Women in the Word

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11/06/2015 6:38 am  #21

Re: Numbers

Numbers  10
Discussion question:

When I was in college I moved very far from home and started a life there. For 15 years I followed my own path...deceiving myself that I loved God but making terrible decisions and suffering the consequences of them. Eventually I came to the end of my strength, stuck in the bottom if a pit and God began the slow process of pulling me out- one of the things he clearly told me to do was to move back home. I didn't really didn't want to, I didn't see what could be there for me. I had good friends, a great career......it was really hard to follow God into the unknown and a couple times I almost turned back. That was almost 7 years ago and the ways that God has blessed me are...well there are no words I can say to describe it! God is so good, I try not to question why He is so good to me when I was so bad to Him. It is amazing.

Last edited by esuzannah (11/06/2015 6:39 am)


11/08/2015 10:08 pm  #22

Re: Numbers

Week of November 8, 2015
This Week’s Reading Assignment

S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Don't forget to check the introduction on Mondays, links on Wednesday and the devotional on Friday at Good Morning Girls.

Reading: Numbers 11
Verse of the Day: Numbers 11:1
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
God takes care of His children's needs, yet if we're not careful we can grow weary of His provision and long for something different...something more. How do you ensure that your spirit remains grateful for His provision?

Reading: Numbers 12
Verse of the Day: Numbers 12:3
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Moses was a meek man and though his siblings had spoken against him, he asked God to heal Miriam. He offered forgiveness without being asked. Who can you give the gift of forgiveness to, though they haven't asked?
Reading: Numbers 13
Verse of the Day: Numbers 13:30
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Even though the land of Canaan was promised to them and God had provided for them, the people still did not trust God to bring them into the Promised Land safely.What is God asking you to trust Him to do today?

Reading: Numbers 14
Verse of the Day: Numbers 14:9
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
When we fail to take God at His word and seek to do things our own way, He will allow us to wander. In the midst of our wanderings we often miss out on the blessings God has for us.What blessings have you missed out on because of your own wanderings?

Reading: Numbers 15
Verse of the Day: Numbers 15:40
Optional GMG Discussion Question: God wants to be remembered by His children. He desires that we follow His instructions to deepen our relationship with Him. How do you ensure that you remember God throughout each day?

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11/09/2015 1:37 am  #23

Re: Numbers

Wow this a great observation. I also admire the trust of the people and people God appointed to lead. Nowadays we question everything.

TBG wrote:

Numbers 10
This is a beautiful picture of God’s leading and the people’s trust.
S: 10:35 And whenever the ark set out, Moses said, "Arise, O LORD, and let your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate you flee before you.
O: Moses understood that it was the power of God that was protecting them and overcoming for them. But, notice he said God’s enemies, not his or Israel’s enemies. It was God’s agenda that was important and anyone that was against God, not Moses or Israel.
A: We need to understand also that it is not for us to succeed, for us to overcome, but for God to overcome in us first, then through us.



11/09/2015 9:32 pm  #24

Re: Numbers

Numbers 11
We also want something else and are not satisfied with what God gives us. This was Eve’s temptation in the garden. God had given her every fruit and this perfect paradise, but she had to have just the one fruit God said not to have.
I see this in my life also when it comes to temptation. We are tempted to try to have, get, or do, something because we are not satisfied with what God has already given us.
It is also interesting how they are romanticizing Egypt. Maybe they had more food variety, but they were under brutal slavery even to the point of killing their baby boys. But, all they can think of was all the good food they had.
It is easy for us to romanticize the things we did or our lifestyle before we came to Christ, or times when we were disobedient, as if it was so great to be able to have a particular experience or do something. But, we don’t remember the utter futility, emptiness and separation from God. And, yes, as unbelievers, we were slaves to sin, why would we ever want to think back on those things?
We need to be satisfied with God’s provision for our lives.
Paul said, “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:11-13
11 Moses said to the LORD, "Why have you dealt ill with your servant? And why have I not found favor in your sight, that you lay the burden of all this people on me?
Moses is getting frustrated with his responsibilities. He feels his responsibilities are too great. It is because he is placing them on his shoulders, as if it is his ability and effort. He needs to remember, that God will provide and lead, Moses is just an instrument that responds to God.
It is easy for us to get overwhelmed with our responsibilities. I used to get anxiety because I felt pressure for the outcome of everything I did. I had to learn that my only responsibility was to do my best and be a good steward of the gifts God had given me. The outcome, success, or failure was in God’s hands, not mine, and I need not worry about how things came out, just do my best. I had to realize my value and identity did not hinge on the outcome of my efforts.
Vs 20  because you have rejected the LORD who is among you and have wept before him, saying, "Why did we come out of Egypt?
When Christian leaders are teaching and leading in accordance with scripture and the people balk, criticize and push back, they are not rejecting that leader, they are rejecting God because they are pushing back against God’s standards.
21 But Moses said, "The people among whom I am number six hundred thousand on foot, and you have said, 'I will give them meat, that they may eat a whole month!'
22 Shall flocks and herds be slaughtered for them, and be enough for them? Or shall all the fish of the sea be gathered together for them, and be enough for them?"
It is astonishing that after all the miracles Moses had seen, and the pillar of fire and cloud to provide evidence of God’s physical presence that he still questions how God would do something.
But, we are like this too. We have seen God be faithful to get us through things. And no matter how bad things are now for some of us, we still know God’s goodness and He is still providing His strength, support, and ultimately a promise for a better future. Yet, we still doubt Him every time a challenge appears.
1 the fire of the LORD burned among them and consumed some outlying parts of the camp.
33 While the meat was yet between their teeth, before it was consumed, the anger of the LORD was kindled against the people, and the LORD struck down the people with a very great plague.
When I see God’s wrath, I am reminded that the Word says God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So, He still has this anger when we reject Him and turn from His ways to go after our own lusts. He just does not strike us down because Jesus already paid the penalty for us.
But this does not change how serious it is or how much it angers God when we do this.  It does not just anger Him, the New Testament says we grieve the Holy Spirit.  When we sin and turn from God’s plan to our own, we grieve Him. I am reading a book on holiness and the author says we despise God’s authority when we do this.

