Women in the Word

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9/29/2015 10:13 am  #61

Re: Acts

itsjenniferrose wrote:

Wow. I needed this. I love the singing and praying while in prison. Sometimes we create our own prisons we must sing and pray out of. Others are just put upon us. We must keep our heads held high with smiles on our faces..waking in full hope and faith.

I like how you pointed out that sometimes we make our own prisons. That is so right. We want to blame God for all the dissatisfaction in our lives, but sometimes, we have put ourselves there with our own sin and our own rebelliousness and our lack of desire to submit to and serve God. Yet, even then, He is faithful to hear us as we turn to Him.

Great point.


9/29/2015 10:14 am  #62

Re: Acts

Acts 17
21 Now all the Athenians and the foreigners who lived there would spend their time in nothing except telling or hearing something new.
The people in Athens had this open-minded attitude.
However, it was ultimately just intellectual curiosity. They did not have an open heart and enough humility to challenge themselves on the truth claims Paul was making.
(32 Now when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked. But others said, "We will hear you again about this.")
Some of them openly mocked and other dismissed, oh, that is interesting, we can talk about it another time.
I see a lot of similarities in our time to this attitude. It is like esuzannah said, God has to open people’s hearts.
The Bereans on the other hand were humble and sincere in their desire for truth and their desire to know God.
11 Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.
They truly wanted to know the truth and were humble enough to consider that perhaps they did not know and perhaps what Paul was saying was true. They did not just dig in to their own position. But, they had open hearts, not just open minds.
Paul’s address in verse 22 to 31 we see:
- God is the creator: The God who made the world and everything in it (17:24a)
- God’s authority:  being Lord of heaven and earth (17:24b)
- God’s greatness:  does not live in temples made by man (17:24c)
- God’s autonomy or self-sufficiency: nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything (17:25a)
- God is the source: since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything (17:25b)
- God’s absolute sovereignty:  And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place (17:26)
- God’s provision for salvation:  that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him (17:27a)
- God’s concern:  Yet he is actually not far from each one of us (17:27b)
- Our dependency on God:  In him we live and move and have our being (17:28)
But, what really stood out to me was His sovereignty. “having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place.”
Now, I do not believe He chooses everything that happens to me. I believe sometimes my sin, the sin of others, the natural course of the world, the falleness of the world, or sometimes just random chance make things happen.
However, I believe He is in absolute control over the overall course of my life if I don’t resist Him and fight Him. If I am walking in His will and serving Him then He appoints where I am. And He has the authority to appoint where I am.
So, when I want to resist, or be dissatisfied, or long for something else, the question I need to ask myself is, do I believe that God is truly sovereign over my life? Am I fully submitted to His authority over my life?
17 Therefore he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and with the Gentile worshipers, and in the marketplace daily with those who happened to be there.
This may be the first time Paul really specifically targeted the Gentiles. It was his habit, as we see in verse 2 (as was his custom) to go to the synagogue to teach to the Jews and the Gentile proselytes.

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9/29/2015 11:25 am  #63

Re: Acts

SandraW wrote:

He that chooses how/when/where we leave this earth and where we spend enternity. We live, breathe, move, and talk not by our means, but only by the will of God.
   A - Wake up each day, thanking God for choosing to give me life and for choosing to give me another day and thank Him for His forgiveness and salvation. 

So glad to have your input. It helps all of us grow to hear what God is showing each other. Yes, I was struck by that also in my reading - God's absolute sovereignty. It is by His will. But you also bring up a good point, when we look at salvation for the people we care about or the death of ourselves or loved ones - it is still His sovereignty that decides. We must accept that.

SandraW wrote:

As for the disussion question for today.  I can be more like Paul, sharing the Gospel with others in one way through social media.  I don't think we even realize how far and wide our words can travel through social media. Some don't like social media and it can be a bad thing if used for the wrong reasons, but if we use our words wisely, and spread the great news of Jesus and His love for us, social media can be a great tool.   

It is so hard for me to do that in social media. I know that I get frustrated when I want to go and relax and catch up with some fun things about my nieces and nephews or my friends and instead I see a post that I find offensive or so terribly wrong that I almost cannot hold back from wanting to correct. So, I get hesitant to do the same thing and post things that will generate controversy. I feel individual conversations (even if by email) are different in that you can play off the other person's willingness to engage and have more back and forth.

