Acts 12
2 He killed James the brother of John with the sword,
It seems the focus is always on the deliverance of Peter. There was even a contemporary Chrstian music song about 30 years ago about this passage entitled, “Angels Watching Over Me.”
Were the angels not watching over James? What if we are James and not Peter. This feel good – everything will go great God will deliver you – stuff is not the whole counsel of God. Yes, God can and does miraculously deliver. And I have seen His hand in miraculous ways. But, He does not always. Sometimes we are James – we are slain, we lose a loved one to cancer, a believer is paralyzed, a spouse betrays the other, a child is lost to drugs.
It seems that God works miraculously for His purpose and glory not just for our pleasure or comfort. He give us spiritual comfort in the middle of our trials. This helps us to grow and be transformed more and more into His image. We need to accept that James was killed and Peter was delivered and embrace that both will be a part of our experience.
Sometimes God does not step in to deliver us from a situation, but we must dig deep into Him and rely on Him to give us the strength and peace to endure and to find joy in His promises and hope in the future.
Was out of town and I did read, but these chapters are so pithy. Just did not have time to explore and write out my thoughts.
Acts 13
S: 13:2
While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." (ESV)
As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, "Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." (NKJV)
They ministered to God; it was not just seeking something for themselves.
They were also fasting. This seems to be a time of intense focus on God. And it seems the focus was not supplication (requests from God), but worship.
Then although they were not necessarily seeking some particular word or direction, God spoke to them and gave them guidance and showed what His will was for them.
A: I say I want more intimacy with God and direction for life. Well, what a great way by really blocking time out for uninterrupted, concentrated time of worship and fasting.
S: 13:9-10 Then Saul, who also is called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him and said, "O full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord?
O: He did not just jump up and start rebuking. He was responding to God’s leading. God was doing the rebuking through the Holy Spirit, not Paul himself.
I think we need to be careful before we decide how to respond to things to search our hearts and try to sense God’s will because there are different ways to respond to a situation.
Also, I think it is very important that we don’t rebuke without a sense that it is something God is calling us to do based on scriptural prescriptions. Because it should be God that rebukes, we don’t rebuke in our own authority. So, rebuking should be based on how the epistles (books in the New Testament that are instructional letters) say we should correct believers and separately what it says about unbelievers.
S: 13:22b 'I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.'
How I want this to be said of me, that I will do all of God’s will. Well, will I? I guess I should start right now.
S: 13:45 But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy; and contradicting and blaspheming, they opposed the things spoken by Paul.
They felt that they were God’s special people and their special relationship with God was being taken over or hijacked by the Gentiles.
They did not understand that God had separated them for the purpose of bringing salvation to all people, not just for them to stay separate.
And, they were not chosen because there was something special about them, it was simply God’s goodness that He choose Abraham for His favor.
13:47 For so the Lord has commanded us: 'I have set you as a light to the Gentiles, That you should be for salvation to the ends of the earth.' "
This was always their purpose.
They have forgotten or misunderstood their mission.
Isaiah 60:3
The Gentiles shall come to your light, and, kings to the brightness of your rising.
Isaiah 49:6,8
he says: "It is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the preserved of Israel; I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth."
Thus says the LORD: "In a time of favor I have answered you; in a day of salvation I have helped you; I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people, to establish the land, to apportion the desolate heritages,
Isaiah 42:6-7
"I am the LORD; I have called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness.
The whole chapter is really pertinent to this discussion.
Acts 14
14:5-6 When an attempt was made by both Gentiles and Jews, with their rulers, to mistreat them and to stone them, they learned of it and fled to Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and to the surrounding country,
We see that they did act to save themselves. So, this is fine to try to protect oneself. However, they did not let this intimidate them from doing the work of God. We see in verses 21-22 that they came back to build up the church. We also saw earlier in Acts how Peter and John did not let threats make them stop preaching.
14:14-15 But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of it, they tore their garments and rushed out into the crowd, crying out, "Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men, of like nature with you,
They did not elevate themselves and wanted all the glory to go to God. This should be the same thing we look for in our spiritual leaders. It is a sign of spiritual maturity. We should we be looking for those who reject pomp do not allow others to set them on pedestals and don’t elevate themselves or allow others to elevate them. They should be humble servants of God.
14:22b and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.
Why do we teach differently than this in the North American church?
14:23 And when they had appointed elders for them in every church, with prayer and fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed.
They do a lot of fasting and praying. Why do we do so little of this? At least I rarely do this. Maybe again, I need to start prioritizing times of focused prayer, fasting, and worship.
Acts 15
S: 15:5 But some believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees rose up and said, "It is necessary to circumcise them and to order them to keep the law of Moses."
They were trying to make them Jews. But these laws were only to preserve the Jews as witnesses and to preserve the line that would bring salvation through the Messiah. But, salvation is now here, there is no line to preserve. Believers are preserved through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
S:15:11 But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved in the same manner as they."
How were they saved: 15:8-9 So God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us, and made no distinction between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.
So God chose the Gentiles for salvation and everyone, including the Jews, are saved, not by circumcision or the law, but by the purifying of their hearts by faith.
Reposting this because I buried this post with my last week catch-up posts.
Week of September 27, 2015
This Week’s Reading Assignment
S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Don't forget to check the introduction on Mondays, going deeper links on Wednesday and the devotional on Friday at Good Morning Girls.
Good Morning Girls: Introduction to weekly reading
Reading: Acts 16
Verse of the Day: Acts 16:31
And they said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household."
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Obeying the call of the Lord in our lives often brings about unexpected trials, but blessing for our obedience is certain to come. What blessings has God given you when you followed a call He's given you?
Reading: Acts 17
Verse of the Day: Acts 17:28
for 'In him we live and move and have our being';as even some of your own poets have said, 'For we are indeed his offspring.'