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11/10/2015 8:19 am  #25

Re: Numbers

Numbers 12

3 Now the man Moses was very meek, more than all people who were on the face of the earth.
He had such a special relationship with God, almost unheard of among all men in all time, yet he was humble. He did not get upset when people disrespected him or mistreated him. He was more worried about Miriam than about his reputation, or how he was treated.
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Moses was a meek man and though his siblings had spoken against him, he asked God to heal Miriam. He offered forgiveness without being asked. Who can you give the gift of forgiveness to, though they haven't asked?
Normally, I am not one to hold a grudge. No matter what, even if I get mad at the time, and even if I decide to not have anything to do with a person, I do not hold a grudge. I tend to always see the person not as bad or mean but see their frailty and weakness and have compassion and just want them to know God’s healing, love and presence. I also tend not to take people’s trespasses against me personally as I always think it is more about them and whatever they are going through or whatever their issues are than it is me.
But, I have to tell you I am still really angry about the people in the foster agency we were working with and I really feel like I don’t even like them or respect them. I intellectually understand that they probably were doing their best and one does not always know all the limitations or issues they were dealing with and I know they may not have had full comprehension etc. But, I just so resent the situation they put us in and how dismissive they were to us. It still makes me very angry. Not only I am changing agencies, I feel like I don’t even want to see them around town because I don’t like them and don’t want to ever see them again.
As I said, this is not usually like me and I know I need to soften my heart to them. It is just a deeper level of violation to have someone come into your home to destroy and disrespect and demean you. That is so different than it happening at work, but to bring such bad things into your very home feels very violating to me and it make me feel angry even just typing this.

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11/12/2015 12:21 am  #26

Re: Numbers

Numbers 13
God told them to spy out the land. It seems they were to get the details to get prepared and to perhaps make a plan. However, they just got frightened and did not even seek God first or wait to hear what God's plan was, they just panicked.

Only Caleb had confidence in what God could do.

It is easy for us to look at the circumstances around us and panic. We need to remember that if God has called us to something, then he will empower us. But, remember, it is what HE has called us to, not just all the success, wealth, etc. that WE want in life.

My friend wrote in an email to me that "God always provides our needs during the journey if you are open and listen to His leading."

Discussion Question
Even though the land of Canaan was promised to them and God had provided for them, the people still did not trust God to bring them into the Promised Land safely. What is God asking you to trust Him to do today?

For His future plans for me in general. I am kind of at a place where I could choose to do a lot of different things, and I am not really sure what to do. I am kind of trusting God in whatever He ends up calling me to and trying to be open to what that looks like.