I don't know. Social media is hard for me. probably the most I will do is weigh in on a specific post and try to respond with clarification of the truth.

But, you are right, that is the best medium today and certainly those who oppose the word of God are using it to get their message out. So we must use it to get our message out.

How do we do this though without lecturing our friends and families and creating tensions?
Any thoughts on this ladies?


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9/29/2015 11:42 am  #64

Re: Acts

I can totally understand where you are coming from.  I'm not on Facebook anymore and part of the reason was because it just seemed to be a place of such negativity and nastiness...and largely from a family member, who later found out that I had "unfollowed" him because of it (didn't even unfriend him, just unfollowed him. It just got really really old.  However, several months before I did decide to leave FB, I just made the decision that I was going to post spiritual, religious, and inspirational posts every day whether folks liked it or not.  If I have to look at their junk, then I should not feel bad about posting good things. Plus, if just ONE person reads what I have posted and is somehow saved and comes to Jesus, then I am happy.  Like I said, I'm not on FB anymore, but I am on Instagram and Twitter and for the most part, that is all that I do post on both sites is mainly about GMG, the GMG verses of the day, ect.  I never really had anyone on FB say anything negative about my posts, I just assumed if they didn't like it, they could scroll past it.  Likewise, I don't have any negative comments on Instagram or Twitter and if I did, it would only make me want to post that much more lol.  I don't like contraversy and I won't generally participate in such, but I will post about my Jesus and about His love for us and His saving grace, whether folks like it or don't. I think we definitley should use social media as a positive way to spread the Gospel. To some, that may be the ONLY way they will ever hear about Jesus.  Of course, social media isn't the only way to tell others of Jesus, but in today's times, it is a huge way. 


9/29/2015 3:41 pm  #65

Re: Acts

Social Media is a tough one for me too...I cannot speak re Instagram or Twitter but I do have a Facebook account and I used to post a lot and be on it a lot. I came to realize that it was nothing but people bragging or pushing their opinions and lots of trouble and controversy so now I limit my time on there and I rarely post anything or make comments on posts. Honestly in my experience it seems to be more of a tool for satan.

However- I know that God can use anything and maybe He does use social media, I just have yet to see it, but I would love to and would love to be able to use it for that purpose myself.

Last edited by esuzannah (9/29/2015 3:42 pm)


9/30/2015 7:26 am  #66

Re: Acts


I know that is what I worry about because I get annoyed when I feel people keep pushing their opinions.

I heard a quote once that a fanatic is someone who can't change their mind and won't change the subject. That is what I think about with some people on Facebook and I guess I don't want to be like that. However, the times are short and the harvest is ripe.

So I think I am going to take SandraW up on her challenge.

SandraW wrote:

However, several months before I did decide to leave FB, I just made the decision that I was going to post spiritual, religious, and inspirational posts every day whether folks liked it or not. 

OK, I am going to take you up on this. Maybe not everyday. But at minimum once a week I am going to post something that is not controversial but that shares a Biblical truth about God or salvation. I will try to make the tone encouraging and not accusatory.

I will keep you ladies posted.

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9/30/2015 7:27 am  #67

Re: Acts

Acts 18 

Apollos (verse 24-28)
God moved on his heart and he acted. He was compelled to tell people the truth about God.
It reminds me of what SandraW was saying. How she is compelled to share the Word on social media with others.
18:23 After spending some time there, he departed and went from one place to the next through the region of Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples.
This is why I think church is important. It does not matter that we know the Word or are mature Christians. Having others pour into our lives in the community of believers and continuing to hear gifted people teach and share strengthens us.

Discussion Question:
Not only did Paul preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, but he spent significant amounts of time teaching and encouraging fellow believers. What can you do to teach and/or encourage a fellow believer today?

One thing I think we can do to encourage believers is to really pray for them. I mean set time aside for focused specific prayer.

I had a friend years ago who had a prayer notebook. I thought that was a good idea and have been doing that as well. I have a small notebook that I take with me to church and to my small group as we talk at church and prayer request come up I write them in the notebook. If I am out and don't have my book with me, I write the prayer request on a sheet of paper and come home and add it to my prayer notebook. If someone emails me something - same thing transfer it to my book.

Then several times a week (I try for everyday but don't make that) I sit in a quiet place with the notebook open and really pray over all of those things for maybe an hour or so. Just really take time to pray. To thank and honor God, to seek His direction, to ask Him to correct my heart and attitudes. etc.

