
Verses 25-28
For David says concerning him, "'I saw the Lord always before me, for He is at my right hand that I may not be shaken; therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced; my flesh also will dwell in hope.  For you will not abandon my soul to Hades, or let your Holy One see corruption. You have made known to me the paths of life; you will make me full of gladness with your presence.'
Observation: God was only near or by David, and that gave David the confidence to not be shaken.

Application: God is now living in us through the person of the Holy Spirit. How much more confidence should that give us that we should not be shaken in anything?
Observation: Because God was near David his heart was glad, he rejoiced and he lived in hope.

Application: Well, God is in us. Should we not have glad hearts, should not speak words of rejoicing, should we not live lives evidenced by the hope of our future in Christ? The source of our gladness is the person of God living in us and the hope of being united with Him in Christ. (Col 3)
David was full of gladness in God’s presence, we should be full of gladness as God has put His life inside of us. For out of us should flow rivers of living water and He has given us true life.
Verse 42-43
And they devoted (continued steadfastly) themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.
This has always been a challenge to me. I look around and don’t see the power of God in our Churches, or in my life and I ask myself, “Am I devoting myself and continuing steadfastly (firm in purpose, resolved, unwavering) in the study of the Word, in prayer and in the Lord’s supper or fellowship with believers.
This will generate awe – reverent respect and obedience – and I will see God at work transforming my life and letting me a witness to those around me.

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9/08/2015 8:12 am  #9

Re: Acts

kbee123 wrote:

Acts 2
Prayerfully, when someone looks at me, hears me speak, or watches how I treat others, they see the Lord in me. However, I must confess that I struggle more than I'd like to admit being the love of Christ to even my own family at times, so this question is very convicting. 

I would say for me the answer is sometimes. Sometimes when I have stayed in the Word and in prayer, yes, I think people do see the Holy Spirit. But really if I go just a day or two, my flesh can really show up and I can have a very strong personality.

So, yes,to say I struggle would be an understatement. I just don't reflect Christ or the Spirit when I don't allow myself to be filled with the Spirit and act in my flesh. I always think of Ephesians 5:18 - I have to continual be being filled with the Holy Spirit. You know the statement, that when you squeeze a sponge whatever was in it comes out. So, I know for me when pressue comes and I get squeezed that the only way for the Holy Spirit to come out of me, is if I  continually refill my tank with the Spirit by setting my mind on the Spirit and feeding Him through the Word and prayer.

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9/08/2015 10:32 am  #10

Re: Acts

=13pxToday, my SOAK verse just happened to be the same as the votd.  I usually read the chapter first and see what scripture The Lord will have me meditate on. Sometimes it is the same as what is posted or what others are posting and sometimes it is an entirely different scripture verse. Yesterday, it was different than what most were posting.  Today, it was the same as the verse of the day, but not necessarily what others are posting. At first, yesterday, I felt like the odd ball. Like why are so many posting about one scripture and I felt led to this one?  But then, I remembered seeing on GMG that everyone's SOAKS and Bible Colorings will look different and that's perfectly ok. 
So my SOAK for today is:

S-  And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21

O- ANYONE, who invites The Lord into their lives and into their hearts, and asks Him to forgive their sins and repents of those sins and believes in Him and has faith that He does and will forgive thier sins, will be saved and will have eternal life with Him. 

A- How can I apply this scripture to my life?  First, I can remember that when I fail God, all I need to do is go to him in prayer and ask His forgiveness and know that He will forgive me. I can also help to spread the good news of this scripture to those around me.  

K-  Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for revealing this scripture to me. I pray that you would help me to be a blessing to others today and help me to spread the joy of your love and forgiveness through this scripture. In Jesus precious and holy name, Amen.

Optional GMG Discussion Question=13px:
=13pxOutsiders looking in thought Jesus’ followers were drunk because they were so filled with the Holy Spirit. When others look at you, can they tell you are filled with the Holy Spirit as well?

I would love to say YES, YES, ALWAYS.  But the truth of the matter is, I am but a human being and sadly, no, not always can people tell that I am filled with the Holy Spirit.   I am a sinner, saved by the Grace of God, but I fail Him on a daily basis. However, this is one thing that I do strive for each and every day. I pray that God will help me to be a shining light unto others, telling them of His unfailing, unconditional Love. 


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