esuzannah wrote:
SandraW wrote:
TBG wrote:
I know that is what I worry about because I get annoyed when I feel people keep pushing their opinions.
I heard a quote once that a fanatic is someone who can't change their mind and won't change the subject. That is what I think about with some people on Facebook and I guess I don't want to be like that. However, the times are short and the harvest is ripe.
So I think I am going to take SandraW up on her challenge.
OK, I am going to take you up on this. Maybe not everyday. But at minimum once a week I am going to post something that is not controversial but that shares a Biblical truth about God or salvation. I will try to make the tone encouraging and not accusatory.
I will keep you ladies posted.
So excited that you ladies are doing this!! Do let me know how it goes.
I am in on this challenge! least once a week. Let's share what we post and how it goes. I will be praying!
I think the GMG verse of the day from yesterday (I'm a day behind, trying to catch up) fits this thread soooo well. Funny how God works like that, right?
Acts 18:9 Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent.
It just jumped out at me after we were talking about posting things on social media and the possibility of it coming across to some as lecturing or preaching or not wanting to offend anyone. Let us not be afraid to talk about God and His love and saving grace on social media for fear of offending someone. Let me tell you, the majority of folks who post nonsense and use profanity and post dirty jokes and pictures, they sure aren't worried about offending you. satan loves it when we are silent about our faith on social media, he delights in the junk that others post because it can cause strife and trouble and sinful thoughts. I don't think that posting inspirational quotes or even the GMG verses of the day would be in any way lecturing to folks and if people are offended, politely tell them that there is an 'unfollow' and an 'unfriend' button. It's definitely past time for we Christians to speak up. Like I said, for some on social media, the posts we make or share may be the only dose of Jesus they get and maybe...just maybe, one person will be effected, convicted, repent, and ask Jesus to be their Lord and Saviour.
~Blessings~ I'd love to hear about everyone's experiences. I pray that noone is met with opposition or criticism, but if you are, I know that God will guide you. I think it's important for people to know that just because we say we are Christians, does not in any way mean that we are saying that we are perfect. Just the opposite. We are very imperfect sinners in need of God's mercy and grace on a daily basis. I think if we put that out there first, people are less likely to think, 'oh she thinks she's just holier than thou, what a hypocrite'. I'm sure you guys have been faced with that at some point in time. lol. I know I have.
esuzannah wrote:
Acts 18 and again 19 this morning are a struggle for me....I am just not connecting with anything. I so very much love reading your thoughts TBG, because it helps me to see things I missed.
TBG wrote:
Acts 18
Discussion Question:
I had a friend years ago who had a prayer notebook. I thought that was a good idea and have been doing that as well. I have a small notebook that I take with me to church and to my small group as we talk at church and prayer request come up I write them in the notebook. If I am out and don't have my book with me, I write the prayer request on a sheet of paper and come home and add it to my prayer notebook. If someone emails me something - same thing transfer it to my book.
Then several times a week (I try for everyday but don't make that) I sit in a quiet place with the notebook open and really pray over all of those things for maybe an hour or so. Just really take time to pray. To thank and honor God, to seek His direction, to ask Him to correct my heart and attitudes. etc.
Then I let them know I have been praying about their issue and ask how it has been going. It just makes them know that someone is thinking about them and someone is standing with them. I will also send them an occasional email just saying that I have been thinking about them and praying for them.
Lastly, a recent friend of mine sent me a nice card after I did something nice for her. I was so thrilled I realized that is such a lost art. So, I purchased a bunch of blank and all purpose cards and note cards and have been sending cards to thank people or let them know when they have done something nice or special.
Obviously, I can't do all of these things all of the time, but they are some of the things I try to find time for to encourage others.
Great ideas! I have a notecard holder on our dining table that has the names of people to regularly pray for....the goal is to do that everyday- but I confess I do not. My 3 year old son loves to pray for people and often will remind me to look in that box. I also have a prayer journal that I use every morning at the end of my quiet time.
I love the card idea- I make cards and I think I will start making them for people I am praying for. I agree it is just so wonderful to receive the rare card in the mail!
I also have a prayer notebook. I'm afraid I can't say that I usually spend an hour praying over the requests and I'm not everyday faithful about it as I should be, but I do try.
Acts 19
19: 9 But when some became stubborn and continued in unbelief, speaking evil of the Way before the congregation, he withdrew from them and took the disciples with him, reasoning daily in the hall of Tyrannus.
At some point if people refuse to listen, have hard hearts, and don’t want to hear the truth, shake off our clothes and spend our energy on those with an open heart and a desire to learn. Like how Paul shook off his clothes in Acts 18:6.