Then I let them know I have been praying about their issue and ask how it has been going. It just makes them know that someone is thinking about them and someone is standing with them. I will also send them an occasional email just saying that I have been thinking about them and praying for them.

Lastly, a recent friend of mine sent me a nice card after I did something nice for her. I was so thrilled I realized that is such a lost art. So, I purchased a bunch of blank and all purpose cards and note cards and have been sending cards to thank people or let them know when they have done something nice or special.

Obviously, I can't do all of these things all of the time, but they are some of the things I try to find time for to encourage others.

Last edited by TBG (9/30/2015 7:36 am)

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9/30/2015 8:52 am  #68

Re: Acts

TBG wrote:


I know that is what I worry about because I get annoyed when I feel people keep pushing their opinions.

I heard a quote once that a fanatic is someone who can't change their mind and won't change the subject. That is what I think about with some people on Facebook and I guess I don't want to be like that. However, the times are short and the harvest is ripe.

So I think I am going to take SandraW up on her challenge.

SandraW wrote:

However, several months before I did decide to leave FB, I just made the decision that I was going to post spiritual, religious, and inspirational posts every day whether folks liked it or not. 

OK, I am going to take you up on this. Maybe not everyday. But at minimum once a week I am going to post something that is not controversial but that shares a Biblical truth about God or salvation. I will try to make the tone encouraging and not accusatory.

I will keep you ladies posted.

So excited that you ladies are doing this!! Do let me know how it goes. 


9/30/2015 10:44 am  #69

Re: Acts

SandraW wrote:

TBG wrote:


I know that is what I worry about because I get annoyed when I feel people keep pushing their opinions.

I heard a quote once that a fanatic is someone who can't change their mind and won't change the subject. That is what I think about with some people on Facebook and I guess I don't want to be like that. However, the times are short and the harvest is ripe.

So I think I am going to take SandraW up on her challenge.

SandraW wrote:

However, several months before I did decide to leave FB, I just made the decision that I was going to post spiritual, religious, and inspirational posts every day whether folks liked it or not. 

OK, I am going to take you up on this. Maybe not everyday. But at minimum once a week I am going to post something that is not controversial but that shares a Biblical truth about God or salvation. I will try to make the tone encouraging and not accusatory.

I will keep you ladies posted.

So excited that you ladies are doing this!! Do let me know how it goes. 

I am in on this challenge!...at least once a week. Let's share what we post and how it goes. I will be praying!

Last edited by esuzannah (9/30/2015 10:45 am)


10/01/2015 5:02 am  #70

Re: Acts

Acts 18 and again 19 this morning are a struggle for me....I am just not connecting with anything. I so very much love reading your thoughts TBG, because it helps me to see things I missed.

TBG wrote:

Acts 18 

[b]Discussion Question:

I had a friend years ago who had a prayer notebook. I thought that was a good idea and have been doing that as well. I have a small notebook that I take with me to church and to my small group as we talk at church and prayer request come up I write them in the notebook. If I am out and don't have my book with me, I write the prayer request on a sheet of paper and come home and add it to my prayer notebook. If someone emails me something - same thing transfer it to my book.

Then several times a week (I try for everyday but don't make that) I sit in a quiet place with the notebook open and really pray over all of those things for maybe an hour or so. Just really take time to pray. To thank and honor God, to seek His direction, to ask Him to correct my heart and attitudes. etc.

Then I let them know I have been praying about their issue and ask how it has been going. It just makes them know that someone is thinking about them and someone is standing with them. I will also send them an occasional email just saying that I have been thinking about them and praying for them.

Lastly, a recent friend of mine sent me a nice card after I did something nice for her. I was so thrilled I realized that is such a lost art. So, I purchased a bunch of blank and all purpose cards and note cards and have been sending cards to thank people or let them know when they have done something nice or special.

Obviously, I can't do all of these things all of the time, but they are some of the things I try to find time for to encourage others.


Great ideas! I have a notecard holder on our dining table that has the names of people to regularly pray for....the goal is to do that everyday- but I confess I do not. My 3 year old son loves to pray for people and often will remind me to look in that box. I also have a prayer journal that I use every morning at the end of my quiet time.

I love the card idea- I make cards and I think I will start making them for people I am praying for. I agree it is just so wonderful to receive the rare card in the mail!


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