Week of November 2, 2015
This Week’s Reading Assignment
The discussion thread is under Bible Study » Numbers.
S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Don't forget to check the introduction on Mondays, links on Wednesday and the devotional on Friday at Good Morning Girls.
Reading: Numbers 6
Verse of the Day: Numbers 6:24-25
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
The Lord desires to bless His people. What blessings have clearly been given to you from God?
Reading: Numbers 7
Verse of the Day: Numbers 7:89
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
God asks every child of His to keep Him first, to obey Him above all and to give Him the honor and glory due to Him. How does this truth help you in your personal Christian walk?
Reading: Numbers 8
Verse of the Day: Numbers 8:5-6
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
All that belongs to God must be set apart and cleansed. Jesus' blood cleanses us, but we must ensure that we remain set apart throughout our daily lives. What steps do you take to ensure that you remain set apart from the world?
Reading: Numbers 9
Verse of the Day: Numbers 9:23
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
The people of Israel faithfully followed God's guidance. How are you following God's guidance in your life right now?
Reading: Numbers 10
Verse of the Day: Numbers 10:35
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Familiar places and things often call to us when God desires us to follow Him to the unknown. Where has God asked you to follow Him that was unknown to you at the time