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11/13/2015 11:17 am  #27

Re: Numbers

Numbers 14
Scripture 14:13-18
Moses was a true shepherd and always was advocating for the people. He had a heart for people. He did not spend his time criticizing them for their sin or get mad at them for their failures. He did not have a attitude that did not care when the people suffered because they deserve it. No, his heart broke when the people were in trouble.
I think, as Christians, we need to remember what real love is. We should not turn our hearts away when people’s sin lead them to misery and think, “well that is what they deserve, they should not have done x and then that would not have happened.” We should not just sit back and criticize the sin in the lives of people or criticize them for being sinners.
Our hearts should break for them. God loves them and died for them and they are in danger of eternal destruction if they will not accept the gift of life and the call to obedience and submission that God offers. We should have a heart for people.
Look at the definition of what real love is from I Corinthians 13:4-8.
Especially note:
          - Love is not arrogant – should not look down on those who are in sin
          - Love is not irritable or resentful – should not resent them for their wrongdoing
          - Does not rejoice at wrongdoing – should not be glad when we see them get what they deserve (for we all deserve it)
          - Hopes all things – hopes for them to turn and come to truth
19 Please pardon the iniquity of this people, according to the greatness of your steadfast love, just as you have forgiven this people, from Egypt until now."
Moses is saying this because this is who God revealed Himself to be to Moses in Exodus 34:6-7
“And He passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet He does not leave the guilty unpunished; He punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation."
God forgives us, not because of anything we have done but because His love is so great and it is always steadfast (firm in purpose, unwavering, firmly established). Can you imagine that? God’s love is unwavering even when we are really sinful and when we repeatedly reject His goodness. Yet, He is firm in His purpose and loves us without wavering.
Scripture 14:20-30
God relented against destroying them because of His steadfast love, but they permanently forfeited the blessings and plans He had for their life.
Because Christ paid the penalty of our sin, God always forgives us, but sometimes there are still lifelong consequences. God forgave King David, but his son still died and there was chaos in his house, “the sword shall not depart from your house.” 2 Samuel 12:10
This is why it is important not to take sin in our lives lightly. Yes, God forgives, and there is no condemnation for those of us who are in Christ, but, sometimes there are consequences. We should want all that God wants for our lives and for God to completely fulfill His purpose and plan for our life. We don’t want to forfeit God’s plans for us.

And even if it is not sin that we want, as the discussion question says when we fail to take God at His word and we insist on going our own way, He will allow us to wander. In the midst of our wanderings we often miss out on the blessings God has for us.

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11/15/2015 10:46 pm  #28

Re: Numbers

Week of November 16, 2015
This Week’s Reading Assignment

S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Don't forget to check the introduction on Mondays, links on Wednesday and the devotional on Friday at Good Morning Girls.

Reading: Numbers 16
Verse of the Day: Numbers 16:41,44-45
Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Humility is an important part of a Christian's life. We must remember that it is God who works through us. We are nothing without Him. What has God done in or through you that was clearly the work of His holy hands?

Reading: Numbers 17
Verse of the Day: Numbers 17:5
Optional GMG Discussion Question:God showed that he did not tolerate the grumbling of the people through the sign of the budding staff. In what area of your life do you struggle with grumbling?
Reading: Numbers 18
Verse of the Day: Numbers 18:20
Optional GMG Discussion Question:God provides for every need to those who serve Him. If He is calling you to do something, it is important that you not let doubt of His provision keep you from obeying Him. When you've obeyed God, how have you seen Him provide for you?

Reading: Numbers 19
Verse of the Day: Numbers 19:20
Optional GMG Discussion Question:The people were told to cleanse themselves from anything unclean.Jesus cleanses us from all of our impurities and sins. How does remembering that we’ve been cleansed by the blood of the lamb change how you will live today?

Reading: Numbers 20
Verse of the Day: Numbers 20:13
Optional GMG Discussion Question:Instead of focusing on all the great things God had done for them, the people continued to complain. What are some things you can praise God for today?

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11/17/2015 1:42 am  #29

Re: Numbers

Numbers 16

Optional GMG Discussion Question:
Humility is an important part of a Christian's life. We must remember that it is God who works through us. We are nothing without Him. What has God done in or through you that was clearly the work of His holy hands?

God has Opened so many doors for me financially and in my career. And he's also provided me with so much growth within. I can only credit my God. I always feel so blessed and humbled because I know everything I have is with the support of God. He gets the last word, and I'm thankful it is so.


11/22/2015 10:30 pm  #30

Re: Numbers

Week of November 23, 2015
This Week’s Reading Assignment

S.O.A.K. any verse of your choosing.
Don't forget to check the introduction on Mondays, links on Wednesday and the devotional on Friday at Good Morning Girls.

Reading: Numbers 21
Verse of the Day: Numbers 21:7
Optional GMG Discussion Question:As punishment for their discontentment, God sent serpents. Those who were bitten could be saved by fixing their eyes on a bronze serpent. How does this remind you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?

Reading: Numbers 22
Verse of the Day: Numbers 22:34
Optional GMG Discussion Question:Balaam became displeased with his donkey because it would not move, only to find out that it wasn't moving because of God's angel. Name a time that you became angry because things were not working out the way you wanted them to, only to discover that it was God's plan for things to not work out.
Reading: Numbers 23
Verse of the Day: Numbers 23:19
Optional GMG Discussion Question:Balak sought to have God curse His people which caused him to be cursed instead.How can this bring you comfort today?

Reading: Numbers 24
Verse of the Day: Numbers 24:16
Optional GMG Discussion Question:Balaam was able to foresee the future of God's people even though he was wicked. Many see the works of God but only a few truly believe. Is there someone in your life who this holds true for? Let's pray for them today.

Reading: Numbers 25
Verse of the Day: Numbers 25:2-3
Optional GMG Discussion Question:Today we see the importance of those we surround ourselves with.How do you ensure you have great quality friendships in your life? What qualities do you look for in that person?

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