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Bible Study » Proverbs » 7/18/2015 4:55 am |
PROVERBS 25 - If you have a disagreement with someone you should sort it out between yourselves and in private (verses 8-10). It is painful when you have placed your trust in someone who then lets you down (verse 19) but don’t let yourself be dragged down to their level (verse 26). Instead be extra nice to them, they won’t be able to stand up against that (verses 21-22).
Bible Study » Proverbs » 7/16/2015 5:13 pm |
Ok, so I did that and ended up with a couple of vague ideas rather than a direct scripture to meaning correlation. Here goes...
PROVERBS 23 - Don't got addicted to food or drink. These things will stop you moving forwards. Seek instruction and understanding instead, these things will help you grow. Don't let yourself be trapped by those offering wealth and recognition. Listen to good advice (lots of that in the Bible). Don't try and drink away your problems - you'll only make them worse.
PROVERBS 24 - Don't envy the wicked with their get-rich-qquick schemes and their show-off lifestyles. Build your own life right and on solid foundations; strategic planning will win through in the end. It's not what you have now that counts but what you get at the end; no-one ever remembers the half-time score.
Not sure I could point to exactly where that lot came from but that's what I ended up with so I guess that's what God wanted to show me today ;)
Bible Study » Proverbs » 7/16/2015 2:26 am |
Thanks for the YouTube link, I can stop Googling fruitlessly now! I'm really liking that version. Isn't it great how songs help us remember what the Bible says?
Thanks too for the Bible study advice and explanation of writers. I'm going to use all that on Proverbs 23 and 24 - I might be some time!
Bible Study » Proverbs » 7/15/2015 6:20 am |
Proverbs 22 - I’m finding that these latest Proverbs are quite convoluted. Does anyone know anything about the writer? Are they all written by Solomon or are some written by someone else?
Bible Study » Proverbs » 7/15/2015 4:19 am |
Michelle wrote:
Proverbs 22
Make no friendship with a man given to anger
nor go with a wrathful man,
lest you learn his ways
and entangle yourself in a snare (22:24-25)
The company we keep both influences us and it influences what other people think of us. If we keep company with one who is angry, we will begin to share in their anger. Also, even if we don’t share in their anger, because we are associated with them, people will assume that we do share their anger and it becomes a snare to us. The same is true for any other habit – good or bad that they may have.
I need to be diligent, especially at work, with who I associate with. Certain people have certain reputations and I don’t want that reputation by proxy.
Well put! and I agree with that wholeheartedly. It's so good to have God's word to back us up on this though as I've found those 'popular' people we're avoiding are never too pleased that we won't play along with their game.
Bible Study » Proverbs » 7/13/2015 4:15 pm |
Thankyou, Michelle. That is an excellent review of Proverbs 21 and thankyou for the further bible reference too.
Bible Study » Proverbs » 7/13/2015 3:00 am |
I didn’t really ‘get’ proverbs 20.
In Proverbs 21 I saw that even though we think we are right, really God’s way is the only way (verses 2 and 30). His way is the pursuit of righteousness and justice (verse 3). This will lead to life and honour (verse 21). We are to guard our tongues if we want to have peace and stay true (verse 23).
Bible Study » Proverbs » 7/09/2015 2:20 pm |
Proverbs 19 - I have no idea what ths chapter means to me today, it just seems to be all over the place. I'm going to wait a couple of days and see what God wants me to notice from it. At the moment, I think it might be verses 20-23 which in themselves are a little bit like a summary of the themes we have seen up to now: listen to counsel and accept discipline, God is in control, be kind and honest, fear the Lord and live in peace and safety. Maybe that's it?
Bible Study » Proverbs » 7/09/2015 2:10 pm |
I too have found the summaries very interesting. Isn’t it wonderful how God uses everything to help us? Even when we thought we’d been lapse in keeping up, He’s gone and used it for our good!
I’m finding that within each proverb the subject jumps about quite a bit, they’re neither linear nor discrete, with many things repeated over several chapters. Of course this means, in a study group like ours, each one of us is picking out something unique which speaks directly to us on that day. I’m finding that really interesting. Likewise I believe that if I were to read the same proverb but on different days there would still be something unique which spoke to me because my circumstances would be different every time. For that reason, I’m realising that the wisdom in this book is truly endless. There seems so much in it. That can feel overwhelming at times but it also makes me realise how awesome God is.
....and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom!
Bible Study » Proverbs » 7/08/2015 11:47 am |
I’m afraid I’ve fallen very behind indeed! Not with the reading but with the posting - I think the last time I posted was Proverbs 8 and today we’re on 18! So, to make something positive out of this situation, I decided to summarise the chapters in-between and see what I came up with overall rather than posting about just one at a time.
Proverbs 9-18
1 - Characteristics of wise people: honesty, righteousness, grace, integrity, humility, mercy, generosity, they seek peace, understanding, wisdom, counsel and accept reproof. This contrasts with what Proverbs calls evil people who are proud, boisterous, naive, opinionated, arrogant, careless, contentious and who talk a lot and stir up trouble. (taken from all chapters)
2 - The importance of our words which are to be few and beneficial. (taken mainly from chapters 10 and 15)
3 - God is in control (Chapter 16)
4 - Live simply and enjoy what you have to the full. Pursue peace not possessions. (chapters 15 and 17)
5 - Be careful the company you keep. How to identify good friends and build good relationships with them. (chapters 13,14,17 and 18)
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