19:15-16 But the evil spirit answered them, "Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?"
And the man in whom was the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.
The name of the Lord is not a magic charm for us to control for our purposes. It is the power of God working through us by the leading of the Holy Spirit to fulfill God’s purposes. It is to do what God wants to be done, not what we desire and by our direction. This is why I get concerned when I see people on TV binding things, claiming things, and reviling the devil, etc. God is the one who binds and reviles by His authority and in accordance with His will.
19:18 Also many of those who were now believers came, confessing and divulging their practices.
We see a willingness to give up, surrender, whatever is necessary for God to rule their lives and for the Word of God to prevail in their lives and hearts.
What is preventing the Word from prevailing in our hearts? What is preventing us from being completely surrendered to God’s will? What is interfering with being used for God’s purposes?
19:20 So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily.
When believers purified themselves, the Word of God increased and prevailed in their individual life. As the Word prevailed in the individual believer, it resulted in the Word increasing and prevailing in society as a whole.
19: 27 And there is danger not only that this trade of ours may come into disrepute but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis may be counted as nothing, and that she may even be deposed from her magnificence, she whom all Asia and the world worship."
Again we see that he opposed the gospel because it was a threat to his lifestyle and wealth.
Do we reject parts of God’s Word or refuse to give absolute obedience because it is a threat to what we want or our lifestyle?
Ladies this is what I am posting on Social Media
Last edited by TBG (10/01/2015 4:33 pm)
SandraW wrote:
I think the GMG verse of the day from yesterday (I'm a day behind, trying to catch up) fits this thread soooo well. Funny how God works like that, right?
Acts 18:9 Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent.
It just jumped out at me after we were talking about posting things on social media and the possibility of it coming across to some as lecturing or preaching or not wanting to offend anyone. Let us not be afraid to talk about God and His love and saving grace on social media for fear of offending someone. Let me tell you, the majority of folks who post nonsense and use profanity and post dirty jokes and pictures, they sure aren't worried about offending you. satan loves it when we are silent about our faith on social media, he delights in the junk that others post because it can cause strife and trouble and sinful thoughts. I don't think that posting inspirational quotes or even the GMG verses of the day would be in any way lecturing to folks and if people are offended, politely tell them that there is an 'unfollow' and an 'unfriend' button. It's definitely past time for we Christians to speak up. Like I said, for some on social media, the posts we make or share may be the only dose of Jesus they get and maybe...just maybe, one person will be effected, convicted, repent, and ask Jesus to be their Lord and Saviour.
~Blessings~ I'd love to hear about everyone's experiences. I pray that noone is met with opposition or criticism, but if you are, I know that God will guide you. I think it's important for people to know that just because we say we are Christians, does not in any way mean that we are saying that we are perfect. Just the opposite. We are very imperfect sinners in need of God's mercy and grace on a daily basis. I think if we put that out there first, people are less likely to think, 'oh she thinks she's just holier than thou, what a hypocrite'. I'm sure you guys have been faced with that at some point in time. lol. I know I have.
All I can say to that is, Amen sister
Acts 20
Acts 20:18-19
You yourselves know how I lived among you the whole time from the first day that I set foot in Asia, serving the Lord with all humility and with tears and with trials that happened to me through the plots of the Jews;
Acts 20:23-24
the Holy Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and afflictions await me.
But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
Do I have the heart to serve the Lord through trials with humility and maybe even tears?
Do I care nothing about my life, but only care about furthering God's kingdom?
Right now I am not sure I can say I am there. But God always had us in progress - He is at work completing His work in me.
And I have to believe as the Bible says, that He will give me the grace to face trials as they come up. We don't feel we have the strength to face a trial, but maybe God will give us that strength as we need it.
I do think God wants us to experience joy and peace whether we have an easy or a difficult life.
However, at least for me, and I am going to say I think a lot of North American believers, it is really important to us to have a comfortable life. I really get down and discouraged if I have to deal with the smallest trial.
If everything is not just how I want in my marriage, or if my amazing husband is disappointing me I one area, or if I feel all my needs are not being met, it is - oh I am so unhappy, how can I endure this, etc.
It is so ridiculous. I then snap myself out if it and realize how petty I am being.
I realize, at least right now, God is asking so little in terms of trial and perseverance. Can't I just do this light affliction well for him?
So I think the lesson is to keep pursuing God's heart, focus my heart on His work, focus less on myself, spend intimate time allowing God to fill my tank and needs, and to subjugate my emotions with humility to honor and obey God.
TBG wrote:
Acts 20
If everything is not just how I want in my marriage, or if my amazing husband is disappointing me I one area, or if I feel all my needs are not being met, it is - oh I am so unhappy, how can I endure this, etc.