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Paul was unafraid of preaching the gospel of Christ.He did not fear what man could do to him. How can you be more like Paul and share the gospel with others?
Good Morning Girls: Links and thoughts to go deeper
Reading: Acts 18
Verse of the Day: Acts 18:9
And the Lord said to Paul one night in a vision, "Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Not only did Paul preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, but he spent significant amounts of time teaching and encouraging fellow believers. What can you do to teach and/or encourage a fellow believer today?
Reading: Acts 19
Verse of the Day: Acts 19:20
So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Demetrius' business was at stake because of Paul's preaching the truth of Jesus Christ at Ephesus. Have you ever been faced with difficulty or loss of a job because of your faith?
Good Morning Girls: Devotional
Reading: Acts 20
Verse of the Day: Acts 20:35
In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Paul knew he wouldn't see the believers at Ephesus again. He prepared and encouraged them for the difficulties that would come their way in the future. He was not concerned with himself in any way. How can you be more mission focused in your life, ultimately following both Jesus' and Paul's example?Last edited by TBG (Today 3:09 pm)
Acts 16
16:19 But when her owners saw that their hope of gain was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace before the rulers.
Again we see that when people's economics are threatened, they reject God rather than give up money. I guess this is why God says the love of money is the root of all evil.
You think they would have been impacted by the great miracle that had just happened and realizes that there was a true and all powerful God. And that they would have responded with reverent awe and a desire to know more. But, no, they were just upset that their cash cow was gone.
This is a good reminder to not get more interested in money, buying things, consumables, houses, etc. so that my time, energy and money are spent on those things at the expense of spiritual things. We don't even see God's amazing hand at work around us because we are too wrapped up in our comfortable privileged lifestyle.
25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them,
What a great response to trial: to sit and pray and sing to God.
TBG wrote:
25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them,
What a great response to trial: to sit and pray and sing to God.
I also wrote this verse out this morning, an amazing response after being beaten and imprisoned! I do not respond to my trials in that way.
My other verse this morning was 14 when the Lord opened her heart. They didn't open her heart- The Lord did it and it is a miracle each time. Most of my family do not know The Lord and this study is really causes me to pray more for them and think about hoe God can use me...this was a good reminder that yes, I must speak but not because I can cause someone to believe but out of obedience to Him and with faith that He can open hearts to hear Him.
Wow. I needed this. I love the singing and praying while in prison. Sometimes we create our own prisons we must sing and pray out of. Others are just put upon us. We must keep our heads held high with smiles on our faces..waking in full hope and faith.
TBG wrote:
Acts 16
16:19 But when her owners saw that their hope of gain was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace before the rulers.
Again we see that when people's economics are threatened, they reject God rather than give up money. I guess this is why God says the love of money is the root of all evil.
You think they would have been impacted by the great miracle that had just happened and realizes that there was a true and all powerful God. And that they would have responded with reverent awe and a desire to know more. But, no, they were just upset that their cash cow was gone.
This is a good reminder to not get more interested in money, buying things, consumables, houses, etc. so that my time, energy and money are spent on those things at the expense of spiritual things. We don't even see God's amazing hand at work around us because we are too wrapped up in our comfortable privileged lifestyle.
25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them,
What a great response to trial: to sit and pray and sing to God.
esuzannah wrote:
TBG wrote:
25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them,
What a great response to trial: to sit and pray and sing to God.
I also wrote this verse out this morning, an amazing response after being beaten and imprisoned! I do not respond to my trials in that way.
My other verse this morning was 14 when the Lord opened her heart. They didn't open her heart- The Lord did it and it is a miracle each time. Most of my family do not know The Lord and this study is really causes me to pray more for them and think about hoe God can use me...this was a good reminder that yes, I must speak but not because I can cause someone to believe but out of obedience to Him and with faith that He can open hearts to hear Him.
You know that was my last point and I did not meditate on that as much. But, you are right. It was more than a trial, they were beaten. Wow.
As far as God opening hearts, I know, I think if I only said this or I should have said that, or if they could just read this. And I should speak up and share material, but you are right, we have to know it is a spiritual battle. And I do need to pray much more for my lost loved ones.
I haven't had much of a chance to post here since starting with the group. I am trying to change that. I have also gotten behind on my study of ACTS each week, but I have been catching up on the weekends. I am hoping, trying, praying to NOT get behind this week and to start participating more with the group.
So, today we are in Acts 17. Sometimes, I use the GMG verse of the day as my personal SOAK verse. Other times, there are verses that stand out or speak to me. Today, I am using the votd as my personal SOAK verse.
S - In Him, we live and move and have our being. Acts 17:28
O - If it were not for God, we would not be here. Plain and simple. He chose to bring us here and place us on this earth and it will be He that chooses how/when/where we leave this earth and where we spend enternity. We live, breathe, move, and talk not by our means, but only by the will of God.
A - Wake up each day, thanking God for choosing to give me life and for choosing to give me another day and thank Him for His forgiveness and salvation.
K - Dear Heavenly Father, I fail you on a daily basis in so many areas. One of them being failing to thank you for my life. Thank you for choosing to give me life. Thank you for being right there beside me even at times carrying me especially through the hard times, even when I didn't know you or know that you were right there. Thank you for your forgiveness of my many sins, Thank you for saving me. Thank you for not giving up on me, even when I have given up on myself at times. Thank you Lord for being my Lord and Saviour. I love you. I am yours and you are mine. In Jesus name, Amen.
As for the disussion question for today. I can be more like Paul, sharing the Gospel with others in one way through social media. I don't think we even realize how far and wide our words can travel through social media. Some don't like social media and it can be a bad thing if used for the wrong reasons, but if we use our words wisely, and spread the great news of Jesus and His love for us, social media can be a great tool.