Women in the Word

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9/14/2014 7:33 pm  #21

Re: 1 Peter

1 Peter Chapter 5
V2  -  Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;

O: but willingly (don’t have a mind set of you are doing  it because you must but because you are willing and ready to serve others)

A: As a Christian, I need to be ready and willing to serve others.  I need to be willing to suffer and put others interest first and not look for how I can benefit as that is what Christ did for me.

V6 & 7 -  6Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: 7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

O:  In due time (not in my time but in due time - God’s perfect time)

A: I should ask the lord for what I want and wait, I should pray and wait for him to provide in due time, when he sees fit. Not in my time. His timing is always right on time and perfect. I need to humble myself as he knows what is best for me and when it’s best for me. God is calling me to live constantly in humility. Not just when I want to or feel like it.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I thank you for this day and all that you have done for me. I thank you for the ability to hear, see, walk, smell, talk and for just waking up this morning. Lord, today, I ask for nothing but your thanks and forgiveness for all that I have done that was not pleasing to you. . I’m blessed because you are a forgiving God. In Jesus name Amen.


9/14/2014 11:44 pm  #22

Re: 1 Peter

Hi ladies. I appologize for not posting much lately. Work has been so very stressful and all consuming. And I've been working into the evenings and the weekends. Also, being on the computer so much at work, sometimes the last thing I want to do when not working is get back on the computer. However, I've been trying to keep up with my reading.

I took some time this evening to really read 1 Peter a couple of times. It's short, but it's a lot. It's funny, my first reaction was to resist. This reading brought up a deep emotional response inside. It reminded me of my marriage. I loved being married. I am divorced now. We've been apart since 2010. I prayed for my husband and fought for my marriage. I feel like I did all I could as a Christian woman and it didn't change anything. It didn't matter that I humbled myself and prayed fervantly. My husband did not care and asked for a divorce. There's more to it than that, but my reason for bringing it up is that I have some bitterness toward God. And I felt it as I read 1 Peter. 

Deep down, I don't think I really believe that having a gentle spirit makes a difference. Even though I pray, I'm not so sure anymore that God is too terribly concerned with my life. I sometimes feel that I just don't have the spiritual strength to be the woman God wants me to be. I don't want to feel this way but I do. I do not believe that because I am a Christian that my life is supposed to be easy. So the suffering part makes since. I feel a sense of peace and comfort after I pray and/or read the Bible. But when I go to work in a chaotic environment and come home to eat dinner alone I feel a sense of despare. I know I show God's light at work because people often comment on it. I am glad I do. But inside I don't always feel that. 

I don't expect anyone here to have answers for me. I should probably talk to an elder at church for that. I just wanted to express my honest feelings. I am a woman of God who struggles in today's society. I allow Him to use me at work, and I know he does. But I guess I'm just leaning too much on my feelings and need to start looking at the bigger picture. Ah, well, I know I was all over the place with this. But this is just my pure organic response to 1 Peter. Have a peaceful evening ladies.


9/15/2014 6:14 pm  #23

Re: 1 Peter

Where do we comment on 2 Peter?


9/15/2014 7:34 pm  #24

Re: 1 Peter

i guess we have to wait until a new topic is added. i will check  back later

Last edited by NLWnMD (9/15/2014 7:34 pm)


9/15/2014 7:51 pm  #25

Re: 1 Peter

ok i was just wondering  I thought I was missing something!


9/15/2014 8:48 pm  #26

Re: 1 Peter

Sorry Ladies, I did my reading this morning, but just did not have time to post yet.

However, anyone can start a new thread.  When you click into any section such as "Bible Study" just click the button at the top or bolltom that says "New Thread."

See screen shot.  Hope this helps.

     Thread Starter

9/15/2014 8:59 pm  #27

Re: 1 Peter

MitziHubbard wrote:

Hi ladies. I appologize for not posting much lately. Work has been so very stressful and all consuming. And I've been working into the evenings and the weekends. Also, being on the computer so much at work, sometimes the last thing I want to do when not working is get back on the computer. However, I've been trying to keep up with my reading.

I took some time this evening to really read 1 Peter a couple of times. It's short, but it's a lot. It's funny, my first reaction was to resist. This reading brought up a deep emotional response inside. It reminded me of my marriage. I loved being married. I am divorced now. We've been apart since 2010. I prayed for my husband and fought for my marriage. I feel like I did all I could as a Christian woman and it didn't change anything. It didn't matter that I humbled myself and prayed fervantly. My husband did not care and asked for a divorce. There's more to it than that, but my reason for bringing it up is that I have some bitterness toward God. And I felt it as I read 1 Peter. 