It is so ridiculous. I then snap myself out if it and realize how petty I am being.
I realize, at least right now, God is asking so little in terms of trial and perseverance. Can't I just do this light affliction well for him?
So I think the lesson is to keep pursuing God's heart, focus my heart on His work, focus less on myself, spend intimate time allowing God to fill my tank and needs, and to subjugate my emotions with humility to honor and obey God.
This is so true for me as well.....really, why can't I see how light my afflictions are! I am in fact so spoiled!
This chapter had so much in it, so much to focus on, so much to learn. In regards to what seems to be my theme was v. 26 - I want to be able to say this to my unbelieving family and friends:
"I am innocent of the blood of all of you, for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole councel of God."
Last edited by esuzannah (10/03/2015 5:55 am)
esuzannah wrote:
In regards to what seems to be my theme was v. 26 - I want to be able to say this to my unbelieving family and friends:
"I am innocent of the blood of all of you, for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole councel of God."
Powerful point. The lives of our loved ones are in the balance and we are to be blamed for their blood if we don't boldy and clearly declare the truth of Christ.
Good reminder for me, I also want to be able to say the I am innocent of the blood of all because I did not shrink from declaring the whole counsel of God.
Good memory verse for us all.
Week of October 4, 2015
This Week’s Reading Assignment
S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Don't forget to check the introduction on Mondays, going deeper links on Wednesday and the devotional on Friday at Good Morning Girls.
Good Morning Girls: Introduction to weekly reading
Reading: Acts 21
Verse of the Day: Acts 21:13
Then Paul answered, “What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be imprisoned but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Paul's heart and life were solely devoted to Christ. He did not fear a martyr's death. If faced with this being part of your future, how do you think you would respond?
Reading: Acts 22
Verse of the Day: Acts 22:16
And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Paul was not hesitant to give his testimony, even though his past was laden with sin. His life proves that God CAN and WILL use ANYONE who has a willing heart. Who can you share your
testimony with today? How has God used you in spite of your past?
Good Morning Girls: Links and thoughts to go deeper
Reading: Acts 23
Verse of the Day: Acts 23:11
The following night the Lord stood by him and said, “Take courage, for as you have testified to the facts about me in Jerusalem, so you must testify also in Rome.”
Optional GMG Discussion Question: God revealed that He was not yet finished with Paul and that he would give his testimony in Rome. When have you thought that God was finished with you, but He used you again?
Reading: Acts 24
Verse of the Day: Acts 24:16
I always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man.
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Felix heard Paul's case and found no reason to make a ruling, he even hoped that Paul would pay him off to be released. Instead he kept him bound just to satisfy the Jews. Have you been faced with unjust judgment in your life? If so, how did you respond?
Good Morning Girls: Devotional
Reading: Acts 25
Verse of the Day: Acts 25:11
I do not seek to escape death.
Optional GMG Discussion Question: Nothing brought against Paul could be proven, yet no ruler would let him go. How have you responded to untrue accusations that couldn't be proven in your life?
Acts 21
Acts 21:4 And through the Spirit they were telling Paul not to go on to Jerusalem.
They knew through the Spirit that Paul would be arrested. However, they must not have had it revealed to them that this was God's will. The must just have seen the vision of the suffering.
Acts 21:12 When we heard this, we and the people there urged him not to go up to Jerusalem.
Sometimes people don't understand what God is leading you to do. Even godly people don't always understand where God is leading you or what He has put on you heart.
But, this does not mean you should dismiss concerns from godly people. As we studied in Proverbs, there is wisdom in an abundance of godly wise counsel.
Acts 21:13 Then Paul answered, "What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be imprisoned but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus."
I sometimes struggle to be ready to just live with some of my desires not being met. I sometimes feel like it would be easier to die (as long as there was not prolonged suffering or tortue) than to daily die to self.
But this reminds us that right this minute our sisters and brothers in Christ are dying, are being tortured, are undergoing prolonged suffering.
We need to double down on staying, staying in fervent daily prayer for them and to bringing awareness where we can so that people know what is happening.
I am going to add this to the front of my prayer journal and make an effort to pray for this on a more regular basis.
Acts 22
Who can I share my testimony with today? My children! My oldest just turned 4 and we have been trying super hard to remember to pray at bedtime and at supper. My husband was raised that way but I was not. I was raised in the Lutheran Church but we were mostly just there during holidays and vacation bible study. My parents weren't as involved in the church as my husband's parents were. As my children get older I hope to show them that it is important to take time out of our day to look at the Word and understand what the Lord wants us to do.