Deep down, I don't think I really believe that having a gentle spirit makes a difference. Even though I pray, I'm not so sure anymore that God is too terribly concerned with my life. I sometimes feel that I just don't have the spiritual strength to be the woman God wants me to be. I don't want to feel this way but I do. I do not believe that because I am a Christian that my life is supposed to be easy. So the suffering part makes since. I feel a sense of peace and comfort after I pray and/or read the Bible. But when I go to work in a chaotic environment and come home to eat dinner alone I feel a sense of despare. I know I show God's light at work because people often comment on it. I am glad I do. But inside I don't always feel that. 

I don't expect anyone here to have answers for me. I should probably talk to an elder at church for that. I just wanted to express my honest feelings. I am a woman of God who struggles in today's society. I allow Him to use me at work, and I know he does. But I guess I'm just leaning too much on my feelings and need to start looking at the bigger picture. Ah, well, I know I was all over the place with this. But this is just my pure organic response to 1 Peter. Have a peaceful evening ladies.


I am so sorry that you have so much pain.  I guess I just did not realize.  I think sometimes it is hard for others to know and understand how painful and hurtful a circumstance is if they have not experienced it.

I think you did need to know that you should not carry the burden of the loss of your marriage.  You cannot control the emotional stability and character of another person.

I also think it is OK to be angry with God as long as you are willing to stay engaged and talk it out with Him.  That is how you have an authentic relationship.  Because he wants an authentic relationship with us.  So, speak to Him and let Him know your hurts, and yes, even your resentments.  But keep seeking Him and reading His word to bath your heart with His Spirit.

So, glad you are persevering here with us.

     Thread Starter

9/15/2014 9:27 pm  #28

Re: 1 Peter

MitziHubbard wrote:

Hi ladies. I appologize for not posting much lately. Work has been so very stressful and all consuming. And I've been working into the evenings and the weekends. Also, being on the computer so much at work, sometimes the last thing I want to do when not working is get back on the computer. However, I've been trying to keep up with my reading.

I took some time this evening to really read 1 Peter a couple of times. It's short, but it's a lot. It's funny, my first reaction was to resist. This reading brought up a deep emotional response inside. It reminded me of my marriage. I loved being married. I am divorced now. We've been apart since 2010. I prayed for my husband and fought for my marriage. I feel like I did all I could as a Christian woman and it didn't change anything. It didn't matter that I humbled myself and prayed fervantly. My husband did not care and asked for a divorce. There's more to it than that, but my reason for bringing it up is that I have some bitterness toward God. And I felt it as I read 1 Peter. 

Deep down, I don't think I really believe that having a gentle spirit makes a difference. Even though I pray, I'm not so sure anymore that God is too terribly concerned with my life. I sometimes feel that I just don't have the spiritual strength to be the woman God wants me to be. I don't want to feel this way but I do. I do not believe that because I am a Christian that my life is supposed to be easy. So the suffering part makes since. I feel a sense of peace and comfort after I pray and/or read the Bible. But when I go to work in a chaotic environment and come home to eat dinner alone I feel a sense of despare. I know I show God's light at work because people often comment on it. I am glad I do. But inside I don't always feel that. 

I don't expect anyone here to have answers for me. I should probably talk to an elder at church for that. I just wanted to express my honest feelings. I am a woman of God who struggles in today's society. I allow Him to use me at work, and I know he does. But I guess I'm just leaning too much on my feelings and need to start looking at the bigger picture. Ah, well, I know I was all over the place with this. But this is just my pure organic response to 1 Peter. Have a peaceful evening ladies.

Hey Mitzi!

Don't be discouraged!  God wants you to be honest with Him.  Tell Him exactly how you are feeling (He knows already anyway).  Tell Him how hurt and upset you are and how you don't understand why things turned out the way they did.  Be willing to be brutally honest and to feel exposed before the Lord.  It is in those moments that He can do the most work.  Don't be afraid to be bare before Him...He understands!


9/15/2014 10:50 pm  #29

Re: 1 Peter

TBG wrote:

I did a quick search and found this commentary:

Women are generally physically weaker than men and were in a socially weaker position in Greco-Roman society. The notion that women are weaker intellectually, emotionally, morally, or spiritually is not found here. Women are fellow heirs of eternal life. According to Bechtler (via Schreiner 161), the admonition for husbands to honor their wives is unique in Greco-Roman literature. Husbands who fail to honor their wives will have their prayers hindered.

In that society women indeed where in much more unstable positions and basically depended on men for support largely.  If not a husband, a father, if not a father, a brother, if not a brother, an Uncle, etc.  So, I suppose it is telling me not to take advantage of that but to be understanding to her and to honor her.  Note, the above commentary that asking a husband to treat his wife this way was indeed a revolutionary thought in that society where women were treated as possessions.

I don't know if this helps provide sufficient insight to resolving the challenges with this passage.  But, if it is really problematic to you, like I said, I can ask some others who may have deeper knowledge and training than me to weigh in on it.

Thank You! That helped me think about it differently. It helped a lot


9/15/2014 11:01 pm  #30

Re: 1 Peter

TBG and Fishlicity,

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I will trust God more, and heed your advice.


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